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Details of Grant 

EPSRC Reference: EP/R022852/1
Title: ISCF Wave 1: High Power Material Hybridised Battery (HiPoBat)
Principal Investigator: Lekakou, Professor C
Other Investigators:
Slade, Professor RCT
Researcher Co-Investigators:
Project Partners:
Denchi Power Ltd National Physical Laboratory
Department: Mechanical Engineering Sciences
Organisation: University of Surrey
Scheme: Standard Research - NR1
Starts: 09 November 2017 Ends: 08 May 2021 Value (£): 578,592
EPSRC Research Topic Classifications:
Energy Storage
EPSRC Industrial Sector Classifications:
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Summary on Grant Application Form
In general, batteries offer high energy density but low power density, with the disadvantage of running the risk of thermal runaway and fast ageing at high rates of operation. Supercapacitors, on the other hand, offer high power densities and theoretically millions of charge-discharge cycles but can store lower energy density than the batteries. The specifications of many HEV and EV power/energy storage systems and energy storage associated with the grid and renewables would be best satisfied by a battery-supercapacitor system. The supercapacitor would also prolong the battery lifetime and lower the risk of thermal runaway in batteries, as the supercapacitor would undertake the high current part of operation. However, the system of battery-supercapacitor connected in parallel suffers from the problem that while the voltage of the battery could remain constant for a long time of discharge, the voltage of supercapacitor falls linearly. This means that a DC/DC converter is needed which adds to weight, space, cost, complexity and lowers the efficiency. The HiPoBat project proposes a novel battery hybridised with high power electrode material at micro- and nano-level, with self-regulated voltage to a high and wide plateau, improved safety and prolonged lifetime. Innovative materials will be designed and manufactured in this project so that intelligent synergetic effects of high power and high energy material features raise both power and energy density above the sum of the individual components. HiPoBat cells will be fabricated and tested and will be subjected to many iterations of fine-tuning of material design and manufacture, also with the help of modelling and simulations. Finally, the technology will be scaled up to a large prismatic cell.

HiPoBat meets the ISCF objectives as follows:

OBJECTIVE 1: increased UK businesses' investment in R&D and improved R&D capability and capacity. IAG members have invested R&D funds in the project areas and will participate in cross-fertilisation of R&D ideas. Business staff secondment at UniS and training of PDRAs, PhD, MSc and UG project students in HiPoBat will contribute to a future business workforce trained in key areas of energy storage for EVs, HEVs and the grid.

OBJECTIVE 2: increased multi- and interdisciplinary research around the challenge areas. HiPoBat covers all scales from chemical groups, to micro-features of electrode coatings and cells to the macro-scale of cell and energy storage system. With the Chemistry and Materials/Chemical and Mechanical Engineering background of the Investigators, respectively, and multi-disciplinary backgrounds of the IAG and SUPERGEN Hub, HiPoBat fulfils the multi- and inter-disciplinary objective: it marries equivalent electric circuit, material, cell and energy storage system design with material synthesis and processing, cell fabrication and testing.

OBJECTIVE 3: increased business-academic engagement on innovation activities relating to the challenge areas. Such activities include staff exchanges and business staff secondment at UniS, collaboration in innovation activities, participation of business members at HiPoBat project meetings, SUPERGEN meetings and other Open Dissemination seminars, and business involvement in exploitation activities of the HiPoBat outcomes via participation in patent activity, cell scale up and future projects to advance the TRL level of HiPoBat.

OBJECTIVE 4: increased collaboration between younger, smaller companies and larger, more established companies up the value chain. To be realised by the IAG composition and the interdisciplinary nature of HiPoBat.

OBJECTIVE 5: increased overseas investment in R&D in the UK. HiPoBat is a follow on of the EC- funded project AUTOSUPERCAP and with our EC and international industrial and academic links, it is envisaged that it will lead to more EC- and internationally-funded projects including UK IAG members, with opportunities of overseas investment in UK business.
Key Findings
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Potential use in non-academic contexts
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Description This information can now be found on Gateway to Research (GtR) http://gtr.rcuk.ac.uk
Date Materialised
Sectors submitted by the Researcher
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Project URL:  
Further Information:  
Organisation Website: http://www.surrey.ac.uk