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Researcher Details
Name: Professor JM Garibaldi
Organisation: University of Nottingham
Department: School of Computer Science
Current EPSRC-Supported Research Topics:
Artificial Intelligence

Current EPSRC Support
EP/P011918/1 Leveraging the Multi-Stakeholder Nature of Cyber Security(C)
Previous EPSRC Support
EP/L021080/1 Neo-demographics: Opening Developing World Markets by Using Personal Data and Collaboration(C)
EP/J020257/1 FISH: Fast Semantic Nearest Neighbour Search(C)
EP/D061571/1 Next Generation Decision Support: Automating the Heuristic Design Process(C)
EP/C542207/1 Towards a Framework for Modelling Variation in Automated Decision Support(P)
EP/D027039/1 Hyper-heuristics for Scheduling, Rostering and Routing: An International Collaboration(P)
EP/C549511/1 Novel Approaches to Radiotherapy Planning and Scheduling in the NHS(C)
GR/T23374/01 Models and Algorithms for Complex Scheduling Problems: A Visiting Fellowship(C)
GR/S70197/01 PLATFORM: Towards More General Optimisation/Search Systems(C)
GR/S67661/01 Service Level Agreement Based Scheduling Heuristics(P)
GR/R55085/02 An Investigation into Non-Deterministic Fuzzy Reasoning(P)
GR/R55085/01 An Investigation into Non-Deterministic Fuzzy Reasoning(P)
Key: (P)=Principal Investigator, (C)=Co-Investigator, (R)=Researcher Co-Investigator