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EPSRC Support by Industrial Sector in Communications

EPSRC classifies the research it supports by industrial relevance/sector. A list of industrial sectors and their meanings are available.

Please note that the assignment of a sector to a grant indicates that the sector may apply in whole or in part to the research activity of that grant. This means that the values of grants within a classification should not be totalled to find the total investment in that area or to compare investment between areas of research. The value shown for each grant is always the total awarded, not the proportion attributed to the individual industrial sector.

Grant TitlePrincipal
OrganisationDepartmentTotal Grant
Value (£)
10 MHz to 1.1 THz Vector Network AnalyserWang, Dr YUniversity of BirminghamElectronic, Electrical and Computer Eng 1,143,093
6G Metasurfaces: Signal Processing and Wireless Communications by Coding on MetamaterialsWong, Professor KUCLElectronic and Electrical Engineering 933,826
6G Mitola Radio: Cognitive Brain That Has Collective IntelligenceWong, Professor KUCLElectronic and Electrical Engineering 470,568
A Unified Multiple Access Framework for Next Generation Mobile Networks By Removing Orthogonality (MANGO)Sellathurai, Professor MHeriot-Watt UniversitySch of Engineering and Physical Science 328,990
Adaptive Reliable Receivers for Optical Wireless communication (ARROW)Safari, Dr MUniversity of EdinburghSch of Engineering 370,768
Advanced Signal Generation And Detection System For Next-generation Ultra-wideband Communication NetworksBayvel, Professor PUCLElectronic and Electrical Engineering 989,901
AirGuide PhotonicsRichardson, Professor DJUniversity of SouthamptonOptoelectronics Research Centre (ORC) 6,160,545
Anisotropic Microwave/Terahertz Metamaterials for Satellite Applications (ANISAT)Feresidis, Dr AUniversity of BirminghamElectronic, Electrical and Computer Eng 534,704
Anisotropic Microwave/Terahertz Metamaterials for Satellite Applications (ANISAT)Whittow, Professor WGLoughborough UniversityWolfson Sch of Mech, Elec & Manufac Eng 530,485
Atom-based Quantum PhotonicsHughes, Professor IGDurham, University ofPhysics 1,276,337
Audio-Visual Media Research PlatformHilton, Professor AUniversity of SurreyVision Speech and Signal Proc CVSSP 1,577,223
AutoPaSS: Automatic Verification of Complex Privacy Requirements in Unbounded-Size Secure SystemsBoureanu, Dr ICUniversity of SurreyComputing Science 303,951
Boosting power efficiency of physical-layer secured MIMO communicationsDing, Dr YHeriot-Watt UniversitySch of Engineering and Physical Science 251,815
Centre for Digital Citizens - Next Stage Digital Economy CentreKirk, Professor DNewcastle UniversitySch of Computing 3,797,252
Challenges To Revolutionise Hearing Device ProcessingAkeroyd, Professor MUniversity of NottinghamSchool of Medicine 251,510
Challenges to Revolutionise Hearing Device ProcessingBarker, Professor JUniversity of SheffieldComputer Science 371,114
Challenges to Revolutionise Hearing Device ProcessingCulling, Professor JCardiff UniversitySch of Psychology 200,474
Communication-Aware Dynamic Edge Computing (CONNECT)Gunduz, Professor DImperial College LondonElectrical and Electronic Engineering 274,642
Communications Signal Processing Based Solutions for Massive Machine-to-Machine Networks (M3NETs)Lambotharan, Professor SLoughborough UniversityWolfson Sch of Mech, Elec & Manufac Eng 338,768
Communications Signal Processing Based Solutions for Massive Machine-to-Machine Networks (M3NETs)Nallanathan, Professor AQueen Mary University of LondonSch of Electronic Eng & Computer Science 323,049
Communications Signal Processing Based Solutions for Massive Machine-to-Machine Networks (M3NETs)Chambers, Professor JUniversity of LeicesterEngineering 275,538
Compact visible frequency combsSorel, Professor MUniversity of GlasgowSchool of Engineering 396,611
COMPACT VISIBLE FREQUENCY COMBS: THE MISSING LINK IN A VISION OF PERVASIVE QUANTUM TIMEKEEPINGReid, Professor DHeriot-Watt UniversitySch of Engineering and Physical Science 543,361
Context Aware network architectures for Sending Multiple Senses (CASMS)Marshall, Professor AJUniversity of LiverpoolElectrical Engineering and Electronics 770,377
