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EPSRC Support by Research Topic in Acoustics

We classify grants using one or more research topics. Value is the total value of the grants awarded, not the proportion assigned to different research topics, so it does not show the level of investment in different research areas.

Grant TitlePrincipal
OrganisationDepartmentTotal Grant
Value (£)
Distributed Fibre-optic Cable Sensing for Buried Pipe InfrastructureKrynkin, Dr AUniversity of SheffieldMechanical Engineering 641,361
Distributed Fibre-optic Cable Sensing for Buried Pipe InfrastructureStoesser, Professor TUCLCivil Environmental and Geomatic Eng 371,330
DMS-EPSRC Stochastic Nonsmooth Analysis For Energy HarvestingYurchenko, Dr DHeriot-Watt UniversitySch of Engineering and Physical Science 339,549
Effect of Separation and Stall on Aerofoil NoiseAzarpeyvand, Professor MUniversity of BristolMechanical Engineering 434,409
EPSRC UK Acoustics Network PlusHoroshenkov, Professor KVUniversity of SheffieldMechanical Engineering 1,418,895
Expressive Finite Element Modelling for HPC: enabling advanced techniques for scientistsRichardson, Dr CNUniversity of CambridgeBP Institute 477,780
Intelligent Structures for Low Noise EnvironmentsDaley, Professor SUniversity of SouthamptonSch of Engineering 1,703,189
Inventive: A podcast of Engineering Stories with associated live events and career resourcesCox, Professor TJUniversity of SalfordSch of Science,Engineering & Environment 153,889
JINA: Jet Installation Noise AbatementKarabasov, Dr SQueen Mary University of LondonSchool of Engineering & Materials Scienc 422,275
JINA: Jet Installation Noise AbatementAzarpeyvand, Professor MUniversity of BristolMechanical Engineering 590,853
Pervasive Sensing for Buried PipesHoroshenkov, Professor KVUniversity of SheffieldMechanical Engineering 7,290,965
RAINDROP: tRansforming Acoustic SensINg for leak detection in trunk mains and water DistRibutiOn PipelinesMuggleton, Dr JUniversity of SouthamptonSch of Engineering 702,768
Rapid Monitoring of River Hydrodynamics and Morphology using Acoustic HolographyStoesser, Professor TUCLCivil Environmental and Geomatic Eng 410,620
Rapid monitoring of river hydrodynamics and morphology using acoustic holographyTait, Professor SUniversity of SheffieldCivil and Structural Engineering 521,877
Tribo-Acoustic Sensors for In-Situ Performance and Inspection of Machine ComponentsDwyer-Joyce, Professor RSUniversity of SheffieldMechanical Engineering 1,293,358
Ultrasonic cell handling and manipulation for microfluidic detection and analysis systems.Glynne-Jones, Dr PUniversity of SouthamptonFaculty of Engineering & the Environment 840,995

Total Number of Grants: 16
Total Value of Grants: £17,614,113

The grant value may include the cost of access to facilities (these funds are not awarded to the grant holding organisation).