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Details of Grant 

EPSRC Reference: EP/D00490X/1
Title: New materials for X-ray polarisation studies
Principal Investigator: Bannister, Dr NP
Other Investigators:
Monks, Professor PS Harris, Professor KDM Solan, Dr G
Collins, Dr SP Fraser, Professor G
Researcher Co-Investigators:
Project Partners:
Department: Physics and Astronomy
Organisation: University of Leicester
Scheme: Standard Research (Pre-FEC)
Starts: 01 October 2005 Ends: 29 April 2007 Value (£): 104,625
EPSRC Research Topic Classifications:
Magnetism/Magnetic Phenomena
EPSRC Industrial Sector Classifications:
No relevance to Underpinning Sectors
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Summary on Grant Application Form
Most of what we know about the Universe comes from measuring the intensity or spectrum of light emitted from distant objects. However, by measuring another quantity - the polarisation of light (the direction in which the electromagnetic waves vibrate) we can obtain information which is hidden in more conventional observations. For example measurements of the light reflecting from clouds of gas and dust (the sites of new star formation) can tell us about the size and composition of dust grains and the nature of the young stars within the clouds. The polarization of visible light from the disks of galaxies contains information about the magnetic field of the galaxy, while measurements of the centre of highly energetic ( active ) galaxies, whose central regions are believed to contain massive black holes producing vast amounts of energy, can reveal much about the nature of this exotic, hidden source. In contrast to astronomical polarimetry in the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum, which is an active area of research, X-ray polarimetry remains as unexplored now as it was 20 years ago. Current technologies for analysing the polarisation of X-rays require large numbers of photons before the polarisation information they contain can be revealed. Unfortunately, we do not receive large numbers of X-ray photons from distant astronomical objects, and existing technologies are inefficient at using the few photons we do receive. So, in an age when large observatories such as XMM-Newton and Chandra can provide images and spectra of the X-ray universe in unprecedented detail, only one reliable measurement of polarization in a cosmic X-ray source has been made / that of the Crab nebula (a very bright source). Without a better understanding of X-ray polarisation, these images, however spectacular, will forever provide an incomplete picture of some of the most energetic objects in the universe.Now, as planning proceeds for extremely large X-ray telescopes such as ESA's XEUS, we propose to explore a new form of X-ray polarimeter which offers the chance to open up an entirely new branch of high energy astronomy. The project aims to produce polarisation filters which offer the same simplicity as the Polaroid materials used in devices such as sunglasses and flat screen displays, but operating at X-ray wavelengths. Offering much higher efficiency than previous X-ray polarimeters, and packaged as compact, low mass filters which can be placed in front of existing detectors in an observatory, such devices would add the capability for X-ray polarisation measurements at very little cost, and may eventually provide astronomers with the ability to probe the immensely strong magnetic fields of neutron stars, the emission mechanisms of supernova remnants and pulsars, improve our understanding of the structure in the centre of active galaxies, and begin to complete our picture of the X-ray universe.The importance of these filters is not restricted to astronomy. By measuring the polarization of X-rays diffracting through matter, it is possible to obtain detailed information on the nature of magnetism in materials / an improved understanding of which may lead to important technological developments in the design of, for example, magnetic storage media for computer and home entertainment applications, in which dramatic increases in capacity may be possible. However, as with the astronomical case, relatively little work has been possible in this area due to the limitations of existing X-ray polarimetry techniques. The technology we propose has the potential to transform this branch of materials science, and by improving our understanding of the materials which make up the filters, we will also increase our knowledge of the physics which lies at the heart of important materials such as high-temperature superconductors / materials which could revolutionise computer design, power transmission and medicine.
Key Findings
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Description This information can now be found on Gateway to Research (GtR) http://gtr.rcuk.ac.uk
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Further Information:  
Organisation Website: http://www.le.ac.uk