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| Heinen, Dr E | University of Leeds | Innovative Light ELEctric Vehicles for Active and Digital TravEl (ELEVATE): reducing mobility-related energy demand and carbon emissions | 1,392,602 |
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| Wu, Professor Y | University of Nottingham | Advanced building façade design for optimal delivery of end use energy demand | 1,653,108 |
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| Norman, Dr J B | University of Leeds | Boosting Reduction of Energy Intensity in cleaN STeelwork platfORM | 23,982 |
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| Scott, Dr SA | University of Cambridge | Boosting Reduction of Energy Intensity in cleaN STeelwork platfORM | 424,196 |
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| Spallina, Dr V | University of Manchester, The | Boosting Reduction of Energy Intensity in cleaN STeelwork platfORM | 857,503 |
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