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EPSRC Support by Industrial Sector in No relevance to Underpinning Sectors

EPSRC classifies the research it supports by industrial relevance/sector. A list of industrial sectors and their meanings are available.

Please note that the assignment of a sector to a grant indicates that the sector may apply in whole or in part to the research activity of that grant. This means that the values of grants within a classification should not be totalled to find the total investment in that area or to compare investment between areas of research. The value shown for each grant is always the total awarded, not the proportion attributed to the individual industrial sector.

Grant TitlePrincipal
OrganisationDepartmentTotal Grant
Value (£)
(Iso)alloxazine incorporating electrodes as high-performance organic energy storage materialsCooke, Professor GUniversity of GlasgowSchool of Chemistry 697,037
2-representation theory and categorificationMiemietz, Dr VUniversity of East AngliaMathematics 329,519
4D TQFT and categorified Hall algebrasKremnizer, Professor YKUniversity of OxfordMathematical Institute 595,108
A bottom-up approach to the rational design of new bioluminescence emittersFielding, Professor HUCLChemistry 1,373,812
A compact novel hyperspectral imager for more reliable and precise agricultureBourgenot, Dr CDurham, University ofPhysics 458,839
A computing framework for Discrete MultiphysicsAlexiadis, Dr AUniversity of BirminghamChemical Engineering 148,824
A Constraint Modelling PipelineMiguel, Professor IJUniversity of St AndrewsComputer Science 886,923
A direct method for solving matrix Wiener-Hopf equationsThompson, Dr IUniversity of LiverpoolMathematical Sciences 79,198
A Joined-up Approach for New Molecular Simulation Technologies To Harness Ultrafast PhotochemistryPaterson, Professor MJHeriot-Watt UniversitySch of Engineering and Physical Science 524,400
A Joined-up Approach to New Molecular Simulation Technologies to Harness Ultrafast PhotochemistryKirrander, Dr AJMUniversity of EdinburghSch of Chemistry 486,146
A MICROMECHANICAL SENSOR TO UNDERSTAND AND MONITOR WOUND HEALINGCrichton, Dr M LHeriot-Watt UniversitySch of Engineering and Physical Science 362,112
A Multi-Component Strategy for the Synthesis of Complex Aliphatic Amines using Photo-redox CatalysisGaunt, Professor MUniversity of CambridgeChemistry 703,740
A MULTIDISCIPLINARY PLATFORM FOR FUTURE TRIBOLOGICAL MODELLINGDini, Professor DImperial College LondonMechanical Engineering 1,205,326
A New Approach to Bernoulli Convolutions and Salem NumbersKempton, Dr TUniversity of Manchester, TheMathematics 28,700
A New Class of Hybrid Polyoxometalate Catalysts for C-H FunctionalisationLam, Professor HWUniversity of NottinghamSch of Chemistry 201,902
A new device for exploring the landscape of microscopic interactionsSpeake, Professor CCUniversity of BirminghamSchool of Physics and Astronomy 202,287
A New Effect in Ultrafast X-ray ScatteringKirrander, Dr AJMUniversity of EdinburghSch of Chemistry 612,276
A New Foundation for Statistical Shape AnalysisJermyn, Professor IDurham, University ofMathematical Sciences 202,360
A new hierarchical modelling framework for active control: making waves in interfacial flow-based technologiesCimpeanu, Dr RUniversity of WarwickMathematics 49,182
A new paradigm for spectral localisation of operator pencils and analytic operator-valued functionsMarletta, Professor MCardiff UniversitySch of Mathematics 324,844
A novel approach to integrability of semi-discrete systemsWang, Professor JUniversity of KentSch of Maths Statistics & Actuarial Sci 77,538
A Radical Approach to C-H AlkylationCresswell, Dr AJUniversity of BathChemistry 261,307
A Research Software Engineering Hub for Computational ResearchCohen, Dr JImperial College LondonComputing 639,259
A Scalable Process for the Chemical Recycling of PET using Ionic OrganocatalystsWood, Professor JUniversity of BirminghamChemical Engineering 941,411
A semi-autonomous robot synthetic biologist for industrial biodesign and manufacturingBaldwin, Professor GImperial College LondonLife Sciences 884,199
A state-of-the-art optical floating-zone furnace for crystal growth at high pressuresBoothroyd, Professor AUniversity of OxfordOxford Physics 893,916
A Study of Anisotropy in AntiferromagnetsVallejo-Fernandez, Dr GUniversity of YorkPhysics 1,145,140
A Unified Framework for Multiscale Machine Learning at the EdgeNunes, Dr MUniversity of BathMathematical Sciences 193,639
A unified framework for quantum chemistry beyond the Born-Oppenheimer approximationManby, Professor FRUniversity of BristolChemistry 345,241
A unified framework for quantum chemistry beyond the Born-Oppenheimer approximationKnowles, Professor PJCardiff UniversityChemistry 325,187
Additional Funding for Mathematical Sciences : International Centre for Mathematical SciencesSchroers, Professor BHeriot-Watt UniversityS of Mathematical and Computer Sciences 5,050,000
Additional Funding for Mathematical Sciences: Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical SciencesAbrahams, Professor IDUniversity of CambridgeIsaac Newton Institute (Math Science) 10,000,000
Adelic models, rigidity and equivariant cohomologyGreenlees, Professor JUniversity of WarwickMathematics 278,916
Advanced Imaging and Numerical Modelling of Segregation and Transport of Plastics in Fluidised Beds: Toward a Circular Economy for PlasticsWindows-Yule, Dr C R KUniversity of BirminghamChemical Engineering 339,925
Advances in Mean Curvature Flow: Theory and ApplicationsBuzano, Dr RQueen Mary University of LondonSch of Mathematical Sciences 613,223
Aerodynamics and Aeroacoustics of Turbulent Flow Over and Past Permeable Rough SurfacesGarcia-Mayoral, Dr RUniversity of CambridgeEngineering 350,835
Aerodynamics and aeroacoustics of turbulent flows over and past permeable rough surfacesGanapathisubramani, Professor BUniversity of SouthamptonFaculty of Engineering & the Environment 910,574
Aerodynamics and aeroacoustics of turbulent flows over and past permeable rough surfacesAzarpeyvand, Professor MUniversity of BristolMechanical Engineering 466,302
Algebraic spline geometry: towards algorithmic shape representationVillamizar, Dr NSwansea UniversityCollege of Science 307,189
Algorithms for Computing with Uncertainty: Theory and ExperimentsErlebach, Professor TRUniversity of LeicesterComputer Science 401,205
Algorithms, Dynamics and Connections with Phase TransitionsEfthymiou, Dr CUniversity of WarwickComputer Science 309,801
All-Raman optical amplification for next Generation ultra-wideband Optical Networks (ARGON)Forysiak, Professor WAston UniversityCollege of Engineering and Physical Sci 978,033
An Artificial RibosomeO'Reilly, Professor RKUniversity of BirminghamSchool of Chemistry 581,943
An Artificial RibosomeTurberfield, Professor AJUniversity of OxfordOxford Physics 664,201
An Enumerative Approach to Heegaard FloerRasmussen, Dr SDUniversity of CambridgePure Maths and Mathematical Statistics 244,455
An EPSRC National Research Facility to facilitate Data Science in the Physical Sciences: The Physical Sciences Data science Service (PSDS)Coles, Professor SJUniversity of SouthamptonSch of Chemistry 2,996,067
Analysis of waves, instabilities and mean flows in MHD systemsGilbert, Professor ADUniversity of ExeterMathematics 435,812
Anglo-Franco-German in Representation Theory and its ApplicationsLaunois, Professor SUniversity of KentSch of Maths Statistics & Actuarial Sci 158,894
Anglo-Franco-German Representation Theory and its ApplicationsGordon, Professor IUniversity of EdinburghSch of Mathematics 11,822
Anti tumour agents from natural products - new approaches to targeting ultra potent analogues of the duocarmycinsSearcey, Professor MUniversity of East AngliaPharmacy 450,207
Antiparticle beamline for experiments on matter antimatter symmetryBertsche, Dr WAUniversity of Manchester, ThePhysics and Astronomy 463,725
Antiparticle beamline for experiments on matter antimatter symmetryMadsen, Professor NSwansea UniversityCollege of Science 486,613
Approximate structure in large graphs and hypergraphsOsthus, Professor DUniversity of BirminghamSchool of Mathematics 327,343
Architectures and Distribution Arithmetic for Coupling Classical Computers to Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum ComputersStanley-Marbell, Dr PUniversity of CambridgeEngineering 202,190
Arithmetic Moduli Spaces and Gauge TheoryKim, Professor MUniversity of WarwickMathematics 202,348
Artificial and Augmented Intelligence for Automated Scientific DiscoveryFrey, Professor JGUniversity of SouthamptonSch of Chemistry 1,014,318
Artificial photosynthesis strategies for synthesis: Combined photoredox and transition metal-catalysed transfer hydrogenation of C-C multiple bondsCambeiro, Dr XCUniversity of GreenwichPharm., Chem. & Environmental Sci., FES 202,477
Assessing spatial heterogeneity through random walks on graphsNicosia, Dr VQueen Mary University of LondonSch of Mathematical Sciences 162,887
Assessment of Brain-injury using Radio-Frequency Induction and Microwave Spectroscopy (ABRIMS)Peyton, Professor AUniversity of Manchester, TheElectrical and Electronic Engineering 487,243
At the interface between semiclassical analysis and numerical analysis of wave propagation problemsSpence, Dr EAUniversity of BathMathematical Sciences 1,027,193
Atom Scattering FacilityEllis, Dr JUniversity of CambridgePhysics 154,682
Attosecond X-ray Spectroscopy of Ultrafast Dynamics in the Condensed PhaseMarangos, Professor JImperial College LondonPhysics 1,230,885
Automated Fetal and Neonatal Movement Assessment for Very Early Health AssessmentKainz, Dr BImperial College LondonComputing 625,543
Automated Fetal and Neonatal Movement Assessment for Very Early Health AssessmentArichi, Dr TKings College LondonImaging & Biomedical Engineering 101,836
Automatic Posture and Balance Support for Supernumerary Robotic LimbsFarkhatdinov, Dr I IQueen Mary University of LondonSch of Electronic Eng & Computer Science 373,313
Automating Representation Choice for AI ToolsJamnik, Professor MUniversity of CambridgeComputer Science and Technology 760,893
Automating Representation Choice for AI ToolsCheng, Professor PUniversity of SussexSch of Engineering and Informatics 397,107
Automating the Synthetic Chemistry Landscape in Bristol: Accelerating Impact and ApplicationAggarwal, Professor VKUniversity of BristolChemistry 766,927
Automorphic forms on higher rank groups: Fourier coefficients, L-functions, and arithmeticSaha, Dr AQueen Mary University of LondonSch of Mathematical Sciences 465,129
BasisFlow: Machine learning for tailor made quantum chemistryHill, Dr JUniversity of SheffieldChemistry 327,493
Baskerville: a national accelerated compute resourceStyles, Professor IBUniversity of BirminghamSchool of Computer Science 4,027,649
Baxter Relations for Open Integrable Quantum Spin ChainsWeston, Dr RHeriot-Watt UniversityS of Mathematical and Computer Sciences 342,412
Bayesian model selection & calibration for computational imagingPereyra, Dr MHeriot-Watt UniversityS of Mathematical and Computer Sciences 244,528
Behaviour and design of stainless steel structures in fireKucukler, Dr MUniversity of WarwickSch of Engineering 327,364
Bespoke Bimetallics for Chemical CooperativityMulvey, Professor RUniversity of StrathclydePure and Applied Chemistry 569,181
Better Bubblers: Jet Impingement Within a Dead-End ChannelJewkes, Dr J WCoventry UniversityCtr for Fluid and Complex Systems 248,059
Beyond cyanide: Future synthons based on the cyaphide and cyarside ions for the synthesis of designer magnetic coordination polymersGoicoechea, Professor JMUniversity of OxfordOxford Chemistry 417,021
Beyond Grothendieck's conjecture on Galois groups and arithmetic fundamental groupsSaidi, Professor MUniversity of ExeterMathematical Sciences 370,016
Beyond One Solution in Combinatorial OptimisationMeeks, Dr KUniversity of GlasgowSchool of Computing Science 1,363,670
Bioactive polysaccharide-based hydrogels for growth factors delivery during tissue repair.Gonzalez-Garcia, Dr CUniversity of GlasgowSchool of Engineering 276,854
Biological physics of protein clustering in epigenetic memory and transcriptional controlLeake, Professor MCUniversity of YorkPhysics 430,701
