1. |
| Langley, Professor GJ | University of Southampton | Multi-inlet comprehensive gas chromatography and high resolution mass spectrometry | 856,023 |
2. |
| McInnes, Professor EJL | University of Manchester, The | Magnetic Properties Measurement System for Manchester and National EPR Facility | 732,173 |
3. |
| Jiang, Professor Dame X | University of Huddersfield | Advanced Freeform Generator | 804,005 |
4. |
| Lazarov, Professor V | University of York | Aberration-Corrected Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope with atomic resolution spectroscopy under controlled environmental conditions: AC-eSTEM | 3,250,534 |
5. |
| | | Not Funded | |
6. |
| | | Not Funded | |