1. |
| Beckett, Dr CTS | University of Edinburgh | It's soil, Jim, but not as we know it: unlocking the hydromechanical behaviour of hydrophobic sands | 216,105 |
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| Rowlands, Dr CJ | Imperial College London | Dynamic Dichroic Mirrors and Single-Shot Spectroscopy | 202,821 |
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| Bolognesi, Dr G | Loughborough University | Particle Filtration and Accumulation by Solute-driven Transport (FAST) for bio-analysis in microfluidic devices | 200,817 |
4. |
| ZHANG, Dr L | University of Manchester, The | Development and demonstration of methods and tools for large scale wind turbine pitch bearing condition assessment (DemoBearing) | 169,123 |
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6. |
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7. |
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