Biological physics of protein clustering in epigenetic memory and transcriptional controlDean, Professor Dame CJohn Innes CentreCell and Develop Biology 718,575
Biomimetic Crystallisation of Metal-Organic Materials for Protein Isolation and StabilizationRiddell, Dr IUniversity of Manchester, TheChemistry 149,340
Bioorthogonal Gold Chemistry to Explore Novel Biomedical ApplicationsUnciti-Broceta, Professor AUniversity of EdinburghEdinburgh Cancer Research Centre 513,211
Birational Models of Singular Fano 3-foldsAhmadinezhad, Dr HLoughborough UniversityMathematical Sciences 234,599
Bi-synchronizing automata, outer automorphism groups of Higman-Thompson groups, and automorphisms of the shift.Bleak, Dr CPUniversity of St AndrewsMathematics and Statistics 524,184
Blast and Impact Diagnostics LaboratoryClarke, Dr SDUniversity of SheffieldCivil and Structural Engineering 1,367,625
BO-and Monolithic Quantum Dot Semiconductor Optical Amplifier on SiliconChen, Dr SUCLElectronic and Electrical Engineering 267,098
BOiliNg flows in SmAll and mIcrochannels (BONSAI): From Fundamentals to DesignMarkides, Professor CNImperial College LondonChemical Engineering 846,008
Boiling Flows in Small and Microchannels (BONSAI): From Fundamentals to DesignMagnini, Dr MUniversity of NottinghamFaculty of Engineering 141,787
Boiling Flows in Small and Microchannels (BONSAI): From Fundamentals to DesignKarayiannis, Professor TBrunel University LondonMechanical and Aerospace Engineering 514,287
Boronic Acid-Catalysed Dehydrative SynthesisTaylor, Dr JEUniversity of BathChemistry 314,716
Boundary Conditions for Atomistic Simulation of Material DefectsOrtner, Professor CUniversity of WarwickMathematics 442,958
Boundary representations of non-positively curved groupsSpakula, Dr JUniversity of SouthamptonSch of Mathematical Sciences 367,941
Brain--inspired disinhihbitory learning rule for continual learning tasks in artificial neural networksClopath, Dr CImperial College LondonBioengineering 1,040,501
Bridgeland stability on Fukaya categories of Calabi-Yau 2-foldsJoyce, Professor DUniversity of OxfordMathematical Institute 522,545
Cambridge Service for Data Driven Discovery (CSD3) - A National Data Intensive Science Cloud for Converged Simulation, AI & AnalyticsAlexander, Professor PUniversity of CambridgePhysics 4,000,000
Capacity building in Africa via technology-driven research in algebraic and arithmetic geometrySzendroi, Professor BUniversity of OxfordMathematical Institute 170,892
CapC: Capability C semantics, tools and reasoningBatty, Dr MUniversity of KentSch of Computing 485,168
CAPcelerate: Capabilities for Heterogeneous AcceleratorsJones, Dr TMUniversity of CambridgeComputer Science and Technology 1,199,866
Capital Award emphasising support for Early Career ResearchersHarries, Professor TJUniversity of ExeterBiosciences 150,000
Capital award for Core EquipmentSampson, Professor DDUniversity of SurreyVice Provost (Research & Innovation) 300,000
Capital award for core equipment 2019Taylor, Professor PCUniversity of BristolResearch and Enterprise Development 450,000
Capital Award in Support of Early Career Researchers: "Edinburgh Vishub"Robertson, Professor DUniversity of EdinburghCollege of Science and Engineering 200,000
CAPS: Collaborative Architectures for Proof SearchReger, Dr GUniversity of Manchester, TheComputer Science 251,632
Cardiff University - EPSRC Capital Award for Core EquipmentGraham, Professor KCardiff UniversitySch of Psychology 400,000
Cast iron catalysis: New catalytic protocols for carbon-phosphorus bond synthesisWebster, Dr RUniversity of BathChemistry 1,062,652
Catalysing 3 routes to C-H Borylation using Earth-abundant MetalsIngleson, Professor MJUniversity of EdinburghSch of Chemistry 510,419
Catch and Release: Recycling of Homogenous Metal Catalysts Using Aromatic Tags and Electroactive Nanocarbon FoamsMenzel, Dr RUniversity of LeedsSch of Chemistry 496,915
Categorical Symplectic TopologySmith, Professor IUniversity of CambridgePure Maths and Mathematical Statistics 1,006,061
Categorifying Turbulence in Borel ReducibilityBrooke-Taylor, Dr ADUniversity of LeedsPure Mathematics 58,356
CausalXRL: Causal eXplanations in Reinforcement LearningGilra, Dr AUniversity of SheffieldComputer Science 247,932
Cavity-assisted Quantum SensingGoldwin, Dr JUniversity of BirminghamSchool of Physics and Astronomy 628,809
CBET-EPSRC - Grown Engineered Materials (GEMs): synthetic consortia for biomanufacturing tunable compositesEllis, Professor TMImperial College LondonBioengineering 441,638
CBET-EPSRC Dynamic Wetting & Interfacial Transitions in Three Dimensions: Theory vs ExperimentSprittles, Dr JEUniversity of WarwickMathematics 539,280
CBET-EPSRC: Enhancing the CSMHyK fluid dynamics calculations via the inclusion of a stochastic model of hydrate nucleation, agglomeration and growthStriolo, Professor AUCLChemical Engineering 487,426
CBET-EPSRC: Transition and Turbulence in Compressible Boundary Layers Subjected to Concave Surface CurvatureRicco, Dr PUniversity of SheffieldMechanical Engineering 346,188
CCP-QC: Collaborative Computational Project - Quantum ComputingKendon, Dr VMDurham, University ofPhysics 163,421
Centre for Rapid Online Analysis of Reactions (ROAR), Phase IIHii, Professor KK(Imperial College LondonChemistry 231,296
Change-point analysis in high dimensionsWang, Dr TUCLStatistical Science 229,022
Chemical probes to decode the subcellular redox-regulated proteomeWright, Dr MHUniversity of LeedsSch of Chemistry 277,691
Chemistry and Mathematics in Phase Space (CHAMPS)Wiggins, Professor SUniversity of BristolMathematics 4,124,280
Chiral Gauge Theories: From Strong Coupling to the Standard ModelTong, Professor DUniversity of CambridgeApplied Maths and Theoretical Physics 194,683
Cirrus Phase II: Preparing for Heterogeneity at the ExascaleParsons, Professor MUniversity of EdinburghEdinburgh Parallel Computing Centre 3,507,474
CiViL: Common-sense- and Visually-enhanced natural Language generationGkatzia, Dr DEdinburgh Napier UniversitySchool of Computing 280,060
Classification, Computation, and Construction: New Methods in GeometryCorti, Professor AImperial College LondonMathematics 2,171,099
Classifying 4-manifoldsPowell, Dr MDurham, University ofMathematical Sciences 360,068
Clearing the undergrowth: new NMR techniques for high dynamic range mixturesMorris, Professor GAUniversity of Manchester, TheChemistry 462,488
Cluster algebras, Teichmüller theory and Macdonald polynomialsMazzocco, Professor MUniversity of BirminghamSchool of Mathematics 338,446
CO2-Enhanced Gas Recovery (CO2-EGR): Multi-Scale Simulation of Rarefied Gas Flows in Porous MediaZhang, Professor YUniversity of EdinburghSch of Engineering 170,870
Coarse Geometry of Groups and SpacesHume, Dr DSUniversity of BristolMathematics 820,375
Cohen-Lenstra heuristics, Brauer relations, and low-dimensional manifoldsBartel, Professor AUniversity of GlasgowSchool of Mathematics & Statistics 744,455
Coherent Chemistry: Ultrabroadband Two-dimensional Electronic SpectroscopyMeech, Professor SUniversity of East AngliaChemistry 880,259
Coherent Many-Body Quantum States of MatterEssler, Professor FHLUniversity of OxfordOxford Physics 1,528,219
Coherent pulse propagation and modelocking in terahertz quantum cascade lasersDean, Dr PUniversity of LeedsElectronic and Electrical Engineering 1,127,385
COHERENT: COllaborative HiErarchical Robotic ExplaNaTionsColes, Dr AIKings College LondonInformatics 188,319
Cohomology and Actions of GroupsSymonds, Professor PUniversity of Manchester, TheMathematics 415,741
Cohomology, Machine Learning and String Model BuildingConstantin, Dr AUniversity of OxfordOxford Physics 435,734
Cold Sintering of Piezoelectric CompositesRoscow, Dr J IUniversity of BathMechanical Engineering 19,317
Combinatorics, Probability and AlgorithmsKuehn, Professor DUniversity of BirminghamSchool of Mathematics 822,432
Combining Viewpoints in Quantum Theory (Ext.)Heunen, Dr CUniversity of EdinburghSch of Informatics 529,579
COMBO: CONTROL-BASED BIODESIGN OF MAMMALIAN CELL DYNAMICSMarucci, Dr LUniversity of BristolEngineering Mathematics 1,478,669
Community Detection And Dynamics in Temporal NetworksLambiotte, Professor RRUniversity of OxfordMathematical Institute 403,371
Complex made simple: Enantioselective radical cascades mediated by SmI2Kaltsoyannis, Professor NUniversity of Manchester, TheChemistry 543,719
Complex-bearing Metal-Organic Frameworks: Snapshots of ReactionsChampness, Professor NRUniversity of BirminghamSchool of Chemistry 1,072,727
Computational microscopy in Cambridge Advanced Imaging CentreMuresan, Dr LUniversity of CambridgePhysiology Development and Neuroscience 450,498
Computing algebraic invariants of symbolic dynamical systemsYassawi, Dr ROpen UniversityFaculty of Sci, Tech, Eng & Maths (STEM) 336,713
Concentration phenomena in nonlinear partial differential equations.Musso, Professor MUniversity of BathMathematical Sciences 301,578
CONEXS: COllaborative NEtwork for X-ray SpectroscopyPenfold, Dr TJNewcastle UniversitySch of Natural & Environmental Sciences 103,012
CONEXS: COllaborative NEtwork for X-ray SpectroscopyDiaz-Moreno, Dr SDiamond Light SourceScience Division 29,237
Conformal Approach to Modelling Random AggregationTurner, Dr A GLancaster UniversityMathematics and Statistics 402,917
Constrained many-body quantum systemsLazarides, Dr ALoughborough UniversityMathematical Sciences 243,449
Constructing Counterexamples in Group Rings and Algebraic TopologyCraven, Dr DAUniversity of BirminghamSchool of Mathematics 202,256
Construction of 18F-perfluorinated motifs by mechanistic leverage with fluorineTredwell, Dr MCardiff UniversitySchool of Medicine 392,297
Constructions and properties of p-adic L-functions for GL(n)Williams, Dr CDUniversity of WarwickMathematics 310,002
CONTRAST facility: clinical coherent Raman scattering facilityMoger, Professor JUniversity of ExeterPhysics and Astronomy 1,035,354
Control and Spectroscopy of Excited States of PositroniumCassidy, Professor DUCLPhysics and Astronomy 802,355
Control Interface for QUantum Integrated Technology ArraysWeides, Professor MPUniversity of GlasgowSchool of Engineering 971,824
Controllable model membranes and new quantitative analyses to interrogate light harvesting proteinsAdams, Dr PGUniversity of LeedsPhysics and Astronomy 475,101
Controlling Acoustic Metamaterials with Magnetic Resonances: The Best of Both WorldsHayward, Dr T JUniversity of SheffieldMaterials Science and Engineering 613,693
Controlling Acoustic Metamaterials with Magnetic Resonances: The Best of Both WorldsKruglyak, Professor VUniversity of ExeterPhysics and Astronomy 761,787
Controlling membrane translocation for artificial signal transductionWilliams, Professor NHUniversity of SheffieldChemistry 356,411
Controlling unconventional properties of correlated materials by Fermi surface deformations and topological transitionsKozik, Dr EKings College LondonPhysics 325,418
Convergent Bidirectional Total Synthesis of Ciguatoxin CTX3CClark, Professor JUniversity of GlasgowSchool of Chemistry 724,061
Cooperative Game Theory: New Mathematical and Algorithmic Approaches.Nguyen, Dr TUniversity of SouthamptonSch of Mathematical Sciences 429,528
Coordination chemistry approaches to societal issues: environment and healthRedshaw, Professor CUniversity of HullChemistry 79,539
Coordination polymer approach to DNA functionalisation and assemblyTurberfield, Professor AJUniversity of OxfordOxford Physics 195,116
Coordination polymer approach to DNA functionalisation and assemblyHoulton, Professor ANewcastle UniversitySch of Natural & Environmental Sciences 444,963
Core Capital 2020Hartley, Professor SUniversity of SheffieldResearch Finance 967,240
Core Equipment at the University of LeedsLinfield, Professor EHUniversity of LeedsElectronic and Electrical Engineering 550,000
Correlative Mapping of Crystal Orientation and Chemistry at the NanoscaleHaigh, Professor SJUniversity of Manchester, TheMaterials 1,385,872
Correlative Raman, SEM and EDX for operando electrochemistry researchBartlett, Professor PNUniversity of SouthamptonSch of Chemistry 709,704
CoSInES (COmputational Statistical INference for Engineering and Security)Roberts, Professor G OUniversity of WarwickStatistics 2,950,486
