1. |
| Schewe, Professor S | University of Liverpool | Solving Parity Games in Theory and Practice | 409,109 |
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| Jurdzinski, Dr M | University of Warwick | Solving Parity Games in Theory and Practice | 347,959 |
2. |
| Adamatzky, Professor A | University of the West of England | Computing with Liquid Marbles | 727,811 |
3. |
| Andreopoulos, Professor Y | UCL | The Internet of Silicon Retinas (IoSiRe): Machine to machine communications for neuromorphic vision sensing data | 552,869 |
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| Martini, Professor MG | Kingston University | The Internet of Silicon Retinas (IOSIRE): Machine-to-machine communications for neuromorphic vision sensing data | 279,703 |
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| Shikh-Bahaei, Professor M | Kings College London | The Internet of Silicon Retinas (IoSiRe): Machine to machine communications for neuromorphic vision sensing data | 560,634 |
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| Thomson, Dr J D | University of St Andrews | Discovery: Pattern Discovery and Program Shaping for Manycore Systems | 366,059 |
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| Cole, Professor M | University of Edinburgh | Discovery: Pattern Discovery and Program Shaping for Heterogeneous Manycore Systems | 338,165 |
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