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Current EPSRC Support by Partner

Partner: BT

Grant TitleHolding OrganisationValue (£)
6G Metasurfaces: Signal Processing and Wireless Communications by Coding on MetamaterialsUCL 933,826
6G Mitola Radio: Cognitive Brain That Has Collective IntelligenceUCL 470,568
AirGuide PhotonicsUniversity of Southampton 6,160,545
All-Raman optical amplification for next Generation ultra-wideband Optical Networks (ARGON)Aston University 978,033
BBC Prosperity Partnership: Future Personalised Object-Based Media Experiences Delivered at Scale AnywhereUniversity of Surrey 3,003,244
Communications Signal Processing Based Solutions for Massive Machine-to-Machine Networks (M3NETs)University of Leicester 275,538
Converged Optical and Wireless Access Networks (COALESCE)UCL 1,373,034
Coverage and connectivity in stochastic geometryUniversity of Bath 460,885
DADAUniversity of Nottingham 1,011,787
Data Science of the Natural EnvironmentLancaster University 2,656,400
Design Principles and Responsible Innovation for a Sustainable Digital Economy (Paris-DE)Lancaster University 895,867
DIGITUniversity of Exeter 3,699,962
DLINK - D-band Wireless Link with Fibre Data RateLancaster University 431,911
EPSRC and AHRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Media and Arts TechnologyQueen Mary University of London 3,776,609
EPSRC and MRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Mathematics for Real-World SystemsUniversity of Warwick 3,706,912
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Connected Electronic and Photonic Systems (CEPS)UCL 5,419,248
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Cyber Security for the EverydayRoyal Holloway, Univ of London 5,964,769
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Delivering Quantum TechnologiesUCL 6,203,678
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Digital CivicsNewcastle University 4,723,772
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Future Autonomous Robotic Systems (FARSCOPE-TU: Towards Ubiquity)University of Bristol 4,846,104
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Future Communications 2: : Training Tomorrow's Internet InnovatorsUniversity of Bristol 3,078,571
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Industrially Focused Mathematical ModellingUniversity of Oxford 4,297,415
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Industry-Inspired Photonic Imaging, Sensing and AnalysisHeriot-Watt University 5,111,553
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Intelligent Games & Game Intelligence (IGGI)University of York 5,642,129
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Next Generation Computational ModellingUniversity of Southampton 3,992,775
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Quantum EngineeringUniversity of Bristol 5,461,016
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Statistical Applied Mathematics at BathUniversity of Bath 5,196,269
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Statistics and Operational Research in Partnership with Industry (STOR-i)Lancaster University 5,453,875
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Web Science InnovationUniversity of Southampton 3,679,862
EPSRC Hub in Quantum Computing and SimulationUniversity of Oxford 23,960,281
Experiencing the Future MundaneLancaster University 461,079
From Human Data to Personal ExperienceUniversity of Nottingham 4,062,954
Future Communications: People, Power and PerformanaceUniversity of Bristol 2,213,560
High Dimensional Wireless Passive Optical Networking for Access Deployment (PON-HD)University of Glasgow 730,355
Interface reasoning for interacting systems (IRIS).UCL 6,146,075
Next Generation Converged Digital infrastructure (NG-CDI)Lancaster University 2,561,398
PETRAS 2UCL 13,850,000
Photonic Phase Conjugation Systems (PHOS)Aston University 902,113
Reducing End Use Energy Demand in Commercial Settings Through Digital InnovationLancaster University 1,625,666
Reducing the Global ICT Footprint via Self-adaptive Large-scale ICT SystemsLancaster University 832,044
Silicon-rich silicon nitride Nonlinear Integrated Photonic ciRcuits & Systems (juNIPeRS)University of Southampton 1,123,975
Single Photons - Expanding the Spectrum (SPEXS)Heriot-Watt University 5,265,568
SPRITE+: The Security, Privacy, Identity, and Trust Engagement NetworkPlusUniversity of Manchester, The 1,386,196
StatScale: Statistical Scalability for Streaming DataLancaster University 2,750,890
Terabit Bidirectional Multi-user Optical Wireless System (TOWS) for 6G LiFiUniversity of Leeds 6,604,394
The Digital Creativity HubUniversity of York 4,039,831
The EPSRC Quantum Communications HubUniversity of York 23,969,641
The Mathematics of Deep LearningUniversity of Bath 3,357,501
Transforming networks - building an intelligent optical infrastructure (TRANSNET)UCL 6,105,916
Twenty20InsightAston University 586,520
UK National Quantum Technology Hub in Sensing and TimingUniversity of Birmingham 23,949,168
UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Safe and Trusted Artificial IntelligenceKings College London 6,865,984
UKRI Trustworthy Autonomous Systems Node in FunctionalityUniversity of Bristol 3,315,004
UKRI Trustworthy Autonomous Systems Node in VerifiabilityUniversity of Leicester 2,923,653

Total Number of Grants: 55
Total Value of Grants: £252,403,018

The grant value may include the cost of access to facilities (these funds are not awarded to the grant holding organisation).