CRISPR ChemistryBrown, Professor TUniversity of OxfordOxford Chemistry 254,184
Critical dynamics in frustrated systems and spin liquidsPowell, Dr SCUniversity of NottinghamSch of Physics & Astronomy 343,726
Cryoegg: a novel wireless instrument for exploring deep iceBagshaw, Dr ECardiff UniversitySch of Earth and Environmental Sciences 232,387
CsYb Droplets - Dilute Quantum Fluids Beyond the Mean-FieldParker, Dr NGNewcastle UniversitySch of Maths, Statistics and Physics 435,829
C-Terminal Selective Ligation to Access Homogeneous Antibody ConjugatesBaker, Dr JRUCLChemistry 444,295
Curve counting, moduli, and logarithmic geometryRanganathan, Dr DUniversity of CambridgePure Maths and Mathematical Statistics 135,510
Custom nanomaterials from modular synthetic proteinsParmeggiani, Dr FUniversity of BristolChemistry 1,151,785
Customized and Adaptive approach for Optimal Cybersecurity InvestmentMalacaria, Professor PQueen Mary University of LondonSch of Electronic Eng & Computer Science 388,777
Customized and Adaptive approach for Optimal Cybersecurity InvestmentHankin, Professor CImperial College LondonInstitute for Security Science and Tech 386,129
CyReSE: Cyber Security Research Software EngineeringCarlin, Dr DQueen's University of BelfastSch of Electronics, Elec Eng & Comp Sci 497,158
Data Release - Trust, Identity, Privacy and SecurityWang, Dr VUniversity of PortsmouthInstitute of Criminal Justice Studies 299,355
Decarbonisation of oil: Microwave-catalytic production of clean hydrogen from fossil fuelsSlocombe, Dr DRCardiff UniversitySch of Engineering 238,589
deeP redUced oRder predIctive Fluid dYnamics model (PURIFY)Xiao, Dr DSwansea UniversityCollege of Engineering 315,689
Defect Functionalized Sustainable Energy Materials: From Design to Devices ApplicationShluger, Professor AUCLPhysics and Astronomy 470,811
Deformations of Saito-Kurokawa type Galois representationsBerger, Dr TTUniversity of SheffieldMathematics and Statistics 331,917
DERIVED CATEGORIES AND ALGEBRAIC K-THEORY OF SINGULARITIESShinder, Dr EUniversity of SheffieldMathematics and Statistics 332,778
Derived and perverse methods in the local Langlands correspondenceHelm, Dr DImperial College LondonMathematics 197,438
Derived categories, stability conditions and geometric applications.Feyzbakhsh, Dr SImperial College LondonMathematics 405,383
Designing soft engines and active solidsSouslov, Dr AUniversity of BathPhysics 355,230
Detecting fractionalization in strongly correlated magnetsRousochatzakis, Dr ILoughborough UniversityPhysics 280,601
Determining cerebrovascular reactivity from the pupil flash responseBulte, Professor DPUniversity of OxfordEngineering Science 1,074,229
Deterministic and probabilistic dynamics of nonlinear dispersive PDEsPocovnincu, Dr OHeriot-Watt UniversityS of Mathematical and Computer Sciences 231,262
Developing Digital Technology for Healthcare Relevant Algal Biorenewables ManufacturingZhang, Dr DUniversity of Manchester, TheChem Eng and Analytical Science 31,006
Developing strategies to prevent collapse of the Amazon rainforestSieber, Dr JUniversity of ExeterMathematics 202,300
Development and categorification of a new link invariantGarcia Lecuona, Dr AUniversity of GlasgowSchool of Mathematics & Statistics 114,518
Development and experimental validation of a deep-learning based pipeline for user-centric protein design.Wood, Dr CWUniversity of EdinburghSch of Biological Sciences 304,056
Development of a Dual-Mode Microwave-EPR Reactor-Resonator for Studies of Paramagnetic Catalytic ReactionsMurphy, Professor DMCardiff UniversityChemistry 720,434
Development of software to model multi-modal genomic data as an integrated system: application to understanding the gene regulatory landscapeHannon, Dr EUniversity of ExeterInstitute of Biomed & Clinical Science 823,688
Diagram Monoids and Their CongruencesRuskuc, Professor NUniversity of St AndrewsMathematics and Statistics 35,035
Dial-a-membrane: precision engineering of sub-micron self-assembled materialsElani, Dr YImperial College LondonChemical Engineering 202,313
Digitising the Langlands ProgramBuzzard, Professor KImperial College LondonMathematics 201,850
Dimer models with boundaryPressland, Dr MUniversity of LeedsPure Mathematics 305,495
Dimers and InteractionChhita, Dr SDurham, University ofMathematical Sciences 770,628
DiPET: Distributed Stream Processing on Fog and Edge Systems via Transprecise ComputingVandierendonck, Professor HTKQueen's University of BelfastSch of Electronics, Elec Eng & Comp Sci 261,135
Dirichlet forms and Markov Chain Monte CarloKendall, Professor WUniversity of WarwickStatistics 336,391
Disability Inclusive Science CareersPender, Professor GHeriot-Watt UniversitySch of Social Sciences 494,404
DMS-EPSRC - The Power of Graph StructureVuskovic, Professor KUniversity of LeedsSch of Computing 430,010
DMS-EPSRC Eco-Evolutionary Dynamics of Fluctuating PopulationsMobilia, Dr MUniversity of LeedsApplied Mathematics 450,691
DMS-EPSRC Sharp Large Deviation Estimates of Fluctuations in Stochastic Hydrodynamic SystemsGrafke, Dr TUniversity of WarwickMathematics 121,402
DMS-EPSRC Topology of automated motion planningFarber, Professor MQueen Mary University of LondonSch of Mathematical Sciences 368,192
DMS-EPSRC: Change Point Detection and Localization in High-Dimensions: Theory and MethodsYu, Dr YUniversity of WarwickStatistics 288,340
DMS-EPSRC: Fast martingales, large deviations and randomised gradients for heavy-tailed target distributionsMijatovic, Professor AUniversity of WarwickStatistics 662,611
Do single-bounce nuclear spin flips happen, and can they be measured?Alexandrowicz, Professor GSwansea UniversityCollege of Science 202,393
Domain decomposition methods based on proper generalized decomposition for parametric heterogeneous problemsDiscacciati, Dr MLoughborough UniversityMathematical Sciences 244,479
'Double-slit' and multiple-path Interference studies from Rb excited and ionized by high-resolution laser radiation.Murray, Professor AJUniversity of Manchester, ThePhysics and Astronomy 567,853
Dual Unsaturated Transition Metal-Main Group (TM-M') Heterobimetallic Complexes for Cooperative Reactivity and CatalysisMacgregor, Professor SAHeriot-Watt UniversitySch of Engineering and Physical Science 349,787
Dual Unsaturated Transition Metal-Main Group (TM-M') Heterobimetallic Complexes for Cooperative Reactivity and CatalysisWhittlesey, Professor MUniversity of BathChemistry 427,065
Durham University's EPSRC Core Equipment Award 2020Bain, Professor CDDurham, University ofVice Chancellor's Office 850,000
Dynamical Chemical ProcessesMcKendrick, Professor KGHeriot-Watt UniversitySch of Engineering and Physical Science 1,277,251
Dynamical zeta functions and resonances for infinite area surfacesPollicott, Professor MUniversity of WarwickMathematics 394,485
Dynamics of generalized Farey sequences with applications to equidistributionTseng, Dr JUniversity of ExeterMathematics 124,910
Dynamics of singular stochastic nonlinear dispersive PDEsWang, Dr YUniversity of BirminghamSchool of Mathematics 259,229
Dynamics, Control and Energy Transfer at Terahertz Frequencies.Burnett, Dr ADUniversity of LeedsSch of Chemistry 1,025,292
E-320 experiment at FACET-IISarri, Dr GQueen's University of BelfastSch of Mathematics and Physics 43,248
eBase: Evidence-Base; growing the Big Grant ClubRobertson, Professor DUniversity of EdinburghCollege of Science and Engineering 582,054
Edge Computing Resource Allocation for Dynamic NetworksAthanasopoulos, Dr NQueen's University of BelfastSch of Electronics, Elec Eng & Comp Sci 254,305
Edinburgh Centre for Advanced Multi-Elemental Analysis (AMEA)Mount, Professor AUniversity of EdinburghSch of Chemistry 400,000
Effective Equidistribution in Diophantine Approximation : Theory, Interactions and Applications.Adiceam, Dr FUniversity of Manchester, TheMathematics 160,136
Efficient Spectral Algorithms for Massive and Dynamic GraphsSun, Dr HUniversity of EdinburghSch of Informatics 1,205,706
Electride Materials ChemistryGregory, Professor DHUniversity of GlasgowSchool of Chemistry 202,220
ELECTROCHEMISTRY- QUO VADIS? Workshop Grant applicationDryfe, Professor RAWUniversity of Manchester, TheChemistry 26,327
Embedding FAIRness in Plasma ScienceHill, Dr PAUniversity of YorkPhysics 992,754
Embracing gauge-freedom in ultrastrong-coupling quantum electrodynamicsNazir, Dr AUniversity of Manchester, ThePhysics and Astronomy 192,954
Enabling breakthrough energy materials with advanced microscopy and modellingNicholls, Dr RUniversity of OxfordMaterials 846,008
Enantioconvergent Multi-Component Reactions.Lawrence, Professor ALUniversity of EdinburghSch of Chemistry 202,196
Enantioselective C-H C-H Coupling of Alcohols with HeteroarenesPhipps, Dr RJUniversity of CambridgeChemistry 355,413
Energy Demographics: the role of demographic data in understanding UK's demand for energyOwen, Dr AUniversity of LeedsSchool of Earth and Environment 322,864
Engineering Science Capital: co-creating resources to showcase diversity of engineering careers to 3-7 year olds and familiesBridle, Dr HHeriot-Watt UniversitySch of Engineering and Physical Science 150,618
Engineering thermoresponsive materials via supracolloidal assembly in polymer-stabilised emulsions.Cook, Dr MTUniversity of HertfordshireSchool of Life and Medical Sciences 149,046
Enhancement and Control of Turbulent Reactive Flows via Electrical Fields - A Mesoscopic PerspectiveLuo, Professor KHUCLMechanical Engineering 357,032
Enhancing Representation Theory, Noncommutative Algebra And Geometry Through Moduli, Stability And DeformationsGordon, Professor IUniversity of EdinburghSch of Mathematics 2,716,102
Enveloping algebras of infinite-dimensional Lie algebrasSierra, Dr S JUniversity of EdinburghSch of Mathematics 555,385
Environment and Listener Optimised Speech Processing for Hearing Enhancement in Real Situations (ELO-SPHERES)Naylor, Professor PAImperial College LondonElectrical and Electronic Engineering 587,008
Environment and Listener Optimised Speech Processing for Hearing Enhancement in Real Situations (ELO-SPHERES)Huckvale, Professor MAUCLSpeech Hearing and Phonetic Science 554,977
EPR NRF Core Equipment BidCollison, Dr DUniversity of Manchester, TheChemistry 444,543
EPRSC Resource Only Strategic Equipment: the Warwick Analytical Science CentreBrown, Professor SPUniversity of WarwickPhysics 953,764
'EPSRC and SFI Centre for Doctoral Training in Engineered Tissues for Discovery, Industry and MedicineDalby, Professor MJUniversity of GlasgowSchool of Engineering 7,013,579
EPSRC Capital Award for Core EquipmentConstantinou, Professor CCUniversity of BirminghamSchool of Chemistry 273,800
EPSRC Capital Award for Core EquipmentAbell, Professor CUniversity of CambridgeVice-Chancellor's Office 850,000
EPSRC Capital Award for Core Equipment - University of WarwickThomas, Professor PAUniversity of WarwickVice Chancellors Office 275,000
EPSRC Capital Award for Core Equipment 2020 University of BirminghamConstantinou, Professor CCUniversity of BirminghamElectronic, Electrical and Computer Eng 950,000
EPSRC Capital Award for Core Equipment 2020/21Rothberg, Professor SJLoughborough UniversityWolfson Sch of Mech, Elec & Manufac Eng 675,448
EPSRC Capital Award for Core Equipment at University of SouthamptonSpearing, Professor SMUniversity of SouthamptonSch of Engineering 449,518
EPSRC Capital Award for Core Equipment, King's College LondonRazavi, Professor RKings College LondonImaging & Biomedical Engineering 125,000
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in BioDesign EngineeringBaldwin, Professor GImperial College LondonLife Sciences 7,001,623
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Statistics and Operational Research in Partnership with Industry (STOR-i)Tawn, Professor JLancaster UniversityMathematics and Statistics 5,453,875
EPSRC Core Capital University of YorkFulton, Professor BUniversity of YorkUniversity of York 648,245
EPSRC Core Equipment Award 2020van der Hoek, Professor WUniversity of LiverpoolFaculty of Science and Engineering 594,430
EPSRC Core Equipment Award 2020 - University of OxfordGrant, Professor PUniversity of OxfordMathematical, Physical&Life Sciences Div 1,667,855
EPSRC Core Equipment Award 2020: University of WarwickThomas, Professor PAUniversity of WarwickVice Chancellors Office 875,000
