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Current EPSRC Support by Department

Organisation: Swansea University
Department: College of Science

Grant TitlePrincipal InvestigatorValue (£)
Algebraic spline geometry: towards algorithmic shape representationVillamizar, Dr N 307,189
Antiparticle beamline for experiments on matter antimatter symmetryMadsen, Professor N 486,613
Do single-bounce nuclear spin flips happen, and can they be measured?Alexandrowicz, Professor G 202,393
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Enhancing Human Interactions and Collaborations with Data and Intelligence Driven SystemsJones, Professor M 4,988,654
Frequency metrology for precision measurements on matter-antimatter symmetryEriksson, Professor SJ 1,479,104
Impact Acceleration Account - Swansea University 2017Doel, Professor M 819,410
Industrial CASE Account - Swansea University 2019Griffiths, Professor HR 343,600
Industrial CASE Account - Swansea University 2020Griffiths, Professor HR 701,568
Industrial CASE Account - Swansea University 2021Wilks, Professor S 533,313
Lattice Field Theory at the Exascale FrontierLucini, Professor B 82,072
Maths DTP 2020 Swansea UniversityLytvynov, Professor E 373,027
Maths Research Associates 2021 SwanseaCrooks, Professor E 300,000
Novel polymers of intrinsic microporosity for heterogeneous base-catalysed reactions (HBC-PIMs)Carta, Dr M 280,530
NPIF EPSRC Doctoral - Swansea University 2017Griffiths, Professor HR 778,025
Precision Experiments with AntihydrogenCharlton, Professor M 3,512,406
PV-Interfaces: Self-Powered Interfaces and Interactions via Photovoltaic SurfacesJones, Professor M 738,112
Reproducible analysis frameworks in Lattice Field Theory and STFC-enabled computational research in WalesBennett, Dr E 613,610
Swansea University Core Equipment Award 2020: An Advanced Electro-Physical Surface Analysis SuiteGriffiths, Professor HR 649,790
Swansea University NPIF 2018Griffiths, Professor HR 200,000
The next level of SAT solving for very hard problemsKullmann, Dr O 839,938
Towards Precision Experiments with AntihydrogenCharlton, Professor M 2,233,562
UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Advanced ComputingAarts, Professor G 5,427,264
University of Swansea - Equipment AccountWilks, Professor S 808,683

Total Number of Grants: 23
Total Value of Grants: £26,698,864

The grant value may include the cost of access to facilities (these funds are not awarded to the grant holding organisation).