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EPSRC Support by Research Area (Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering) in Theme (Manufacturing the Future)

Research areas are used to describe EPSRC's portfolio of excellent long term research and high quality postgraduate training.

Grants are classified using one or more research areas. The number and value of grants listed below reflects how the theme portfolio is described by this research area.

Please note: some research areas will appear under multiple themes. There is no unique, absolute, relationship between a research area and a theme.

Grant TitlePrincipal
OrganisationDepartmentTotal Grant
Value (£)
A multi-scale, high-resolution, tri-beam facility for fast machining and 3D characterisationChiu, Dr YUniversity of BirminghamMetallurgy and Materials 1,970,213
An agile bio-manufacturing platform for production of blood vasculaturePoologasundarampillai, Dr GUniversity of BirminghamDentistry 251,993
An X-ray Micro-Computed Tomography Facility with in-situ/in operando testing.Inkson, Professor BUniversity of SheffieldMaterials Science and Engineering 1,175,201
Breaking FROntiers for advanced engineering of bespoke, functional Biopolymer COmposite materials (FROBCO)Xie, Dr DFUniversity of WarwickWMG 1,288,647
Developing Efficient Models to Define Economic and Low Risk High Value Manufacture of Cell Based ProductsThomas, Professor RJLoughborough UniversityWolfson Sch of Mech, Elec & Manufac Eng 406,203
FUTURE TARGETED HEALTHCARE MANUFACTURING HUBTitchener-Hooker, Professor NUCLBiochemical Engineering 10,467,090
Invisible Customisation - A Data Driven Approach to Predictive Additive Manufacture Enabling Functional Implant PersonalisationCox, Dr SUniversity of BirminghamChemical Engineering 404,607
Manufacturing in Hospital: BioMed 4.0Leese, Dr H SUniversity of BathChemical Engineering 1,046,296
MechAscan - A novel online mechanical assessment tool for manufacturing engineered tissues in regenerative medicine and drug discovery.El Haj, Professor AUniversity of BirminghamChemical Engineering 305,316
Medical Device Prototype & Manufacture UnitJeffers, Dr JImperial College LondonMechanical Engineering 1,686,762
New Industrial Systems: Manufacturing ImmortalityRace, Professor PRUniversity of BristolBiochemistry 2,206,901
Process Control and Novel Materials for the Reactive Jet Impingement ProcessDalgarno, Professor KWNewcastle UniversitySch of Engineering 1,145,057
SEE MORE MAKE MORE: Secondary Electron Energy Measurement Optimisation for Reliable Manufacturing of Key MaterialsRodenburg, Dr CUniversity of SheffieldMaterials Science and Engineering 1,171,727
SEE MORE MAKE MORE: Secondary Electron Energy Measurement Optimised for Reliable Manufacture of Key Materials: Opportunity, Realisation, ExploitationPratt, Dr AUniversity of YorkPhysics 562,339
See More Make More: Secondary Electron Energy Measurement Optimised for Reliable Manufacture of Key Materials: Opportunity, Realisation, ExploitationJepson, Dr MLoughborough UniversityMaterials 78,818
See More Make More: Secondary Electron Energy Measurement Optimised for Reliable Manufacture of Key Materials: Opportunity, Realisation, ExploitationHondow, Dr NUniversity of LeedsChemical and Process Engineering 84,068

Total Number of Grants: 16
Total Value of Grants: £24,251,239

The grant value may include the cost of access to facilities (these funds are not awarded to the grant holding organisation).