EPSRC Core Equipment BidHead, Professor INewcastle UniversitySch of Natural & Environmental Sciences 149,878
EPSRC Network+ proposal: Human-Like ComputingMuggleton, Professor SImperial College LondonComputing 1,346,363
EPSRC-SFI - Solving Spins and StringsTorrielli, Dr AUniversity of SurreyMathematics 390,084
EPSRC-SFI: Emergent Magnetism and Spin Interactions in Metallo-Molecular InterfacesCespedes, Dr OUniversity of LeedsPhysics and Astronomy 648,440
EPSRC-SFI: Emergent Magnetism and Spin Interactions in Metallo-Molecular InterfacesTeobaldi, Dr GSTFC Laboratories (Grouped)Scientific Computing Department 487,233
Equations in groups, formal languages and complexityCiobanu Radomirovic, Dr LIHeriot-Watt UniversityS of Mathematical and Computer Sciences 287,684
ESPRC-JSPS Core-to-Core Grant ApplicationSamuel, Professor IUniversity of St AndrewsPhysics and Astronomy 1,022,789
Establishing a Periodic Table Toolbox for Nanoassembly and SuperselectivityHowarth, Professor MRUniversity of OxfordBiochemistry 419,309
Evolutionary Optimisation of Networks towards ComplexityClaussen, Dr JAston UniversityCollege of Engineering and Physical Sci 202,122
Exact Coherent Structures in Viscoelastic TurbulenceKerswell, Professor RUniversity of CambridgeApplied Maths and Theoretical Physics 466,610
Exact scalable inference for coalescent processesKoskela, Dr JUniversity of WarwickStatistics 99,492
Exaggeration, cohesion, and fragmentation in on-line forumsPierrehumbert, Professor JUniversity of OxfordEngineering Science 604,763
Exciting Voigt surface wavesMackay, Dr TUniversity of EdinburghSch of Mathematics 202,263
Expanding the biochemical toolbox for protein modification at cysteineMacMillan, Dr DUCLChemistry 375,298
Experiencing the micro-world - a cell's perspectiveDalgarno, Dr PHeriot-Watt UniversitySch of Engineering and Physical Science 293,057
Experiencing the micro-world - a cell's perspectiveTassieri, Dr MUniversity of GlasgowSchool of Engineering 79,810
Experiencing the micro-world - a cell's perspectiveWright, Dr AJUniversity of NottinghamFaculty of Engineering 600,756
Explicit Methods for non-holomorphic Hilbert Modular FormsStromberg, Dr F KUniversity of NottinghamSch of Mathematical Sciences 356,966
Exploiting the resilience of masonry arch bridge infrastructure: a 3D multi-level modelling frameworkGarrity, Professor SWUniversity of LeedsCivil Engineering 784,437
Exploiting the resilience of masonry arch bridge infrastructure: a 3D multi-level modelling frameworkMacorini, Dr LImperial College LondonCivil & Environmental Engineering 481,844
Exploiting the resilience of masonry arch bridge infrastructure: a 3D multi-level modelling frameworkGilbert, Professor MUniversity of SheffieldCivil and Structural Engineering 586,742
Exploring creativity and creative thinking as an effective tool in STEM public engagementDougan, Professor LUniversity of LeedsPhysics and Astronomy 126,018
Exponential asymptotics for multi-dimensional systems in fluid mechanicsTrinh, Dr PUniversity of BathMathematical Sciences 361,082
Exponentially Algebraically Closed FieldsKirby, Dr JUniversity of East AngliaMathematics 319,862
Extended super-resolution three-dimensional mechanical probing in living cells.Fritzsche, Dr MUniversity of OxfordRDM Investigative Medicine 426,631
Extreme volumetric imaging using single-shot optical tomography with compressive sensingMcGinty, Dr JImperial College LondonPhysics 201,158
Fano cone singularities and their linksSuess, Dr HUniversity of Manchester, TheMathematics 351,787
Feedback and Optimisation for Well-behaved Anonymous Communication NetworksElahi, Dr MUniversity of EdinburghSch of Informatics 232,700
Feedback Control of Deformable BubblesThompson, Dr ABUniversity of Manchester, TheMathematics 234,174
Femtosecond Coherences in Single-Molecule MagnetsJohansson, Dr JOUniversity of EdinburghSch of Chemistry 891,005
Ferroelectric gating for agile and reconfigurable 2D electronicsAlexe, Professor MUniversity of WarwickPhysics 840,197
Flexible Optical Lithography for the SuperFab FacilityNormington, Professor CRoyal Holloway, Univ of LondonResearch and Innovation 100,000
Fluctuation Induced Exotic Phases of Quantum MatterGreen, Professor AGUCLLondon Centre for Nanotechnology 735,283
Fluctuation Induced Exotic Phases of Quantum MatterHuxley, Professor ADUniversity of EdinburghSch of Physics and Astronomy 639,300
Fluid dynamics of Urban Tall-building clUsters for Resilient built Environments (FUTURE)Robins, Emeritus Prof. AUniversity of SurreyMechanical Engineering Sciences 559,408
Fluid dynamics of Urban Tall-building clUsters for Resilient built Environments (FUTURE)Xie, Dr ZUniversity of SouthamptonSch of Engineering 364,640
Fluid dynamics of Urban Tall-building clUsters for Resilient built Environments (FUTURE)Barlow, Professor JUniversity of ReadingMeteorology 536,047
FORGING: Fortuitous Geometries and Compressive LearningKaban, Professor AUniversity of BirminghamSchool of Computer Science 876,859
Foundations of the Finite Model Theory of ConcatenationFreydenberger, Dr DDLoughborough UniversityComputer Science 397,698
Fourier analytic techniques in geometry and analysisFraser, Dr JMUniversity of St AndrewsMathematics and Statistics 336,123
Frequency metrology for precision measurements on matter-antimatter symmetryEriksson, Professor SJSwansea UniversityCollege of Science 1,479,104
From data and theory to computational models of more effective virtual human gesturesJack, Professor REUniversity of GlasgowCollege of Medical, Veterinary, Life Sci 435,083
From Organic to Inorganic Chemistry: Exploiting the Isolobal Analogy to Develop Main Group CatalystsMelen, Dr RCardiff UniversityChemistry 848,659
From rings to nanostructuresWinpenny, Professor REUniversity of Manchester, TheChemistry 1,463,518
From the Indian Copper Belts to Chulhas: Affordable Thermoelectric Materials for Rural IndiaPowell, Professor AUniversity of ReadingChemistry 609,274
Functional Hydrogen-Bonded Self-Sorting NetworksWilson, Professor AJUniversity of LeedsSch of Chemistry 454,259
Functional Underpinnings of Summation-By-Parts Finite DifferencesBrambley, Dr EJUniversity of WarwickMathematics 295,057
Fundamental Studies of Electron Correlation with Applications to DFTCox, Professor HUniversity of SussexSch of Life Sciences 363,387
Future-proofing SEM excellence at the University of BathKnight, Professor JUniversity of BathVice Chancellor's Office 225,000
Generalised and Low-Regularity Solutions of Nonlinear Partial Differential EquationsMoser, Professor RUniversity of BathMathematical Sciences 55,327
Generalised and Low-Regularity Solutions of Nonlinear Partial Differential EquationsTopping, Professor PUniversity of WarwickMathematics 36,570
Generalised and Low-Regularity Solutions of Nonlinear Partial Differential EquationsChen, Professor GUniversity of OxfordMathematical Institute 37,180
Generalised and Low-Regularity Solutions of Nonlinear Partial Differential EquationsKatzourakis, Dr NUniversity of ReadingMathematics and Statistics 33,521
Generalised and Low-Regularity Solutions of Nonlinear Partial Differential EquationsScardia, Dr LHeriot-Watt UniversityS of Mathematical and Computer Sciences 35,960
Generalised and Low-Regularity Solutions of Nonlinear Partial Differential EquationsDragoni, Dr FCardiff UniversitySch of Mathematics 46,696
Geodesic Currents and Counting ProblemsErlandsson, Dr VBVUniversity of BristolMathematics 269,274
Geometric eigenvalue bounds for the Dirichlet-to-Neumann OperatorHassannezhad, Dr AUniversity of BristolMathematics 273,051
Geometry from Donaldson-Thomas invariantsBridgeland, Professor TUniversity of SheffieldMathematics and Statistics 615,457
Geometry of Artin Group ActionsMartin, Dr AHeriot-Watt UniversityS of Mathematical and Computer Sciences 209,397
Gibbs measures for nonlinear Schrodinger equations and many-body quantum mechanicsSohinger, Dr VUniversity of WarwickMathematics 188,241
Graph theory in higher dimensionsGeorgakopoulos, Dr AUniversity of WarwickMathematics 377,948
GraphNEx: Graph Neural Networks for Explainable Artificial IntelligenceCavallaro, Professor AQueen Mary University of LondonSch of Electronic Eng & Computer Science 293,434
Graphs in Representation TheorySchroll, Professor SUniversity of LeicesterMathematics 1,015,963
Graphs on Generalised Baire SpacesWelch, Professor PDUniversity of BristolMathematics 303,864
Growth and Remodelling in the Porcine Heart-- Pushing Mathematics through ExperimentsTheobald, Dr PCardiff UniversitySch of Engineering 341,832
Growth and Remodelling in the Porcine Heart-- Pushing Mathematics through ExperimentsKhan, Dr ISwansea UniversityInstitute of Life Science Medical School 40,185
Growth and Remodelling in the Porcine Heart-- Pushing Mathematics through ExperimentsLuo, Professor XUniversity of GlasgowSchool of Mathematics & Statistics 393,630
GW4 Tier 2 HPC Centre for Advanced ArchitecturesMcIntosh-Smith, Professor SNUniversity of BristolComputer Science 3,000,000
GW4 Tier-2 HPC Centre for Advanced ArchitecturesMcIntosh-Smith, Professor SNUniversity of BristolComputer Science 4,108,144
Helicity-dependent quantum phasesGötte, Dr JBUniversity of GlasgowCollege of Science and Engineering 199,592
Heriot-Watt University EPSRC Core Equipment Award 2020Pender, Professor GHeriot-Watt UniversitySch of Engineering and Physical Science 655,000
Heriot-Watt University EPSRC Core Equipment Funding AwardPender, Professor GHeriot-Watt UniversitySch of Engineering and Physical Science 250,000
High Energy Powder X-ray Diffraction for Advanced Materials CharacterisationBrown, Professor CTAUniversity of St AndrewsChemistry 726,498
High energy spectral and scattering phenomena via microlocal analysisGalkowski, Dr JUCLMathematics 954,337
High Frequency Flexural Ultrasonic Transducers (HiFFUT) - a new class of transducerDixon, Professor SMUniversity of WarwickPhysics 1,194,109
High Intensity High Sensitivity X-ray DiffactionSchroder, Professor MUniversity of Manchester, TheChemistry 1,078,365
High Throughput Atom-by-Atom ElectrochemistryUnwin, Professor PUniversity of WarwickChemistry 202,164
Higher Algebra and Quantum ProtocolsVicary, Dr JOUniversity of CambridgeComputer Science and Technology 234,355
Higher Algebra and Quantum ProtocolsDouglas, Dr CUniversity of OxfordMathematical Institute 494,701
Higher-order Constrained Horn Clauses: A New Approach to Verifying Higher-order ProgramsRamsay, Dr S JUniversity of BristolComputer Science 366,931
Higher-order Constrained Horn Clauses: A New Approach to Verifying Higher-order ProgramsOng, Professor CHLUniversity of OxfordComputer Science 409,019
High-sensitivity multinuclear 600 MHz NMR for synthesis, catalysis and functional materialsClaridge, Professor TUniversity of OxfordOxford Chemistry 971,862
Hijacking prenyl and geranyl transferases - A route to carry out click modifications and to enhance cellular permeability of peptidesHoussen, Dr WUniversity of AberdeenChemistry 1,032,570
Hopf-Galois Theory and Skew BracesByott, Professor NUniversity of ExeterMathematical Sciences 368,722
Hybrid pixel detector upgrade for electron energy loss spectrometerRamasse, Professor QUniversity of LeedsChemical and Process Engineering 500,000
Hydrophobic Gating in Membrane Nanopores: Water at the NanoscaleSansom, Professor MUniversity of OxfordBiochemistry 379,691
Hyperbolic problems with discontinuous coefficientsGaretto, Dr CLoughborough UniversityMathematical Sciences 587,022
Hyperfine Resolution and Advanced Structural Analysis to Enable Next-Generation Molecular ScienceO'Connor, Professor PBUniversity of WarwickChemistry 3,101,722
I want it now -TTE 2018Cherrett, Professor TUniversity of SouthamptonSch of Engineering 10,000
Immuno-chemotherapeutic Metal Complexes for Cancer Stem Cell-Directed TherapySuntharalingam, Dr KUniversity of LeicesterChemistry 217,731
Impact Acceleration Account - Cardiff University 2017Graham, Professor KCardiff UniversitySch of Engineering 905,002
Impact Acceleration Account - Cranfield University 2017Stephenson, Professor TCranfield UniversitySchool of Water, Energy and Environment 852,493
Impact Acceleration Account - Durham University 2017Bain, Professor CDDurham, University ofEnglish Studies 952,899
