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EPSRC Support by Research Area in Image and Vision Computing

Research areas are used to describe EPSRC's portfolio of excellent long term research and high quality postgraduate training.

Grants are classified using one or more research areas. All the grants listed below have some relevance to this research area. The value of the investment is the total awarded by EPSRC and does not reflect the proportion assigned to this research area.

We always try to ensure that grants on the web contains the most recent information but it is possible that some might be slightly out of date.

Grant TitlePrincipal
OrganisationDepartmentTotal Grant
Value (£)
"Computational spectral imaging in the THz band"Hendry, Professor EUniversity of ExeterPhysics and Astronomy 612,664
(N00014-16-R-FO05) Semantic Information Pursuit for Multimodal Data AnalysisKittler, Professor JUniversity of SurreyVision Speech and Signal Proc CVSSP 980,875
6-DoF VR Video: Towards Immersive 360-degree VR Video with Motion ParallaxRichardt, Dr CUniversity of BathComputer Science 555,408
AME NDT (Anisotropic Media Evaluation for Non-Destructive Testing)Tant, Dr KUniversity of StrathclydeMathematics and Statistics 283,726
ARTICT | Art Through the ICT Lens: Big Data Processing Tools to Support the Technical Study, Preservation and Conservation of Old Master PaintingsRodrigues, Professor MUCLElectronic and Electrical Engineering 759,281
Assessment of Sea Surface Signatures for Naval Platforms Using SAR Imagery (AssenSAR)Achim, Professor AMUniversity of BristolElectrical and Electronic Engineering 720,036
Automated Fetal and Neonatal Movement Assessment for Very Early Health AssessmentArichi, Dr TKings College LondonImaging & Biomedical Engineering 101,836
Automated Fetal and Neonatal Movement Assessment for Very Early Health AssessmentKainz, Dr BImperial College LondonComputing 625,543
Bayesian computation for low-photon imagingPereyra, Dr MHeriot-Watt UniversityS of Mathematical and Computer Sciences 370,749
Bayesian computation for low-photon imagingZygalakis, Dr KKUniversity of EdinburghSch of Mathematics 324,464
Bayesian model selection & calibration for computational imagingPereyra, Dr MHeriot-Watt UniversityS of Mathematical and Computer Sciences 244,528
BURG: Benchmarks for UndeRstanding GraspingLeonardis, Professor AUniversity of BirminghamSchool of Computer Science 357,129
CiViL: Common-sense- and Visually-enhanced natural Language generationGkatzia, Dr DEdinburgh Napier UniversitySchool of Computing 280,060
Computational Imaging and Analysis of Scene AppearanceGhosh, Dr AImperial College LondonComputing 1,004,089
Computational spectral imaging in the THz bandMurphy, Professor JDUniversity of WarwickSch of Engineering 234,311
CORSMAL: Collaborative object recognition, shared manipulation and learningCavallaro, Professor AQueen Mary University of LondonSch of Electronic Eng & Computer Science 302,906
Deep Learning from Crawled Spatio-Temporal Representations of Video (DECSTER)Patras, Professor IQueen Mary University of LondonSch of Electronic Eng & Computer Science 343,839
Deep Learning from Crawled Spatio-Temporal Representations of Video (DECSTER)Andreopoulos, Professor YUCLElectronic and Electrical Engineering 496,562
DEFORM: Large Scale Shape Analysis of Deformable Models of HumansZafeiriou, Dr SImperial College LondonComputing 1,350,283
EPSRC and AHRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Media and Arts TechnologyBryan-Kinns, Professor NJQueen Mary University of LondonSch of Electronic Eng & Computer Science 3,776,609
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Autonomous Intelligent Machines and SystemsOsborne, Dr M AUniversity of OxfordEngineering Science 5,266,183
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Digital EntertainmentHall, Professor PMUniversity of BathComputer Science 4,621,985
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Future Communications 2: : Training Tomorrow's Internet InnovatorsBull, Professor DUniversity of BristolElectrical and Electronic Engineering 3,078,571
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Industry-Inspired Photonic Imaging, Sensing and AnalysisReid, Professor DHeriot-Watt UniversitySch of Engineering and Physical Science 5,111,553
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Intelligent Games & Game Intelligence (IGGI)Cairns, Professor PAUniversity of YorkComputer Science 5,642,129
