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EPSRC Support by Research Topic in Biomedical neuroscience

We classify grants using one or more research topics. Value is the total value of the grants awarded, not the proportion assigned to different research topics, so it does not show the level of investment in different research areas.

Grant TitlePrincipal
OrganisationDepartmentTotal Grant
Value (£)
Determining cerebrovascular reactivity from the pupil flash responseBulte, Professor DPUniversity of OxfordEngineering Science 1,074,229
Electrophysiological-mechanical coupled pulses in neural membranes: a new paradigm for clinical therapy of SCI and TBI (NeuroPulse)Jerusalem, Professor AUniversity of OxfordEngineering Science 991,283
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Neurotechnology for Life and HealthSchultz, Professor SRImperial College LondonBioengineering 4,226,884
NON-INVASIVE SINGLE NEURON ELECTRICAL MONITORING (NISNEM Technology)Farina, Professor DImperial College LondonBioengineering 5,593,021
Unlocking spiking neural networks for machine learning researchKnight, Dr J CUniversity of SussexSch of Engineering and Informatics 834,721

Total Number of Grants: 5
Total Value of Grants: £12,720,138

The grant value may include the cost of access to facilities (these funds are not awarded to the grant holding organisation).