Converged Optical and Wireless Access Networks (COALESCE)Fice, Dr MJUCLElectronic and Electrical Engineering 1,373,034
Cooperative Underwater Surveillance Networks (COUSIN)Liu, Dr WUniversity of SheffieldElectronic and Electrical Engineering 221,564
Cooperative Underwater Surveillance Networks (COUSIN)Mitchell, Dr PDUniversity of YorkElectronics 550,262
Cooperative Underwater Surveillance Networks (COUSIN)Neasham, Mr JANewcastle UniversitySch of Engineering 452,856
Coverage and connectivity in stochastic geometryPenrose, Professor MDUniversity of BathMathematical Sciences 460,885
CSIT 2O'Neill, Professor MQueen's University of BelfastSch of Electronics, Elec Eng & Comp Sci 5,532,504
Cyber Security CDT Phase Two (University of Oxford)Martin, Professor AUniversity of OxfordComputer Science 3,551,360
DAFNI-ROSEMatthews, Dr BMSTFC Laboratories (Grouped)Scientific Computing Department 1,083,755
D-band wireless backbone with fiber data rateWasige, Professor EUniversity of GlasgowSchool of Engineering 457,199
DIGITBrown, Professor A WUniversity of ExeterBusiness and Management 3,699,962
Direct Digitisation for Frequency Agile Millimetre Wave Massive MIMOO'Farrell, Professor TUniversity of SheffieldElectronic and Electrical Engineering 617,540
DLINK - D-band Wireless Link with Fibre Data RatePaoloni, Professor CLancaster UniversityEngineering 431,911
EARL: sdn EnAbled MeasuRement for alLUhlig, Professor SQueen Mary University of LondonSch of Electronic Eng & Computer Science 2,024,684
End to End Authentication of Caller ID in Heterogeneous Telephony SystemsHao, Professor FUniversity of WarwickComputer Science 901,040
EPI2SEM: EPItaxial growth and in-situ analysis of 2-dimensional SEMiconductorsPatane, Professor AUniversity of NottinghamSch of Physics & Astronomy 2,938,943
EPSRC and MRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Mathematics for Real-World SystemsRichardson, Professor MUniversity of WarwickMathematics 3,706,912
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Applied PhotonicsReid, Professor DHeriot-Watt UniversitySch of Engineering and Physical Science 4,493,487
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Condensed Matter PhysicsHayden, Professor SUniversity of BristolPhysics 4,359,085
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Connected Electronic and Photonic Systems (CEPS)Seeds, Professor AJUCLElectronic and Electrical Engineering 5,419,248
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Controlled Quantum DynamicsSauer, Professor BImperial College LondonPhysics 4,208,665
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Cyber Security for the EverydayMartin, Professor KRoyal Holloway, Univ of LondonInformation Security 5,964,769
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in CybersecurityPym, Professor DUCLComputer Science 5,734,203
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Delivering Quantum TechnologiesWarburton, Professor PAUCLLondon Centre for Nanotechnology 5,041,484
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Delivering Quantum TechnologiesWarburton, Professor PAUCLLondon Centre for Nanotechnology 6,203,678
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Future Communications 2: : Training Tomorrow's Internet InnovatorsBull, Professor DUniversity of BristolElectrical and Electronic Engineering 3,078,571
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Geospatial SystemsMills, Professor JPNewcastle UniversitySch of Engineering 6,718,389
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in High Performance Embedded and Distributed SystemsLuk, Professor WImperial College LondonComputing 4,099,016
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Industry-Inspired Photonic Imaging, Sensing and AnalysisReid, Professor DHeriot-Watt UniversitySch of Engineering and Physical Science 5,111,553
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Integrated Photonic and Electronic SystemsSeeds, Professor AJUCLElectronic and Electrical Engineering 4,351,176
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Modelling of Heterogeneous SystemsStaunton, Professor JBUniversity of WarwickPhysics 5,752,474
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Pervasive ParallelismO'Boyle, Professor MUniversity of EdinburghSch of Informatics 3,937,632