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Physical Sciences for Health (Sci-Phy-4-Health)Hannon, Professor MJUniversity of BirminghamSchool of Chemistry 3,553,342
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Smart Medical Imaging at King's College London and Imperial College LondonYoung, Professor AAKings College LondonImaging & Biomedical Engineering 6,022,394
EPSRC-SFI: SpheryStreamTONI, Dr LUCLElectronic and Electrical Engineering 257,481
ExTOL: End to End Translation of British Sign LanguageBowden, Professor RUniversity of SurreyVision Speech and Signal Proc CVSSP 971,921
Extreme-scale precision Imaging in Radio Astronomy (EIRA)Jackson, Mr AUniversity of EdinburghEdinburgh Parallel Computing Centre 359,444
Extreme-scale precision Imaging in Radio Astronomy (EIRA)Wiaux, Professor YHeriot-Watt UniversitySch of Engineering and Physical Science 740,115
Face Matching for Automatic Identity Retrieval, Recognition, Verification and ManagementKittler, Professor JUniversity of SurreyVision Speech and Signal Proc CVSSP 6,104,265
Future AI and Robotics Hub for Space (FAIR-SPACE)Sweeting, Professor Sir MUniversity of SurreySurrey Space Centre Academic 8,537,361
Future Colour ImagingFinlayson, Professor GUniversity of East AngliaComputing Sciences 1,046,725
Future Memcomputing Arrays for Next Generation Computer VisionKemp, Dr NTUniversity of HullPhysics 368,171
GLANCE: GLAnceable Nuances for Contextual EventsMayol-Cuevas, Professor WWUniversity of BristolComputer Science 806,994
HEAP: Human-Guided Learning and Benchmarking of Robotic Heap SortingNeumann, Professor GUniversity of NottinghamSchool of Computer Science 403,985
HUman-machine teaming for Maritime Environments (HUME)Hastie, Professor HFHeriot-Watt UniversityS of Mathematical and Computer Sciences 1,099,367
Immersive Audio-Visual 3D Scene Reproduction Using a Single 360 CameraKIM, Dr HUniversity of SouthamptonSch of Electronics and Computer Sci 267,460
Interactive Perception-Action-Learning for Modelling ObjectsMikolajczyk, Dr KImperial College LondonElectrical and Electronic Engineering 397,394
LISI - Learning to Imitate Nonverbal Communication Dynamics for Human-Robot Social InteractionCeliktutan Dikici, Dr OKings College LondonEngineering 284,291
Looking and Listening in Complex MediaFaccio, Professor DFAUniversity of GlasgowSchool of Physics and Astronomy 649,146
Looking and listening through complex mediaBertolotti, Dr JUniversity of ExeterPhysics and Astronomy 360,268
Mapping in the Background: Scalable capabilities using low-cost passive robotic systems for seafloor imagingThornton, Professor BUniversity of SouthamptonFaculty of Engineering & the Environment 622,071
Medical image computing for next-generation healthcare technologyAlexander, Professor DUCLComputer Science 1,472,259
Multimodal Video Search by ExamplesGales, Professor MUniversity of CambridgeEngineering 694,679
Multimodal Video Search by Examples (MVSE)Wang, Professor HUniversity of UlsterSch of Computing & Mathematical Sci 720,502
Multimodal Video Search by Examples (MVSE)Kittler, Professor JUniversity of SurreyVision Speech and Signal Proc CVSSP 863,565
National Centre for Nuclear Robotics (NCNR)Stolkin, Professor RUniversity of BirminghamMetallurgy and Materials 12,192,082
Neuromorphic memristive circuits to simulate inhibitory and excitatory dynamics of neuron networks: from physiological similarities to deep learningSaveliev, Professor SLoughborough UniversityPhysics 965,568
ORCA Stream B - Towards Resident RobotsLane, Professor DHeriot-Watt UniversitySch of Engineering and Physical Science 1,915,361
Perceiving, Modelling and Interacting with the Object-Based WorldDavison, Professor AJImperial College LondonComputing 2,066,563
Perception-guided robust and reproducible robotic grasping and manipulationStolkin, Professor RUniversity of BirminghamMetallurgy and Materials 347,725
Prosperity Partnership Call 2 Strategic Students-Dyson and Imperial CollegeDavison, Professor AJImperial College LondonComputing 416,592
RCUK Catapult Researchers in Residence (Satellite Applications) - Accelerating the exploitation of Earth Observation data through Machine LearningReece, Dr SUniversity of OxfordEngineering Science 50,000
Reflexive robotics using asynchronous perceptionHadfield, Dr SUniversity of SurreyVision Speech and Signal Proc CVSSP 382,796
Research Computing and ImagingLeng, Dr JMUniversity of LeedsSch of Computing 947,055
RoboPatient - Robot assisted learning of constrained haptic information gainIida, Professor FUniversity of CambridgeEngineering 388,632