Impact Acceleration Account - Heriot-Watt University 2017Pender, Professor GHeriot-Watt UniversitySch of Energy, Geosci, Infrast & Society 1,736,075
Impact Acceleration Account - Imperial College London 2017Jennings, Professor NImperial College LondonResearch Office 9,604,686
Impact Acceleration Account - King's College London 2017Mottershead, Mr CKings College LondonKing's College London Central Offices 2,040,367
Impact Acceleration Account - Lancaster University 2017Heathwaite, Professor ALancaster UniversityVice-Chancellor's Office 1,469,630
Impact Acceleration Account - Loughborough University 2017Bhamra, Professor TLoughborough UniversityLoughborough Design School 1,778,014
Impact Acceleration Account - Newcastle University 2017Head, Professor INewcastle UniversitySch of Engineering 3,128,026
Impact Acceleration Account - Queen Mary, University of London 2017Wang, Professor WQueen Mary University of LondonSch of Electronic Eng & Computer Science 913,634
Impact Acceleration Account - Queen's University of Belfast 2017Taylor, Prof. SQueen's University of BelfastSch of Pharmacy 1,048,663
Impact Acceleration Account - Swansea University 2017Doel, Professor MSwansea UniversityCollege of Science 819,410
Impact Acceleration Account - The University of Manchester 2017Georghiou, Professor LGUniversity of Manchester, TheOffice of President & Vice-Chancellor 4,201,425
Impact Acceleration Account - University College London 2017Caulcott, Dr CUCLOffice of Vice Provost Enterprise 9,566,529
Impact Acceleration Account - University of Bath 2017Knight, Professor JUniversity of BathVice Chancellor's Office 2,518,448
Impact Acceleration Account - University of Birmingham 2017Softley, Professor TUniversity of BirminghamSch of Biosciences 3,622,955
Impact Acceleration Account - University of Bristol 2017Peters, Professor TJUniversity of BristolElectrical and Electronic Engineering 6,050,366
Impact Acceleration Account - University of Cambridge 2017Abell, Professor CUniversity of CambridgeChemistry 7,290,350
Impact Acceleration Account - University of Edinburgh 2017Mount, Professor AUniversity of EdinburghSch of Chemistry 3,520,243
Impact Acceleration Account - University of Exeter 2017Gow, Professor NUniversity of ExeterBiosciences 1,248,495
Impact Acceleration Account - University of Glasgow 2017Pearce, Professor CUniversity of GlasgowScience and Engineering Adminstration 2,967,980
Impact Acceleration Account - University of Leeds 2017Plant, Professor NUniversity of LeedsSch of Molecular & Cellular Biology 3,107,352
Impact Acceleration Account - University of Liverpool 2017Williams, Professor RGUniversity of LiverpoolMech, Materials & Aerospace Engineering 1,878,608
Impact Acceleration Account - University of Nottingham 2017Corner, Professor JUniversity of NottinghamRegistrar's Department 3,835,122
Impact Acceleration Account - University of Oxford 2017Grant, Professor PUniversity of OxfordOxford Physics 9,176,856
Impact Acceleration Account - University of Sheffield 2017Petley, Professor DUniversity of SheffieldGeography 3,715,583
Impact Acceleration Account - University of Southampton 2017Spearing, Professor SMUniversity of SouthamptonFaculty of Engineering & the Environment 5,132,953
Impact Acceleration Account - University of St Andrews 2017Woollins, Professor JDUniversity of St AndrewsOffice of the Principal 1,003,357
Impact Acceleration Account - University of Strathclyde 2017Bedford, Professor TUniversity of StrathclydeManagement Science 2,308,150
Impact Acceleration Account - University of Surrey 2017Kearney, Professor MUniversity of SurreyProvost 2,176,070
Impact Acceleration Account - University of Warwick 2017Thomas, Professor PAUniversity of WarwickPhysics 3,245,963
Impact Acceleration Account - University of York 2017Fulton, Professor BUniversity of YorkPhysics 2,247,310
IMPacts of Cooking and Cleaning on indoor Air quality: towards healthy BuiLdings for the futurE: IMPeCCABLEJones, Dr BMUniversity of NottinghamFaculty of Engineering 164,620
IMPacts of Cooking and Cleaning on indoor Air quality: towards healthy BuiLdings for the futurE: IMPeCCABLECarslaw, Professor NUniversity of YorkEnvironment 550,861
IMPacts of Cooking and Cleaning on indoor Air quality: towards healthy BuiLdings for the futurE: IMPeCCABLEPhillips, Dr GJUniversity of ChesterNatural/Physical Sciences 198,128
Inclusion Really Does Matter: Improving Reactions to Gender Equality Initiatives Amongst Academics in Engineering and Physical SciencesTaylor, Prof. SQueen's University of BelfastThe Vice Chancellors Office 524,534
Industrial CASE Account - Brunel University 2018Bell, Mr ABrunel University LondonResearch Support and Development Office 254,547
Industrial CASE Account - Brunel University 2019Bell, Mr ABrunel University LondonResearch Support and Development Office 171,800
Industrial CASE Account - Brunel University 2020Bell, Mr ABrunel University LondonResearch Support and Development Office 175,392
Industrial CASE Account - Cardiff University 2018Phillips, Mrs RWCardiff UniversityRegistry 509,094
Industrial CASE Account - Cardiff University 2019Phillips, Mrs RWCardiff UniversityRegistry 343,600
Industrial CASE Account - Cardiff University 2020Phillips, Mrs RWCardiff UniversityRegistry 263,088
Industrial CASE Account - Cardiff University 2021Phillips, Mrs RWCardiff UniversityRegistry 355,541
Industrial CASE Account - Cranfield University 2018Thompson, Dr CCranfield UniversityAdministration 593,943
Industrial CASE Account - Cranfield University 2019Thompson, Dr CCranfield UniversityAdministration 429,500
Industrial CASE Account - Cranfield University 2020Thompson, Dr CCranfield UniversityAdministration 1,052,352
Industrial CASE Account - Cranfield University 2021Thompson, Dr CCranfield UniversityAdministration 711,084
Industrial CASE Account - Durham University 2020Bailey, Mrs ADurham, University ofStudent Financial Support 175,392
Industrial CASE Account - Durham University 2021Bailey, Mrs ADurham, University ofStudent Financial Support 266,657
Industrial CASE Account - Heriot-Watt University 2019Pender, Professor GHeriot-Watt UniversitySch of Energy, Geosci, Infrast & Society 257,700
Industrial CASE Account - Heriot-Watt University 2020Pender, Professor GHeriot-Watt UniversitySch of Energy, Geosci, Infrast & Society 175,392
Industrial CASE Account - Imperial College 2018Jennings, Professor NImperial College LondonResearch Office 1,781,829
Industrial CASE Account - Imperial College 2019Jennings, Professor NImperial College LondonResearch Office 1,374,400
Industrial CASE Account - Imperial College London 2020Jennings, Professor NImperial College LondonResearch Office 1,841,616
Industrial CASE Account - Imperial College London 2021Jennings, Professor NImperial College LondonResearch Office 1,244,397
Industrial CASE Account - King's College 2018Bertram, Miss HKings College LondonResearch Grants & Contracts 169,698
Industrial CASE Account - King's College 2019Hartley, Miss AKings College LondonKing's College London Central Offices 171,800
Industrial CASE Account - King's College London 2020Kasyutich, Dr OKings College LondonKing's College London Central Offices 175,392
Industrial CASE Account - Lancaster University 2018Heathwaite, Professor ALancaster UniversityVice-Chancellor's Office 254,547
Industrial CASE Account - Lancaster University 2019Heathwaite, Professor ALancaster UniversityVice-Chancellor's Office 171,800
Industrial CASE Account - Lancaster University 2020Heathwaite, Professor ALancaster UniversityVice-Chancellor's Office 263,088
Industrial CASE Account - Lancaster University 2021Heathwaite, Professor ALancaster UniversityVice-Chancellor's Office 177,771
Industrial CASE Account - Leicester University 2019Daly, Miss RSUniversity of LeicesterFinance Office 84,849
Industrial CASE Account - Loughborough University 2018North, Dr KALoughborough UniversityResearch Student Office 339,396
Industrial CASE Account - Loughborough University 2019North, Dr KALoughborough UniversityResearch Student Office 171,800
Industrial CASE Account - Loughborough University 2020North, Dr KALoughborough UniversityResearch Student Office 175,392
Industrial CASE Account - Loughborough University 2021North, Dr KALoughborough UniversityResearch Office 177,771
Industrial CASE Account - Newcastle University 2018Houghton, Ms NMNewcastle UniversityResearch, Strategy & Development 254,547
Industrial CASE Account - Newcastle University 2019Houghton, Ms NMNewcastle UniversityResearch, Strategy & Development 257,700
Industrial CASE Account - Newcastle University 2020Houghton, Ms NMNewcastle UniversityResearch, Strategy & Development 175,392
Industrial CASE Account - Newcastle University 2021Houghton, Ms NMNewcastle UniversityResearch, Strategy & Development 355,541
Industrial CASE Account - Queen Mary University of London 2018Clarke, Mrs JQueen Mary University of LondonResearch Support Services 254,547
Industrial CASE Account - Queen Mary University of London 2019Clarke, Mrs JQueen Mary University of LondonResearch Support Services 171,800
Industrial CASE Account - Queen Mary University of London 2020Clarke, Mrs JQueen Mary University of LondonResearch Support Services 175,392
Industrial CASE Account - Queen Mary University of London 2021Clarke, Mrs JQueen Mary University of LondonResearch Support Services 177,771
Industrial CASE Account - Queen's University Belfast 2018Kelly, Mr MQueen's University of BelfastResearch and Enterprise 169,698
Industrial CASE Account - Queen's University Belfast 2019Kelly, Mr MQueen's University of BelfastResearch and Enterprise 171,800
Industrial CASE Account - Queen's University Belfast 2020Kelly, Mr MQueen's University of BelfastResearch and Enterprise 350,784
Industrial CASE Account - Swansea University 2018Jones, Mr CDSwansea UniversityResearch and Innovation 509,094
Industrial CASE Account - Swansea University 2019Griffiths, Professor HRSwansea UniversityCollege of Science 343,600
Industrial CASE Account - Swansea University 2020Griffiths, Professor HRSwansea UniversityCollege of Science 701,568
Industrial CASE Account - Swansea University 2021Wilks, Professor SSwansea UniversityCollege of Science 533,313
Industrial CASE Account - The University of Manchester 2018Heath, Professor SLUniversity of Manchester, TheMechanical Aerospace and Civil Eng 1,103,037
Industrial CASE Account - The University of Manchester 2019Heath, Professor SLUniversity of Manchester, TheMechanical Aerospace and Civil Eng 1,289,447
Industrial CASE Account - The University of Manchester 2020Heath, Professor SLUniversity of Manchester, TheMechanical Aerospace and Civil Eng 1,578,528
Industrial CASE Account - The University of Manchester 2021Heath, Professor SLUniversity of Manchester, TheMechanical Aerospace and Civil Eng 1,066,625
Industrial CASE Account - University College London 2018Price, Professor GUCLOffice of Vice Provost Research 424,245
Industrial CASE Account - University College London 2019Price, Professor GUCLOffice of Vice Provost Academic and Int 773,100
Industrial CASE Account - University College London 2020Price, Professor GUCLOffice of Vice Provost Academic and Int 1,227,744
Industrial CASE Account - University College London 2021Price, Professor GUCLOffice of Vice Provost Academic and Int 888,855
Industrial CASE Account - University of Aberdeen 2021Duffus, Mrs KUniversity of AberdeenResearch Administration 88,886
Industrial CASE Account - University of Bath 2018Knight, Professor JUniversity of BathVice Chancellor's Office 254,547
Industrial CASE Account - University of Bath 2019Knight, Professor JUniversity of BathVice Chancellor's Office 257,700
Industrial CASE Account - University of Bath 2020Knight, Professor JUniversity of BathVice Chancellor's Office 526,176
Industrial CASE Account - University of Bath 2021Knight, Professor JUniversity of BathVice Chancellor's Office 444,427
Industrial CASE Account - University of Birmingham 2018Bowen, Professor PUniversity of BirminghamFinance Office 593,943
Industrial CASE Account - University of Birmingham 2019Bowen, Professor PUniversity of BirminghamMetallurgy and Materials 515,400
Industrial CASE Account - University of Birmingham 2020Bowen, Professor PUniversity of BirminghamMetallurgy and Materials 87,696
Industrial CASE Account - University of Birmingham 2021Bowen, Professor PUniversity of BirminghamMetallurgy and Materials 622,198