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Photonic Integration and Advanced Data StorageBowman, Professor RQueen's University of BelfastSch of Mathematics and Physics 3,080,118
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Quantum EngineeringBarreto, Dr JUniversity of BristolPhysics 5,461,016
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Quantum EngineeringBarreto, Dr JUniversity of BristolPhysics 4,955,126
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Statistical Applied Mathematics at BathKyprianou, Professor AEUniversity of BathMathematical Sciences 5,196,269
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Trust, Identity, Privacy and Security in Large-scale Infrastructures (TIPS-at-Scale)Rashid, Professor AUniversity of BristolComputer Science 6,235,172
EPSRC-SFI: SpheryStreamTONI, Dr LUCLElectronic and Electrical Engineering 257,481
EPSRC-SFI:Energy Efficient M Communication using Combs (EEMC)Ellis, Professor ADAston UniversityCollege of Engineering and Physical Sci 634,133
Future Communications: People, Power and PerformanaceBull, Professor DUniversity of BristolElectrical and Electronic Engineering 2,213,560
GBSense: GHz Bandwidth Sensing from Smart Antennas to Sub-Nyquist Signal ProcessingGao, Professor YUniversity of SurreyInstitute of Communications Systems 703,433
Giant magneto-optic response in rare-earth doped glasses and manufacturing of related devices and sensorsBrambilla, Professor GUniversity of SouthamptonOptoelectronics Research Centre (ORC) 806,862
High Dimensional Wireless Passive Optical Networking for Access Deployment (PON-HD)Ellis, Professor ADAston UniversityCollege of Engineering and Physical Sci 562,149
High Dimensional Wireless Passive Optical Networking for Access Deployment (PON-HD)Lavery, Professor MPJUniversity of GlasgowSchool of Engineering 730,355
HyperTerahertz - High precision terahertz spectroscopy and microscopyDavies, Professor AGUniversity of LeedsElectronic and Electrical Engineering 6,517,861
Integral equations on fractal domains: analysis and computationHewett, Dr DUCLMathematics 248,329
Integrated GaN-Diamond Microwave Electronics: From Materials, Transistors to MMICsKuball, Professor MUniversity of BristolPhysics 4,325,358
Integrated nonlinear silicon photonics: a route to smaller, faster, greener systemsPeacock, Professor AUniversity of SouthamptonOptoelectronics Research Centre (ORC) 1,150,136
Integration of RF Circuits with High Speed GaN Switching on Silicon SubstratesTasker, Professor PJCardiff UniversitySch of Engineering 562,873
Integration of RF Circuits with High Speed GaN Switching on Silicon SubstratesElgaid, Professor KCardiff UniversitySch of Engineering 513,015
Ionospheric Measurement, Modelling and Simulation for Future Wideband UHF SatcomsMitchell, Professor CUniversity of BathElectronic and Electrical Engineering 330,720
Ionospheric Measurement, Modelling and Simulation for Future Wideband UHF SatcomsCannon, Professor PSUniversity of BirminghamElectronic, Electrical and Computer Eng 682,651
Lead Niobate-based Tunable Dielectrics for Smart Microwave and Millimeter-wave SystemsGao, Professor SUniversity of KentSch of Engineering & Digital Arts 361,127
Low-Profile Ultra-Wideband Wide-Scanning Multi-Function Beam-Steerable Array AntennasGao, Professor SUniversity of KentSch of Engineering & Digital Arts 658,096
Materials and Devices for Next Generation Internet (MANGI)Kuball, Professor MUniversity of BristolPhysics 1,458,558
Microfluidic Molecular Communications: Design, Theory, and ManufactureDeng, Dr YKings College LondonInformatics 269,351
Millimeter-wave Antennas and Components for Future Mobile Broadband Networks (MILLIBAN)Feresidis, Dr AUniversity of BirminghamElectronic, Electrical and Computer Eng 743,439
MISSION (Mid- Infrared Silicon Photonic Sensors for Healthcare and Environmental Monitoring)Reed, Professor GTUniversity of SouthamptonOptoelectronics Research Centre (ORC) 5,757,814
MOA: High Efficiency Deep Learning for Embedded and Mobile Platforms (Full EPSRC Fellowship Submission)Lane, Dr N D AUniversity of OxfordComputer Science 608,250
MOSQUITO: MObile Spin-based QUantum Information sTOrageBonato, Dr CHeriot-Watt UniversitySch of Engineering and Physical Science 1,196,211
