1. |
| Durucan, Professor S | Imperial College London | CO2 injection and storage - Short and long-term behaviour at different spatial scales | 1,212,205 |
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| Gilfillan, Dr SMV | University of Edinburgh | Fingerprinting captured CO2 using natural tracers: Determining CO2 fate and proving ownership | 236,178 |
3. |
| Chadwick, Dr A | NERC Grouped | DiSECCS: Diagnostic Seismic toolbox for the Efficient Control of CO2 Storage | 893,883 |
4. |
| Harrington, Dr J | NERC Grouped | The impaCt of hydrOcarbon depletioN on the Treatment of cAprocks within performance assessment for CO2 InjectioN schemes - CONTAIN | 925,473 |
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