Industrial CASE Account - University of Brighton 2018Crua, Professor CUniversity of BrightonSch of Environment and Technology 169,698
Industrial CASE Account - University of Bristol 2018Coombs, Mrs JAUniversity of BristolFinance Office 509,094
Industrial CASE Account - University of Bristol 2019Coombs, Mrs JAUniversity of BristolFinance Office 859,000
Industrial CASE Account - University of Bristol 2020Coombs, Mrs JAUniversity of BristolFinance Office 1,227,744
Industrial CASE Account - University of Bristol 2021Coombs, Mrs JAUniversity of BristolFinance Office 533,313
Industrial CASE Account - University of Cambridge 2018Moultrie, Dr JUniversity of CambridgeEngineering 1,527,282
Industrial CASE Account - University of Cambridge 2019Barrie, Dr PJUniversity of CambridgeEngineering 1,202,600
Industrial CASE Account - University of Cambridge 2020Barrie, Dr PJUniversity of CambridgeEngineering 1,140,048
Industrial CASE Account - University of Cambridge 2021Barrie, Dr PJUniversity of CambridgeChemical Engineering and Biotechnology 1,777,709
Industrial CASE Account - University of East Anglia 2018Steele, Ms MSUniversity of East AngliaResearch & Innovation Services 84,849
Industrial CASE Account - University of East Anglia 2021Steele, Ms MSUniversity of East AngliaResearch & Innovation Services 88,886
Industrial CASE Account - University of Edinburgh 2018Maciocia, Professor AUniversity of EdinburghCollege of Science and Engineering 424,245
Industrial CASE Account - University of Edinburgh 2019Maciocia, Professor AUniversity of EdinburghCollege of Science and Engineering 257,700
Industrial CASE Account - University of Edinburgh 2020Maciocia, Professor AUniversity of EdinburghCollege of Science and Engineering 263,088
Industrial CASE Account - University of Edinburgh 2021Maciocia, Professor AUniversity of EdinburghCollege of Science and Engineering 533,313
Industrial CASE Account - University of Exeter 2018Hibbins, Professor APUniversity of ExeterAdministration 84,849
Industrial CASE Account - University of Exeter 2019Frost, Miss PTUniversity of ExeterBusiness and Management 343,600
Industrial CASE Account - University of Exeter 2021Frost, Miss PTUniversity of ExeterManagement 266,657
Industrial CASE Account - University of Glasgow 2019Kneafsey, Ms MUniversity of GlasgowResearch Strategy and Innovation Office 171,800
Industrial CASE Account - University of Glasgow 2020Kneafsey, Ms MUniversity of GlasgowResearch Strategy and Innovation Office 263,088
Industrial CASE Account - University of Glasgow 2021Kneafsey, Ms MUniversity of GlasgowResearch Strategy and Innovation Office 177,771
Industrial CASE Account - University of Huddersfield 2018Towns-Andrews, Professor EUniversity of HuddersfieldResearch and Enterprise 169,698
Industrial CASE Account - University of Huddersfield 2019Turner, Dr T SUniversity of HuddersfieldResearch and Enterprise 171,800
Industrial CASE Account - University of Kent 2020Hughes, Ms MPUniversity of KentEnrolment and Management Services 87,696
Industrial CASE Account - University of Leeds 2018Neave, Ms CFUniversity of LeedsResearch Student Administration 509,094
Industrial CASE Account - University of Leeds 2019Neave, Ms CFUniversity of LeedsResearch Student Administration 429,500
Industrial CASE Account - University of Leeds 2020Neave, Ms CFUniversity of LeedsResearch Student Administration 263,088
Industrial CASE Account - University of Leeds 2021Neave, Ms CFUniversity of LeedsResearch Student Administration 622,198
Industrial CASE Account - University of Leicester 2020Burton, Mrs CAUniversity of LeicesterSch of Biological Sciences 87,696
Industrial CASE Account - University of Leicester 2021Burton, Mrs CAUniversity of LeicesterSch of Biological Sciences 88,886
Industrial CASE Account - University of Liverpool 2018Henderson, Ms DUniversity of LiverpoolGraduate School 339,396
Industrial CASE Account - University of Liverpool 2019Henderson, Ms DUniversity of LiverpoolStudent Administration and Support 429,500
Industrial CASE Account - University of Liverpool 2020Henderson, Ms DUniversity of LiverpoolStudent Administration and Support 438,480
Industrial CASE Account - University of Liverpool 2021Henderson, Ms DUniversity of LiverpoolStudent Administration and Support 533,313
Industrial CASE Account - University of Nottingham 2018Tuck, Professor CJUniversity of NottinghamResearch and Innovation (Admin) 434,855
Industrial CASE Account - University of Nottingham 2019Tuck, Professor CJUniversity of NottinghamFaculty of Engineering 602,707
Industrial CASE Account - University of Nottingham 2020Tuck, Professor CJUniversity of NottinghamResearch and Innovation (Admin) 526,176
Industrial CASE Account - University of Nottingham 2021Tuck, Professor CJUniversity of NottinghamFaculty of Engineering 533,313
Industrial CASE Account - University of Oxford 2018Vallins-Hooper, Mrs AUniversity of OxfordMathematical, Physical&Life Sciences Div 1,104,914
Industrial CASE Account - University of Oxford 2019Vallins-Hooper, Mrs AUniversity of OxfordMathematical, Physical&Life Sciences Div 1,031,975
Industrial CASE Account - University of Oxford 2020Vallins-Hooper, Mrs AUniversity of OxfordMathematical, Physical&Life Sciences Div 1,227,744
Industrial CASE Account - University of Oxford 2021Vallins-Hooper, Mrs AUniversity of OxfordMathematical, Physical&Life Sciences Div 1,244,397
Industrial CASE Account - University of Plymouth 2021Greaves, Professor DUniversity of PlymouthSch of Eng, Comp and Math (SECaM) 88,886
Industrial CASE Account - University of Reading 2018Neves, Dr CUniversity of ReadingMathematics and Statistics 84,849
Industrial CASE Account - University of Sheffield 2018Lindley, Miss KLUniversity of SheffieldResearch Finance 593,943
Industrial CASE Account - University of Sheffield 2019Lindley, Miss KLUniversity of SheffieldResearch Finance 171,800
Industrial CASE Account - University of Sheffield 2020Lindley, Miss KLUniversity of SheffieldResearch Finance 175,392
Industrial CASE Account - University of Sheffield 2021Lindley, Miss KLUniversity of SheffieldResearch Finance 622,198
Industrial CASE Account - University of Southampton 2018Howls, Professor CJUniversity of SouthamptonResearch and Innovation Services 1,187,886
Industrial CASE Account - University of Southampton 2019Howls, Professor CJUniversity of SouthamptonSch of Mathematical Sciences 687,200
Industrial CASE Account - University of Southampton 2020Howls, Professor CJUniversity of SouthamptonSch of Mathematical Sciences 789,264
Industrial CASE Account - University of Southampton 2021Howls, Professor CJUniversity of SouthamptonSch of Mathematical Sciences 622,198
Industrial CASE Account - University of St Andrews 2019Woollins, Professor JDUniversity of St AndrewsOffice of the Principal 171,800
Industrial CASE Account - University of St Andrews 2021Woollins, Professor JDUniversity of St AndrewsOffice of the Principal 177,771
Industrial CASE Account - University of Strathclyde 2018Kerr, Professor WJUniversity of StrathclydeResearch and Knowledge Exchange Services 1,018,188
Industrial CASE Account - University of Strathclyde 2019Kerr, Professor WJUniversity of StrathclydeResearch and Knowledge Exchange Services 1,030,800
Industrial CASE Account - University of Strathclyde 2020McFarlane, Mrs AUniversity of StrathclydeResearch and Knowledge Exchange Services 789,264
Industrial CASE Account - University of Surrey 2018Allam, Professor JUniversity of SurreyResearch Finance 424,245
Industrial CASE Account - University of Surrey 2019Allam, Professor JUniversity of SurreyCentre for Environment & Sustainability 687,200
Industrial CASE Account - University of Surrey 2020Allam, Professor JUniversity of SurreyCentre for Environment & Sustainability 438,480
Industrial CASE Account - University of Surrey 2021Allam, Professor JUniversity of SurreyATI Physics 622,198
Industrial CASE Account - University of Sussex 2018Wrigg, Mrs LUniversity of SussexResearch and Enterprise Services 84,849
Industrial CASE Account - University of Sussex 2019Wrigg, Mrs LUniversity of SussexResearch and Enterprise Services 85,900
Industrial CASE Account - University of Warwick 2018Martyn, Miss R CUniversity of WarwickVice Chancellors Office 424,245
Industrial CASE Account - University of Warwick 2019Martyn, Miss R CUniversity of WarwickVice Chancellors Office 859,000
Industrial CASE Account - University of Warwick 2020Martyn, Miss R CUniversity of WarwickVice Chancellors Office 350,784
Industrial CASE Account - University of Warwick 2021Martyn, Miss R CUniversity of WarwickVice Chancellors Office 533,313
Industrial CASE Account - University of York 2018Fulton, Professor BUniversity of YorkPhysics 169,698
Industrial CASE Account - University of York 2019Fulton, Professor BUniversity of YorkPhysics 257,700
Industrial CASE Account - University of York 2020Fulton, Professor BUniversity of YorkPhysics 87,696
Industrial CASE Account - University of York 2021Fulton, Professor BUniversity of YorkPhysics 711,084
Infer<Proven>ence: Capturing Provenance Information with Minimal IntrusionChapman, Professor AUniversity of SouthamptonSch of Electronics and Computer Sci 222,788
Institute of Cancer Research - Equipment AccountWorkman, Professor PInstitute of Cancer ResearchDivision of Radiotherapy and Imaging 613,324
Integral p_adic Hodge-theory and applications to p-adic deformation theoryLanger, Professor AUniversity of ExeterMathematics 381,961
Integral Structures in the Langlands ProgrammeKurinczuk, Dr RUniversity of SheffieldPure Mathematics 739,381
Integrated atomic force and confocal fluorescence lifetime imaging microscope with fibre-coupled infrared detector for materials researchMartin-Fabiani, Dr ILoughborough UniversityMaterials 817,064
Integrated study of damage after overloads in single crystalsCastelluccio, Dr GCranfield UniversitySch of Aerospace, Transport & Manufact 231,090
Into a New Plane - Three-Dimensionally Delocalised Nano-GraphenesWright, Dr I ALoughborough UniversityChemistry 190,746
Intrinsic Instabilities at Impure InterfacesShen, Dr LImperial College LondonMechanical Engineering 383,938
Invariable generation in finite groups with applications to algorithmic number theoryTracey, Dr GUniversity of OxfordMathematical Institute 288,585
INVARIANT ALGEBRAS IN HYPERBOLIC GEOMETRYLombardo, Professor SLoughborough UniversityMathematical Sciences 153,559
Ionic-Liquid Mixtures: from Surface Structure to Catalytic PerformanceSlattery, Dr JMUniversity of YorkChemistry 692,816
Ionic-Liquid Mixtures: from Surface Structure to Catalytic PerformanceMcKendrick, Professor KGHeriot-Watt UniversitySch of Engineering and Physical Science 680,204
Isotropic motives and affine quadricsVishik, Dr AUniversity of NottinghamSch of Mathematical Sciences 357,856
IWOTA Lancaster 2020: International Workshop on Operator Theory and its Applications to be held at Lancaster from 17th to 21st August 2020Blower, Professor GLancaster UniversityMathematics and Statistics 39,557
JADE: Joint Academic Data science Endeavour - 2Armour, Professor WGUniversity of OxfordEngineering Science 5,539,933
Jordan Algebras, Finsler Geometry and DynamicsLemmens, Dr BUniversity of KentSch of Maths Statistics & Actuarial Sci 310,787
Kähler-Einstein metrics on Fano manifoldsAhmadinezhad, Dr HLoughborough UniversityMathematical Sciences 202,211
Kaehler manifolds of constant curvature with conical singularitiesPanov, Dr DKings College LondonMathematics 317,117
KB mirror project for XMaSHase, Professor TPUniversity of WarwickPhysics 468,000
Keep LearningMiguel, Professor IJUniversity of St AndrewsComputer Science 378,027
Keep LearningHart, Professor EEdinburgh Napier UniversitySchool of Computing 388,219
Kelvin-2Woods, Professor RFQueen's University of BelfastSch of Electronics, Elec Eng & Comp Sci 2,103,957
Kings College London - Equipment AccountMottershead, Mr CKings College LondonUnlisted 740,517
Lévy Processes and Random Walks: a workshop in celebration of Ron Doney's 80th birthdayDenisov, Dr DUniversity of Manchester, TheMathematics 15,316
Large Baseline Quantum-Enhanced Imaging NetworksKok, Professor PUniversity of SheffieldPhysics and Astronomy 359,993
Large deviation techniques for model coarse grainingGrafke, Dr TUniversity of WarwickMathematics 181,373
