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Details of Grant 

EPSRC Reference: EP/I036060/1
Title: Dynamics of Topological Transitions in Soap Films Spanning Deformable Contours
Principal Investigator: Goldstein, Professor RE
Other Investigators:
Pesci, Dr AI Moffatt, Professor H
Researcher Co-Investigators:
Project Partners:
Department: Applied Maths and Theoretical Physics
Organisation: University of Cambridge
Scheme: Standard Research
Starts: 01 October 2011 Ends: 30 September 2014 Value (£): 309,943
EPSRC Research Topic Classifications:
Algebra & Geometry Continuum Mechanics
EPSRC Industrial Sector Classifications:
No relevance to Underpinning Sectors
Related Grants:
Panel History:
Panel DatePanel NameOutcome
24 May 2011 Mathematics Prioritisation Panel Meeting May 2011 Deferred
05 Sep 2011 Mathematics Prioritisation Panel Meeting September 2011 Announced
Summary on Grant Application Form
The study of minimal surfaces dates back to the work of Euler and Lagrange. 'Plateau's problem,' that of proving the existence of a minimal surface spanning a given contour, was solved in the 1930s, and subsequent mathematical work has focused chiefly on statics, involving, for example, proofs of the existence of such surfaces of prescribed topology in higher dimensions and classification of periodic minimal surfaces. With few exceptions, little attention has been paid to transitions that take one surface to another. Elsewhere in the mathematical sciences topological transitions have been studied extensively; from splitting fluid drops to reconnecting solar magnetic field lines, such transitions abound in nature, and are often associated with singular structures that evolve rapidly to a new state. In the field of Fluid Mechanics there has been a longstanding emphasis on interface collapse in viscous flows, and on the more inviscid problems of fluid and soap film motion and networks of film junctions. Surprisingly, these techniques, so successful in other contexts, have yet to be applied to understand the dynamical processes that take one minimal surface to another.

In an elegant article in 1940, the mathematician Courant laid out a number of fundamental questions about minimal-area surfaces that could be visualized with soap films spanning wire frames of various shapes. He noted that when the frame is a double loop it can support a film in the form of a Mobius strip, a one-sided surface. Pulling apart and untwisting the loops leads to an instability where the film jumps to a two-sided solution. This constitutes the simplest known topological transition which converts a one-sided surface to a two-sided one. While Courant concentrated on the key static issues in these systems, the dynamical processes that accompany such transitions were not considered; this is not surprising because they constitute a very modern class of problems in the field of free-boundary dynamics, the tools for which have been developed only over the last two decades.

The research described in this proposal will build upon our recent theoretical and experimental studies of the transition from one- to two-sided soap films driven by boundary deformation, in which a rich and complex dynamics was discovered. We found that this transition is associated with a singularity at which the linking number between the Plateau border of the film and the boundary jumps from two to zero. Moreover, that singularity occurs always at the film boundary and is preceded by collapse dynamics that displays an apparent crossover from viscous-dominated motion to an inertial regime, and ultimately leads to reconnection of the Plateau Border. The static minimal surface left after the singularity exhibits a localized region of high twist of the rearranged Plateau border which is a singular perturbation phenomenon on the scale of the wire radius.

This research will use a combination of analytical, numerical, and experimental methods to understand more deeply this and other topological transitions involving interconversion of minimal surfaces, with the ultimate goal of classifying these transitions and their singularities. Using the Mobius strip problem as a paradigm, we will develop a suitable free-boundary theory that incorporates air inertia and Plateau border dissipation to study the collapse dynamics, with particular attention to the twist singularity experienced by the Plateau border at the transition point. Development of these theoretical descriptions will be done in close contact with experimental studies in which variations in material properties (viscosity, surface tension, boundary geometry) will be used to provide insight and verification. Mathematical models based on ruled surfaces will be further developed to elucidate various topological connections that have been conjectured.

Key Findings
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Description This information can now be found on Gateway to Research (GtR) http://gtr.rcuk.ac.uk
Date Materialised
Sectors submitted by the Researcher
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Further Information:  
Organisation Website: http://www.cam.ac.uk