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Researcher Details
Name: Dr D Engstrom
Organisation: Loughborough University
Department: Wolfson Sch of Mech, Elec & Manufac Eng
Current EPSRC-Supported Research Topics:
Design Engineering Information & Knowledge Mgmt
Manufact. Enterprise Ops& Mgmt Manufacturing Machine & Plant

Current EPSRC Support
EP/P027482/1 Embedded Integrated Intelligent Systems for Manufacturing(C)
EP/L01534X/1 EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing(C)
Previous EPSRC Support
EP/N010493/1 SYnthesizing 3D METAmaterials for RF, microwave and THz applications (SYMETA)(C)
Key: (P)=Principal Investigator, (C)=Co-Investigator, (R)=Researcher Co-Investigator