Laser Imaging of Turbine Engine Combustion Species (LITECS)Johnstone, Professor WUniversity of StrathclydeElectronic and Electrical Engineering 5,813,734
Laser refrigeration on the nanoscale: From nanocryostats to quantum optomechanicsThomson, Professor RRHeriot-Watt UniversitySch of Engineering and Physical Science 335,592
Laser refrigeration on the nanoscale: From nanocryostats to quantum optomechanicsBarker, Professor PFUCLPhysics and Astronomy 729,667
Lattice Models of Bacterial TurbulenceMorozov, Professor AUniversity of EdinburghSch of Physics and Astronomy 197,827
Learn2Sim: Learning to steer computer simulatorsPrangle, Dr DUniversity of BristolMathematics 202,387
Left 3-Engel elements in groupsTraustason, Dr GUniversity of BathMathematical Sciences 285,012
Levitated Electromechanics: All-Electrical Nanoscale Control and Cooling (LEVELECTRO)Millen, Dr JNKings College LondonPhysics 387,989
Life at the ExtremesBrooks, Dr NJImperial College LondonChemistry 201,597
Light-Driven Multicomponent C-C Couplings: New Avenues to Bioactive MoleculesSilvi, Dr MUniversity of NottinghamSch of Chemistry 403,633
Limit shapes for square ice and tails of the KPZ equationBothner, Dr T JUniversity of BristolMathematics 265,588
Limit theorems for zeroes of Gaussian processes.Buckley, Dr JKings College LondonMathematics 272,948
Local-Global Interactions in CombinatoricsScott, Professor ADUniversity of OxfordMathematical Institute 499,844
Local-global principles: arithmetic statistics and obstructionsNewton, Dr RDUniversity of ReadingMathematics and Statistics 121,502
Local-to-global principles for random Diophantine equationsSkorobogatov, Professor AImperial College LondonMathematics 202,414
Loughborough University EPSRC Capital Award for Core EquipmentRothberg, Professor SJLoughborough UniversityWolfson Sch of Mech, Elec & Manufac Eng 200,000
Lyapunov Exponents and Spectral Properties of Aperiodic StructuresGrimm, Professor UGOpen UniversityFaculty of Sci, Tech, Eng & Maths (STEM) 348,847
Magnetic Properties Measurement System for Manchester and National EPR FacilityMcInnes, Professor EJLUniversity of Manchester, TheChemistry 732,173
Many Body Localisation in the Solid State for Finite Temperature Quantum ComputingMclaughlin, Professor ACUniversity of AberdeenChemistry 123,916
Matchings and tilings in graphsTreglown, Dr A CUniversity of BirminghamSchool of Mathematics 313,311
Mathematical analysis of strongly correlated processes on discrete dynamic structuresde Oliveira Stauffer, Dr AUniversity of BathMathematical Sciences 886,922
Mathematical foundations of non-reversible MCMC for genome-scale inferenceKoskela, Dr JUniversity of WarwickStatistics 76,222
Mathematical theory of polycrystalline materialsBall, Professor Sir JHeriot-Watt UniversityS of Mathematical and Computer Sciences 576,848
Mathematics of Adversarial AttacksHigham, Professor DUniversity of EdinburghSch of Mathematics 202,126
Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry imaging for advanced chemical and materials analysisLockyer, Professor NPUniversity of Manchester, TheChemistry 810,450
Matroid Elevations and Rigid FrameworksJackson, Professor BQueen Mary University of LondonSch of Mathematical Sciences 58,159
Matroids in tropical geometryRincon, Dr FQueen Mary University of LondonSch of Mathematical Sciences 210,270
Maximising the sharing of the Nottingham DNP MAS NMR FacilityKockenberger, Dr WUniversity of NottinghamSch of Physics & Astronomy 161,949
Mean curvature measure of free boundaryKarakhanyan, Dr AUniversity of EdinburghSch of Mathematics 485,481
Measuring Nanoscale Exciton Motion & Annihilation in Single Molecules with Photon StatisticsHedley, Dr GUniversity of GlasgowSchool of Chemistry 278,086
MEGA-FLIM: quantum technologies for megapixel time-resolved imaging and control across biological scalesMachesky, Professor LUniversity of GlasgowCollege of Medical, Veterinary, Life Sci 1,875,030
MEMS-enabled miniaturised multimodal microscopy through pulsed structured illuminationBauer, Dr RUniversity of StrathclydeElectronic and Electrical Engineering 213,135
MENtOR: Methods and Experiments for NOvel RotorcraftBarakos, Professor GUniversity of GlasgowSchool of Engineering 1,199,708
MENtOR: Methods and Experiments for NOvel RotorcraftMorales Viviescas, Dr RUniversity of LeicesterEngineering 150,932
Merging Photoredox with 1,2-Boronate Rearrangements: New Opportunities for Rapid Increase in Molecular ComplexityAggarwal, Professor VKUniversity of BristolChemistry 705,116
Metalens fluorometer to assess drinking water in NepalKrauss, Professor TUniversity of YorkPhysics 547,856
Metal-organic nanosheets: a programmable two-dimensional platform for multistep catalysisFoster, Dr JAUniversity of SheffieldChemistry 385,936
Methods and Experiments for NOvel Rotorcraft (MENtOR)White, Professor MDUniversity of LiverpoolMech, Materials & Aerospace Engineering 199,498
Methods and Experiments for NOvel Rotorcraft (MENtOR)Prince, Dr SCranfield UniversitySch of Aerospace, Transport & Manufact 193,271
Methods and Experiments for Novel Rotorcraft (MENtOR)du Bois, Dr J LUniversity of BathMechanical Engineering 197,377
Methods and Experiments for Novel Rotorcraft (MENtOR)Filippone, Professor AUniversity of Manchester, TheMechanical Aerospace and Civil Eng 338,503
Metrics and Completions of Triangulated CategoriesGratz, Dr S HUniversity of GlasgowSchool of Mathematics & Statistics 237,646
Microcalorimetry In Pulsed Magnetic FieldsCarrington, Professor AUniversity of BristolPhysics 202,293
Microscopy with neutral helium atoms: A wide-ranging new technique for delicate samplesMacLaren, Dr DAUniversity of GlasgowSchool of Physics and Astronomy 168,887
MINT: Masonry in-situ testing and material identificationAcikgoz, Dr SUniversity of OxfordEngineering Science 430,697
Mirror Constructions: Develop, Unify, ApplyKelly, Dr T LUniversity of BirminghamSchool of Mathematics 234,458
Mirror Symmetry for Cluster VarietiesRietsch, Professor KKings College LondonMathematics 465,294
Mirror Symmetry for Fibrations and DegenerationsThompson, Dr AMLoughborough UniversityMathematical Sciences 238,263
Mirror symmetry, Berkovich spaces and the Minimal Model ProgrammeNicaise, Dr JImperial College LondonMathematics 463,465
Mirror symmetry, quantum curves and integrable systemsBrini, Dr AUniversity of SheffieldMathematics and Statistics 833,984
Model theoretic and topos theoretic view of difference algebra and applications to dynamicsTomasic, Dr IQueen Mary University of LondonSch of Mathematical Sciences 473,594
Model theory of analytic functionsMantova, Dr VUniversity of LeedsPure Mathematics 875,396
Model Theory, Diophantine Geometry and CombinatoricsEleftheriou, Dr PUniversity of LeedsPure Mathematics 847,541
Modelling and understanding the structure of graphene oxide materials with machine-learning-driven simulationsDeringer, Dr VLUniversity of OxfordOxford Chemistry 278,386
Modern reformulation of Quantum Field TheoryGürdogan, Dr ÖUniversity of SouthamptonSch of Physics and Astronomy 417,560
Modular approach to structurally diverse four-membered (spiro)cycles using highly strained precursorsAggarwal, Professor VKUniversity of BristolChemistry 581,589
Modular symbols and applicationsDiamantis, Professor NUniversity of NottinghamSch of Mathematical Sciences 331,558
Moduli of Elliptic Curves and Classical Diophantine ProblemsSiksek, Professor SUniversity of WarwickMathematics 386,239
Moduli spaces attached to singular surfaces and representation theorySzendroi, Professor BUniversity of OxfordMathematical Institute 518,956
Molecular Mechanics of EnzymesVollmer, Professor FUniversity of ExeterPhysics and Astronomy 2,086,999
Monoidal bicategories, linear logic and operadsGambino, Dr NUniversity of LeedsPure Mathematics 395,817
Monoidal bicategories, linear logic and operadsFiore, Professor MPUniversity of CambridgeComputer Science and Technology 105,894
Monolithic On-chip Integration of Electronics & Photonics Using III-nitrides for TelecomsMartin, Professor RWUniversity of StrathclydePhysics 259,684
Monolithic On-chip Integration of Electronics & Photonics Using III-nitrides for TelecomsWang, Professor TUniversity of SheffieldElectronic and Electrical Engineering 607,797
Monolithic On-chip Integration of Electronics & Photonics Using III-nitrides for TelecomsKesaria, Dr MCardiff UniversitySchool of Physics and Astronomy 437,465
Multi-dimensional electron spectroscopy with photonsVerlet, Professor JRRDurham, University ofChemistry 627,993
Multidisciplinary Research Equipment Investment: Coherence Scanning Interferometer (CSI) and Vector Network Analyser (VNA)Turner, Dr T SUniversity of HuddersfieldResearch and Enterprise 150,000
Multi-disciplinary Use Cases for Convergent new Approaches to AI explainabilityD'Onofrio, Professor MUniversity of LiverpoolPhysics 300,019
Multi-inlet comprehensive gas chromatography and high resolution mass spectrometryLangley, Professor GJUniversity of SouthamptonSch of Chemistry 856,023
Multilevel Intrusive UQ MethodsPowell, Professor CEUniversity of Manchester, TheMathematics 176,465
Multi-level Reinforcement Learning for flow controlElsheikh, Dr AHHeriot-Watt UniversitySch of Energy, Geosci, Infrast & Society 202,415
Multi-objective optimal design of experimentsGilmour, Professor SKings College LondonMathematics 814,578
Multiphase Multicomponent Lattice Boltzmann Method for Modelling Wetting on Liquid Infused SurfacesKusumaatmaja, Professor HDurham, University ofPhysics 1,151,142
Multiplexed Quantum Integrated CircuitsSmith, Professor CGUniversity of CambridgePhysics 940,489
Multi-resolution Molecular Dynamics Algorithms for Computational BiologyErban, Professor RUniversity of OxfordMathematical Institute 202,436
Multiscale Simulation of Rarefied Gas Flow for Engineering DesignLockerby, Professor DAUniversity of WarwickSch of Engineering 434,009
Multiscale Simulation of Rarefied Gas Flow for Engineering DesignWhite, Dr CUniversity of GlasgowSchool of Engineering 268,898
Multiscale Simulation of Rarefied Gas Flow for Engineering DesignBorg, Dr M KUniversity of EdinburghSch of Engineering 449,193
Multi-User X-ray Diffraction (XRD) Core EquipmentMeenan, Professor BJUniversity of UlsterSchool of Engineering 100,000
Nanoelectromechanics in van der Waals heterostructuresMishchenko, Dr AUniversity of Manchester, ThePhysics and Astronomy 1,207,767
Nanoengineered microneedle arrays for enhanced delivery of long-acting HIV medicinesDonnelly, Professor RQueen's University of BelfastSch of Pharmacy 1,095,411
Nanomechanical Testing in Controlled Environments and in the TEM (Nano-TCT)Derby, Professor BUniversity of Manchester, TheMaterials 911,357
NanoPrime: Maximising Equipment and Expertise Sharing in NanoscienceKhlobystov, Professor AUniversity of NottinghamSch of Chemistry 202,437
Nanoscale photophysics at defects and interfaces in organic semiconductorsCollins, Dr SMUniversity of LeedsChemical and Process Engineering 413,360
NAQUAS: Non-equilibrium dynamics in Atomic systems for QUAntum Simulation.Hadzibabic, Professor ZUniversity of CambridgePhysics 214,589
National Research Facility for Lab X-ray CTWithers, Professor PUniversity of Manchester, TheMaterials 10,097,652
NDE, DEsign and Engineering Critical Assessments (NDECA): Bridging the gapsLarrosa, Dr NUniversity of BristolMechanical Engineering 283,717
Near-equilibrium thermalised quantum lightOulton, Professor RFMImperial College LondonPhysics 767,529
Near-Field Optical Spectroscopy Centre at Sheffield, NOSCTartakovskii, Professor AUniversity of SheffieldPhysics and Astronomy 1,656,502
NetClamp: conducting neural network rhythms with mathematicsTabak, Dr JUniversity of ExeterInstitute of Biomed & Clinical Science 201,337
New architectures for topological superconductorsMoeller, Dr GUniversity of KentSch of Physical Sciences 202,409
New bounds towards Fourier coefficients of Siegel modular formsSaha, Dr AQueen Mary University of LondonSch of Mathematical Sciences 80,624
New catalysis for the utilisation of recalcitrant polysaccharidesHutchings, Professor GCardiff UniversityChemistry 202,074
New challenges in robust statistical learningCannings, Dr T IUniversity of EdinburghSch of Mathematics 266,366
New developments in non-reversible Markov chain Monte CarloSherlock, Dr CLancaster UniversityMathematics and Statistics 333,391