RoboPatient - Robot assisted learning of constrained haptic information gainNanayakkara, Dr TImperial College LondonDesign Engineering (Dyson School) 1,076,801
RoboPatient - Robot assisted learning of constrained haptic information gainde Lusignan, Professor SUniversity of OxfordPrimary Care Health Sciences 211,170
Robot In-hand Dexterous manipulation by extracting data from human manipulation of objects to improve robotic autonomy and dexterity - InDexResende Faria, Dr DAston UniversityCollege of Engineering and Physical Sci 358,731
Robotic Assisted ImagingStoyanov, Professor DUCLComputer Science 1,239,250
ROSSINI: Reconstructing 3D structure from single images: a perceptual reconstruction approachBowden, Professor RUniversity of SurreyVision Speech and Signal Proc CVSSP 436,153
ROSSINI: Reconstructing 3D structure from single images: a perceptual reconstruction approachAdams, Professor WJUniversity of SouthamptonSch of Psychology 349,736
ROSSINI: Reconstructing 3D structure from single images: a perceptual reconstruction approachSchofield, Dr AJAston UniversityCollege of Health and Life Sciences 409,881
SEE MORE MAKE MORE: Secondary Electron Energy Measurement Optimisation for Reliable Manufacturing of Key MaterialsRodenburg, Dr CUniversity of SheffieldMaterials Science and Engineering 1,171,727
See More Make More: Secondary Electron Energy Measurement Optimised for Reliable Manufacture of Key Materials: Opportunity, Realisation, ExploitationJepson, Dr MLoughborough UniversityMaterials 78,818
See More Make More: Secondary Electron Energy Measurement Optimised for Reliable Manufacture of Key Materials: Opportunity, Realisation, ExploitationHondow, Dr NUniversity of LeedsChemical and Process Engineering 84,068
SEE MORE MAKE MORE: Secondary Electron Energy Measurement Optimised for Reliable Manufacture of Key Materials: Opportunity, Realisation, ExploitationPratt, Dr AUniversity of YorkPhysics 562,339
Semantic Information Pursuit for Multimodal Data AnalysisShawe-Taylor, Professor JSUCLComputer Science 1,230,961
Semantic Information Pursuit for Multimodal Data AnalysisDoucet, Professor AUniversity of OxfordStatistics 533,977
Semantic Information Pursuit for Multimodal Data AnalysisGirolami, Professor MUniversity of CambridgeEngineering 481,652
Smart Environments Research FacilityLettice, Professor FUniversity of East AngliaComputing Sciences 99,665
Smart single-photon sensors for ultra-fast 3D visionGyongy, Dr IUniversity of EdinburghSch of Engineering 546,842
SPHERE - A Sensor Platform for HEalthcare in a Residential Environment (IRC Next Steps)Craddock, Professor IJUniversity of BristolElectrical and Electronic Engineering 3,630,822
TAPS: Assessing, Mitigating and Raising Awareness of the Security and Privacy Risks of Thermal ImagingKhamis, Dr MUniversity of GlasgowSchool of Computing Science 262,119
The Digital Creativity HubUrsu, Professor MFUniversity of YorkComputer Science 4,039,831
Tyre-Road Friction Coefficient Estimation using Maximum EntropyMidgley, Dr WJBLoughborough UniversityWolfson Sch of Mech, Elec & Manufac Eng 18,764
UK Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Hub for Offshore Energy Asset Integrity ManagementPetillot, Professor YHeriot-Watt UniversitySch of Engineering and Physical Science 15,223,235
UKRI AI Centre for Doctoral Training in Foundational Artificial IntelligenceBarber, Professor DUCLComputer Science 6,443,206
UMPIRE: United Model for the Perception of Interactions in visuoauditory REcognitionDamen, Dr DUniversity of BristolComputer Science 1,001,838
Understanding scenes and events through joint parsing, cognitive reasoning and lifelong learningLeonardis, Professor AUniversity of BirminghamSchool of Computer Science 841,387
Understanding scenes and events through joint parsing, cognitive reasoning and lifelong learningTorr, Professor PHUniversity of OxfordEngineering Science 1,114,547
Understanding Scenes and Events through Joint Parsing, Cognitive Reasoning and Lifelong LearningGlennerster, Professor AUniversity of ReadingSch of Psychology and Clinical Lang Sci 738,942
Visual AI: An Open World Interpretable Visual TransformerZisserman, Professor AUniversity of OxfordEngineering Science 5,912,097
Visual Commensence for Scene UnderstandingSchyns, Professor PGUniversity of GlasgowCollege of Medical, Veterinary, Life Sci 735,808

Total Number of Grants: 86
Total Value of Grants: £142,555,262

The grant value may include the cost of access to facilities (these funds are not awarded to the grant holding organisation).