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Details of Grant 

EPSRC Reference: EP/H017844/1
Title: Antiprotons: effects on biological matter and evaluation as a novel radiotherapy
Principal Investigator: Timson, Professor DJ
Other Investigators:
Currell, Professor F Schettino, Professor G
Researcher Co-Investigators:
Project Partners:
Department: Sch of Biological Sciences
Organisation: Queen's University of Belfast
Scheme: Overseas Travel Grants (OTGS)
Starts: 28 August 2009 Ends: 27 May 2010 Value (£): 19,361
EPSRC Research Topic Classifications:
Med.Instrument.Device& Equip.
EPSRC Industrial Sector Classifications:
No relevance to Underpinning Sectors
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Summary on Grant Application Form
After surgery, radiation treatments are the most widely used and successful way to cure cancers. However, modern radiotherapy plans often cause severe side-effects to the patient and the overall success rate is still only moderate. Therefore there is a need to research new ways of delivering radiotherapies in order to inform and improve new treatments in the future.Radiotherapy works by killing cancer cells - usually by breaking the DNA in those cells. If the damage is so severe that the cells cannot repair it, the cells die. A lot of the research into radiotherapy is aimed at understanding how cells respond to radiations of different types and doses.One reason why radiotherapy results in side-effects is because healthy cells are damaged, or killed, as well as cancerous ones. Therefore considerable efforts have been made to minimize these effects and to focus the destructive power of radiation on tumour cells. This has been achieved, to some extent, with X-rays by irradiating the patient from multiple external sites. An alternative, and very promising, approach is the use of ion beams in place of x-rays. There are already numerous proton treatment facilities worldwide (including one in the UK) and centres using heavier ions (eg carbon) are now being brought into operation.The big advantage of ion beams is due to the way they deposit their energy in tissue. When an X-ray beam enters a person, energy is deposited immediately upon entry, thus causing damage. In contrast, ion beams can pass several centimeters through tissue before depositing the bulk of their energy. By manipulation of the physical properties of the ion beam, the depth at which ion beams deposit their energy can be controlled and made to correspond to the site of the tumour. Thus the bulk of this type of radiation's destructive power is concentrated in the cells which we wish to destroy. The results from ion beam irradiation are impressive, with improved clear-up rates and decreased side-effects.A further improvement on ion beams, may be to use antiprotons. Antiprotons will be familiar to any reader of science fiction - usually as the means of propulsion of interstellar starships or in a fearsome and destructive weapons systems. However, antiprotons can be produced here on earth, contained, controlled and used in experiments. Like their regular matter counterparts, protons, they can pass through material for several centimeters before depositing their energy. Their potential advantage arises from the fact that when an antiproton meets a proton, the two particles annihilate each other (according to Einstein's famous equation E=mc2) releasing lots of energy.A group of scientists at the European Centre for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Switzerland have begun experiments to see if antiprotons can be used in cancer therapies. This group (the ACE collaboration) have shown that antiprotons kill cells approximately four time better than protons. However, before antiprotons can be considered a viable possibility in cancer radiotherapy, considerable extra scientific work is required.In 2008, the applicants joined the ACE collaboration and carried out an experiment at CERN to investigate the effects of antiprotons on cultured human cells. They showed that antiprotons cause damage to the DNA in these cells and that the more antiprotons the cells are exposed to, the more DNA damage is caused. In addition, they demonstrated that media from irradiated cells can cause DNA damage responses in non-irradiated cells. This phenomenon, the so-called bystander effect, is well documented with other types of radiation, but has not previously been shown with antiproton irradiation.The applicants now seek funding to return to CERN in autumn 2009, in order to continue these experiments. This year they hope to learn more about the bystander effect resulting from antiproton irradiation, including quantifying the magnitude of these effects.
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Organisation Website: http://www.qub.ac.uk