Multi-functional metamaterials and antennas for RF/Microwave communication and sensing devicesFeresidis, Dr AUniversity of BirminghamElectronic, Electrical and Computer Eng 501,567
Multifunctional Polymer Light-Emitting Diodes with Visible Light Communications (MARVEL)Darwazeh, Professor IUCLElectronic and Electrical Engineering 773,227
Nanoscale sculpturing of single photons with dielectricsMaier, Professor SAImperial College LondonPhysics 408,908
Nanoscale sculpturing of single photons with dielectricsSapienza, Dr RImperial College LondonPhysics 382,499
National Dark Fibre FacilitySeeds, Professor AJUCLElectronic and Electrical Engineering 4,900,552
National Dark Fibre Facility- Equipment EnhancementSeeds, Professor AJUCLElectronic and Electrical Engineering 437,481
New Air Interface Techniques for Future Massive Machine-Type CommunicationsYang, Professor LUniversity of SouthamptonSch of Electronics and Computer Sci 356,806
Next Generation Converged Digital infrastructure (NG-CDI)Race, Professor NLancaster UniversityComputing & Communications 2,561,398
Next Generation Imaging using Sparse Single-Photon DataBuller, Professor GHeriot-Watt UniversitySch of Engineering and Physical Science 1,418,014
One-dimensional quantum emitters and photons for quantum technologies: 1D QEDOulton, Professor RUniversity of BristolElectrical and Electronic Engineering 1,014,465
OptoCloud: Ultra-fast optically interconnected heterogeneous Data CentersZervas, Dr GUCLElectronic and Electrical Engineering 1,120,128
PACE: Privacy-Aware Cloud EcosystemsRanjan, Professor RNewcastle UniversitySch of Computing 325,530
PACE: Privacy-aware Cloud EcosystemsRana, Professor OCardiff UniversityComputer Science 606,174
Perovskite PhotonicsHealy, Professor NNewcastle UniversitySch of Engineering 502,113
PETRAS 2Watson, Professor JDMUCLScience, Tech, Eng and Public Policy 13,850,000
Photonic Phase Conjugation Systems (PHOS)Ellis, Professor ADAston UniversityCollege of Engineering and Physical Sci 902,113
Photonic Phase Conjugation Systems (PHOS)Petropoulos, Professor PUniversity of SouthamptonOptoelectronics Research Centre (ORC) 574,499
Photonic Systems for next generation satellitesBalakier, Dr KKUCLElectronic and Electrical Engineering 394,835
Photonically-synthesized Digital-to-Analogue ConversionLiu, Dr ZUCLElectronic and Electrical Engineering 368,844
POST: Protocols, Observabilities and Session TypesYoshida, Professor NImperial College LondonComputing 1,462,802
Probabilistic Tomography of Wireless NetworksCoon, Dr JUniversity of OxfordEngineering Science 415,416
Prosperity Partnership Call 3 Strategic Students-Toshiba and University of BristolBeach, Professor MUniversity of BristolElectrical and Electronic Engineering 157,632
Putting Chaos to Work: Multi-Photon Entanglement in Complex Scattering MediaMalik, Dr MHeriot-Watt UniversitySch of Engineering and Physical Science 1,191,690
QSUM: Quantum Science with Ultracold MoleculesCornish, Professor SLDurham, University ofPhysics 6,731,104
QuantIC - The UK Quantum Technology Hub in Quantum ImagingPadgett, Professor MUniversity of GlasgowSchool of Physics and Astronomy 21,586,672
QUantum Dot On Silicon systems for communications, information processing and sensing (QUDOS)Seeds, Professor AJUCLElectronic and Electrical Engineering 6,123,268
Queen's University Belfast Core Equipment Call 2019Johnson, Professor CQueen's University of BelfastThe Vice Chancellors Office 578,688
QuICHE: Quantum information and communication with high-dimensional encodingWalmsley, Professor IAImperial College LondonPhysics 253,659
RCUK Catapult Researchers in Residence award (Compound Semiconductor Applications) - Compound semiconductor modelling and metrologySilva, Professor SRPUniversity of SurreyATI Electronics 50,000
RCUK Catapult Researchers in Residence award Satellite Applications - Satellite Quantum Key DistributionOi, Dr DKLUniversity of StrathclydePhysics 50,000
Reducing the Global ICT Footprint via Self-adaptive Large-scale ICT SystemsGarraghan, Dr PLancaster UniversityComputing & Communications 832,044
Research Institute in Trustworthy Inter-connected Cyber-physical Systems (RITICS)Hankin, Professor CImperial College LondonInstitute for Security Science and Tech 659,036
