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Details of Grant 

EPSRC Reference: EP/R014604/1
Title: Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences
Principal Investigator: Abrahams, Professor ID
Other Investigators:
Marr, Dr C
Researcher Co-Investigators:
Project Partners:
BAE Systems Clay Mathematics Institute (UK) European Mathematical Society
GCHQ Heilbronn Institute for Mathematical Res Knowledge Transfer Network Limited
London Mathematical Society Smith Institute The Alan Turing Institute
Department: Isaac Newton Institute (Math Science)
Organisation: University of Cambridge
Scheme: Standard Research
Starts: 01 March 2018 Ends: 29 February 2024 Value (£): 11,570,267
EPSRC Research Topic Classifications:
Algebra & Geometry Continuum Mechanics
Logic & Combinatorics Mathematical Analysis
Mathematical Aspects of OR Mathematical Physics
Non-linear Systems Mathematics Numerical Analysis
Statistics & Appl. Probability
EPSRC Industrial Sector Classifications:
Aerospace, Defence and Marine Environment
Financial Services Healthcare
Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology Energy
Information Technologies
Related Grants:
Panel History:
Panel DatePanel NameOutcome
13 Sep 2017 EPSRC Mathematical Sciences Infrastructure Interviews Announced
Summary on Grant Application Form
Mathematics, with its capacity for generality and abstract reasoning, is a subject that is unique in its ability to penetrate deep within other disciplines, to provide a common language for establishing communication channels between research communities, and in the longevity of its influence.

The Isaac Newton Institute (INI) is an international hub for supporting mathematical sciences research of the highest quality and impact. It attracts world leading researchers, in all areas of mathematics and cognate disciplines, who interact through a variety of long and short thematic programmes as well as associated workshops, follow-on meetings and a plethora of one-off events. Based in Cambridge, and benefiting from a bespoke and iconic building as well as many world-leading facilities of Cambridge University, INI is nevertheless an independent forum serving the whole of UK mathematical sciences. INI celebrates its 25th anniversary this year.

To the end of 2016 there had been 129 long-term programmes in total, and over 26,000 INI programme and workshop participants including 81 Rothschild Visiting Professors/Fellows, from Wolf Prize winner Vladimir Arnold in 1992 to Dijkstra Prize winning theoretical computer scientist Cynthia Dwork in 2016. Participants have also included 27 Fields Medalists, 13 Nobel Laureates, 12 Abel Prize winners, 25 Wolf Prize winners and over 50 Clay Senior Scholars as well as numerous winners of major prizes in other disciplines. This does not include unregistered participants, who are welcome to drop-in to events for a couple of days at a time.

INI gives UK researchers unparalleled opportunities to work with one another and with a critical mass of leading international figures in their field, unencumbered by teaching or administrative duties. It maximizes potential for knowledge exchange and the dissemination of UK research achievements, while exposing UK early career researchers to world leaders in their discipline.

A common strategic position of all Research Councils is to emphasise the importance of innovative mathematical and statistical methods to their science and in the training of young researchers. From its inception, INI's programmes and embedded workshops were demonstrably intra or interdisciplinary and conceived to accelerate research impact within the mathematical and sister sciences. Recently INI has broadened its remit to address fundamental questions in the social sciences, medicine etc. It has also concerned itself with the instigation of mechanisms to support diversity and gender equality in the sciences, and to nurture early career researchers so as to enlarge the people pipeline.

The Turing Gateway to Mathematics (TGM) was created in 2013 as the knowledge exchange arm of INI. Since then it has brought the mathematical sciences community together with an impressive range of over 700 partners in business, industry, commerce and government. It has a proven set of pathways to impact, and partners with a range of organisations to assist the whole of the mathematical sciences community.

Public engagement events are regularly hosted at INI, including its Rothschild Public Seminars. In addition to the 25th Anniversary events being held at the Institute, a highlight of which will be a discussion between Sir Andrew Wiles and his biographer Simon Singh, INI is organising a "road show" across the UK including talks by Keith Moore, Librarian at the Royal Society, and leading British space scientists.

INI is committed to the maintenance of a reputation for creativity and mathematical excellence. This will mean continuing to deliver ground-breaking research of the highest international standard, supporting the UK mathematical sciences community both in academe and beyond, and further extending the reach of mathematics into other disciplines and applications via TGM. Throughout it will strive to maintain the culture of creativity and achievement for which it is widely recognised.
Key Findings
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Potential use in non-academic contexts
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Description This information can now be found on Gateway to Research (GtR) http://gtr.rcuk.ac.uk
Date Materialised
Sectors submitted by the Researcher
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Project URL:  
Further Information:  
Organisation Website: http://www.cam.ac.uk