Resource Orchestration for Diverse Radio Systems (REORDER)Zhang, Dr LUniversity of GlasgowSchool of Engineering 233,478
Rockley Photonics and the University of Southampton: A Prosperity PartnershipReed, Professor GTUniversity of SouthamptonOptoelectronics Research Centre (ORC) 2,220,207
Secure Wireless Agile Networks (SWAN)Beach, Professor MUniversity of BristolElectrical and Electronic Engineering 2,235,743
Signal Propagation and Information in Microscale Biological Applications (SIMBA)Noel, Dr AUniversity of WarwickSch of Engineering 313,147
Silicon-rich silicon nitride Nonlinear Integrated Photonic ciRcuits & Systems (juNIPeRS)Petropoulos, Professor PUniversity of SouthamptonOptoelectronics Research Centre (ORC) 1,123,975
Single Photons - Expanding the Spectrum (SPEXS)Buller, Professor GHeriot-Watt UniversitySch of Engineering and Physical Science 5,265,568
SIPP - Secure IoT Processor Platform with Remote AttestationO'Neill, Professor MQueen's University of BelfastSch of Electronics, Elec Eng & Comp Sci 1,294,888
SOFTWARE DEFINED MATERIALS FOR DYNAMIC CONTROL OF ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES (ANIMATE)Hao, Professor YQueen Mary University of LondonSch of Electronic Eng & Computer Science 1,331,529
Solid State SuperatomsLynch, Dr SACardiff UniversitySchool of Physics and Astronomy 653,988
Solid State SuperatomsJones, Professor MPADurham, University ofPhysics 804,634
Stepping towards the industrial 6th SenseGu, Professor SUniversity of SurreyChemical Engineering 1,016,391
Strained germanium photonic crystal membranes for scalable and efficient silicon-based photonic devicesSweeney, Professor SJUniversity of SurreyATI Physics 202,399
Super Receivers for Visible Light CommunicationsCollins, Dr SUniversity of OxfordEngineering Science 411,008
Surface Nanoscale Axial Photonics (SNAP)Sumetsky, Professor MAston UniversityCollege of Engineering and Physical Sci 916,352
TEAM-A: The tailored electromagnetic and acoustic materials acceleratorNash, Professor GUniversity of ExeterPhysics and Astronomy 2,433,195
Terabit Bidirectional Multi-user Optical Wireless System (TOWS) for 6G LiFiElmirghani, Professor JUniversity of LeedsElectronic and Electrical Engineering 6,604,394
The Digital Creativity HubUrsu, Professor MFUniversity of YorkComputer Science 4,039,831
THz Antenna Fabrication and Measurement Facilities (TERRA)Hao, Professor YQueen Mary University of LondonSch of Electronic Eng & Computer Science 1,232,783
Ti:Sapphire Regenerative Amplified Laser System for ultrafast, high-field terahertz photonicsDean, Dr PUniversity of LeedsElectronic and Electrical Engineering 451,951
Towards 100 Gigabit Wireless Networking by Light (Go-by-Light) (Ext.)Haas, Professor HUniversity of StrathclydeElectronic and Electrical Engineering 240,960
Towards a 3D printed terahertz circuit technology.Wang, Dr YUniversity of BirminghamElectronic, Electrical and Computer Eng 616,521
Training & Skills Hub in Quantum Systems Engineering: innovation in Quantum Business - Applications, Technology and Engineering (InQuBATE)Fisher, Professor AJUCLLondon Centre for Nanotechnology 3,667,756
Training & Skills Hub in Quantum Systems Engineering: The Quantum Enterprise HubMay, Professor DUniversity of BristolPhysics 4,411,281
Transforming networks - building an intelligent optical infrastructure (TRANSNET)Bayvel, Professor PUCLElectronic and Electrical Engineering 6,105,916
Twenty20InsightHe, Professor YUniversity of WarwickComputer Science 305,864
Twenty20InsightBencomo, Dr NAston UniversityCollege of Engineering and Physical Sci 586,520
UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Accountable, Responsible and Transparent AIO'Neill, Professor EUniversity of BathComputer Science 6,993,464
UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Safe and Trusted Artificial IntelligenceLuck, Professor MKings College LondonInformatics 6,865,984
Understanding and developing spin-based emitters for improved far-infrared radiation sourcesNutter, Dr PUniversity of Manchester, TheComputer Science 534,305

Total Number of Grants: 145
Total Value of Grants: £319,624,502

The grant value may include the cost of access to facilities (these funds are not awarded to the grant holding organisation).