New Dimensions in Probability on GroupsGeorgakopoulos, Dr AUniversity of WarwickMathematics 193,518
NEW DIRECTIONS IN FLOW ELECTROSYNTHESISWirth, Professor TCardiff UniversityChemistry 468,778
New Directions in Molecular Scattering: Multiple Pathways and ProductsMcKendrick, Professor KGHeriot-Watt UniversitySch of Engineering and Physical Science 5,880,172
New Frontiers in Parameterizing Away from TrivialityMaadapuzhi Sridharan, Dr RUniversity of WarwickComputer Science 264,598
New geometry from string dualitiesWaldram, Professor DImperial College LondonPhysics 202,507
New limit properties for infinite measure preserving systemsTerhesiu, Dr DLeiden UniversityMathematics & Natural Sciences 139,982
NEW STRATEGIES FOR CONTROLLING CRYSTALLIZATIONMeldrum, Professor FUniversity of LeedsSch of Chemistry 1,408,821
New techniques for old problems in number theoryChow, Dr SUniversity of WarwickMathematics 201,403
Next Generation of Algorithms for Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP)Ordyniak, Dr SUniversity of LeedsSch of Computing 215,869
N-heterocyclic carbenes on metal surfaces - towards applications in corrosion inhibition and catalysisBaddeley, Professor CUniversity of St AndrewsChemistry 499,753
Nitridic and Carbidic Interstitial Pd Nanoparticles for Directed CatalysisWells, Dr PUniversity of SouthamptonSch of Chemistry 1,258,044
Noncommutative statistical mechanics: probability at the confluenceBlitvic, Dr NLancaster UniversityMathematics and Statistics 201,866
Non-ergodic dynamics and topological-sector fluctuations in layered high-temperature superconductorsFaulkner, Dr MFUniversity of BristolPhysics 293,118
Nonlinear geometric inverse problemsPaternain, Professor GUniversity of CambridgePure Maths and Mathematical Statistics 325,635
Nonlinear geometric inverse problemsOksanen, Dr LUCLMathematics 124,802
Nonlocal Hydrodynamic Models of Interacting AgentsZatorska, Dr EImperial College LondonMathematics 1,003,793
Non-Oberbeck-Boussinesq Effects in the Ultimate State of Rapidly Rotating Rayleigh-Benard ConvectionHorn, Dr SCoventry UniversityCtr for Fluid and Complex Systems 235,863
Northern Intensive Computing EnvironmentBain, Professor CDDurham, University ofVice Chancellor's Office 3,156,277
Northern Power: Making Engineering and Physical Sciences Research a Domain for All in the North of EnglandBain, Professor CDDurham, University ofVice Chancellor's Office 591,463
Novel computational routes to materials discoveryBartok-Partay, Dr LLUniversity of WarwickChemistry 686,288
Novel Multiferroic Perovskites through Systematic DesignSenn, Dr MSUniversity of WarwickChemistry 387,427
Novel non-equilibrium states of matter in periodically driven spin systems: from time crystals to integrated thermal machinesGarrahan, Professor JPUniversity of NottinghamSch of Physics & Astronomy 1,065,119
Novel Non-linear Optical-Fibre Sources for Time-resolved Molecular Dynamics: Towards the Next Generation of Ultrafast SpectroscopyTownsend, Professor DHeriot-Watt UniversitySch of Engineering and Physical Science 588,864
Novel Phenomena in Steklov Type ProblemsLevitin, Professor MUniversity of ReadingMathematics and Statistics 73,601
Novel Phenomena in Steklov Type ProblemsGalkowski, Dr JUCLMathematics 528,439
Novel polymers of intrinsic microporosity for heterogeneous base-catalysed reactions (HBC-PIMs)Carta, Dr MSwansea UniversityCollege of Science 280,530
Novel superior materials based on aperiodic tilingsGrimm, Professor UGOpen UniversityFaculty of Sci, Tech, Eng & Maths (STEM) 201,914
Novel techniques for stochastic modelling of time-dependent multivariate relationships with application to primary visual cortexOnken, Dr AUniversity of EdinburghSch of Informatics 294,447
NPIF EPSRC Doctoral - Aston University 2017Green, Professor SOAston UniversityCollege of Engineering and Physical Sci 105,998
NPIF EPSRC Doctoral - Brunel University London 2017Zhao, Professor HBrunel University LondonMechanical and Aerospace Engineering 406,980
NPIF EPSRC Doctoral - Cardiff University 2017Rouse, Dr ACardiff UniversityChemistry 602,319
NPIF EPSRC Doctoral - Cranfield University 2017Thompson, Dr CCranfield UniversityAdministration 512,500
NPIF EPSRC Doctoral - Durham University 2017Brigham, Professor JCDurham, University ofEarth Sciences 389,012
NPIF EPSRC Doctoral - Heriot-Watt University 2017Pender, Professor GHeriot-Watt UniversitySch of Energy, Geosci, Infrast & Society 830,494
NPIF EPSRC Doctoral - Imperial College London 2017Jennings, Professor NImperial College LondonResearch Office 5,271,575
NPIF EPSRC Doctoral - Kings College London 2017Razavi, Professor RKings College LondonImaging & Biomedical Engineering 635,988
NPIF EPSRC Doctoral - Lancaster University 2017Heathwaite, Professor ALancaster UniversityVice-Chancellor's Office 903,073
NPIF EPSRC Doctoral - Loughborough University 2017North, Dr KALoughborough UniversityResearch Student Office 1,132,626
NPIF EPSRC Doctoral - Newcastle University 2017Stead, Professor SMNewcastle UniversitySch of Natural & Environmental Sciences 1,130,998
NPIF EPSRC Doctoral - Queen Mary University of London 2017Wang, Professor WQueen Mary University of LondonSch of Electronic Eng & Computer Science 512,500
NPIF EPSRC Doctoral - Queens University of Belfast 2017Kelly, Mr MQueen's University of BelfastResearch and Enterprise 529,990
NPIF EPSRC Doctoral - Royal Holloway Univ of London 2017Cid, Professor CRoyal Holloway, Univ of LondonInformation Security 211,996
NPIF EPSRC Doctoral - Swansea University 2017Griffiths, Professor HRSwansea UniversityCollege of Science 778,025
NPIF EPSRC Doctoral - The University of Manchester 2017Heath, Professor SLUniversity of Manchester, TheEarth Atmospheric and Env Sciences 2,123,419
NPIF EPSRC Doctoral - University College London 2017Price, Professor DUCLOffice of Vice Provost Research 4,187,448
NPIF EPSRC Doctoral - University of Aberdeen 2017Masthoff, Professor JUniversity of AberdeenComputing Science 105,998
NPIF EPSRC Doctoral - University of Bath 2017Knight, Professor JUniversity of BathVice Chancellor's Office 1,254,486
NPIF EPSRC Doctoral - University of Birmingham 2017Bowen, Professor PUniversity of BirminghamMetallurgy and Materials 1,538,813
NPIF EPSRC Doctoral - University of Brighton 2017Gass, Dr I AUniversity of BrightonSch of Computing, Engineering & Maths 105,998
NPIF EPSRC Doctoral - University of Bristol 2017Taylor, Professor PCUniversity of BristolElectrical and Electronic Engineering 2,989,131
NPIF EPSRC Doctoral - University of Cambridge 2017Longbottom, Dr D AUniversity of CambridgePhysical Sciences 3,411,543
NPIF EPSRC Doctoral - University of Dundee 2017Rowan, Professor JSUniversity of DundeeSchool of Life Sciences 115,600
NPIF EPSRC Doctoral - University of Edinburgh 2017Maciocia, Professor AUniversity of EdinburghSch of Mathematics 1,768,118
NPIF EPSRC Doctoral - University of Exeter 2017Gow, Professor NUniversity of ExeterBiosciences 636,613
NPIF EPSRC Doctoral - University of Glasgow 2017Bowering, Dr NUniversity of GlasgowResearch and Enterprise 1,025,000
NPIF EPSRC Doctoral - University of Huddersfield 2017Turner, Dr T SUniversity of HuddersfieldResearch and Enterprise 105,998
NPIF EPSRC Doctoral - University of Leeds 2017Neave, Ms CFUniversity of LeedsSch of Languages, Cultures and Societies 1,558,740
NPIF EPSRC Doctoral - University of Leicester 2017Gill, Dr SPAUniversity of LeicesterEngineering 211,996
NPIF EPSRC Doctoral - University of Liverpool 2017van der Hoek, Professor WUniversity of LiverpoolMech, Materials & Aerospace Engineering 1,007,510
NPIF EPSRC Doctoral - University of Nottingham 2017Tuck, Professor CJUniversity of NottinghamResearch and Innovation (Admin) 1,554,990
NPIF EPSRC Doctoral - University of Oxford 2017Vallins-Hooper, Mrs AUniversity of OxfordEngineering Science 3,830,787
NPIF EPSRC Doctoral - University of Plymouth 2017Smith, Dr ADUniversity of PlymouthSch of Psychology 88,508
NPIF EPSRC Doctoral - University of Reading 2017Lloyd, Mr JDUniversity of ReadingFinance Office 108,253
NPIF EPSRC Doctoral - University of Sheffield 2017Petley, Professor DUniversity of SheffieldGeography 2,411,765
NPIF EPSRC Doctoral - University of Southampton 2017Howls, Professor CJUniversity of SouthamptonResearch and Innovation Services 2,260,650
NPIF EPSRC Doctoral - University of St Andrews 2017Mackenzie, Dr MLUniversity of St AndrewsOffice of the Principal 529,990
NPIF EPSRC Doctoral - University of Strathclyde 2017Kerr, Professor WJUniversity of StrathclydeResearch and Knowledge Exchange Services 830,494
NPIF EPSRC Doctoral - University of Surrey 2017Allam, Professor JUniversity of SurreyVision Speech and Signal Proc CVSSP 635,988
NPIF EPSRC Doctoral - University of Warwick 2017Thomas, Professor PAUniversity of WarwickPhysics 2,138,508
NPIF EPSRC Doctoral - University of York 2017Fulton, Professor BUniversity of YorkPhysics 857,829
Nucleophilic Alkaline Earth Boryls: From Conception and Theory to ApplicationHill, Professor MSUniversity of BathChemistry 1,277,229
Object Detection, Location and Identification at Radio Frequencies in the Near FieldLedger, Dr PDKeele UniversityFaculty of Natural Sciences 430,151
Object Detection, Location and Identification at Radio Frequencies in the Near FieldLionheart, Professor WRBUniversity of Manchester, TheMathematics 162,191
Object Illusion in Complex Electromagnetic Wave Environments (OBLICUE)Gradoni, Dr GUniversity of NottinghamFaculty of Engineering 202,296
Operator Algebras of Product SystemsKakariadis, Dr ENewcastle UniversitySch of Maths, Statistics and Physics 25,179
Optical Clock Arrays for Quantum MetrologyJones, Professor MPADurham, University ofPhysics 1,012,413
Optimal fuel blends for ammonia fuelled thermal propulsion systemsPaykani, Dr AUniversity of HertfordshireSchool of Engineering and Technology 204,705
Optimal Impartial MechanismsFischer, Dr FQueen Mary University of LondonSch of Mathematical Sciences 192,474
Oscillating Photostationary States for Molecular Cargo TransportCollins, Dr BUniversity of BristolChemistry 201,845
Overcoming the curse of dimensionality in dynamic programming by tensor decompositionsDolgov, Dr SUniversity of BathMathematical Sciences 202,431
P-adic L-functions and explicit reciprocity lawsLoeffler, Professor DUniversity of WarwickMathematics 327,737
Parallel-screening equipment for advanced catalyst testing and process intensificationHutchings, Professor GCardiff UniversityChemistry 874,075
Partial recovery of missing responses - a toolbox for efficient design and analysis when data may be missing not at randomMitra, Dr RCardiff UniversitySch of Mathematics 281,269
Partially fluorinated alkyl motifs for pharmaceuticals and agrochemicals researchO'Hagan, Professor DUniversity of St AndrewsChemistry 424,425
Path Integral Quantum Spin DynamicsBarker, Dr JUniversity of LeedsPhysics and Astronomy 291,085
Patterns recognition inside shear bands: tailoring microstructure against localisationBorodin, Dr IUniversity of Manchester, TheMechanical Aerospace and Civil Eng 282,347
PDEs and dynamical systemsRobinson, Professor JCUniversity of WarwickMathematics 13,737
PEPR - A centre for Pulse Electron Paramagnetic Resonance spectroscopy at Imperial CollegeRoessler, Dr MMImperial College LondonChemistry 2,288,049
Peptide-mimetic hydrogels as a long-acting multipurpose drug delivery platform for combined contraception and HIV preventionLaverty, Dr GQueen's University of BelfastSch of Pharmacy 766,542
Permutation groups, totally disconnected locally compact groups, and the local isomorphism relation.Smith, Dr S MUniversity of LincolnSchool of Maths and Physics 442,084
Peta-5: A National Facility for Petascale Data Intensive Computation and AnalyticsAlexander, Professor PUniversity of CambridgePhysics 5,000,214
Phase-insensitive amplifier for quantum measurementsMartynov, Dr DUniversity of BirminghamSchool of Physics and Astronomy 202,544
Photocatalysis in coordination cages using supramolecular arrays of chromophoresWard, Professor MDUniversity of WarwickChemistry 473,930
Photoelectron interferometry as a structural and dynamical probeMinns, Dr RSUniversity of SouthamptonSch of Chemistry 310,055
Photoelectron interferometry as a structural and dynamical probeReid, Professor K. L.University of NottinghamSch of Chemistry 391,613
Physics of Life - Noise, Information and Evolution in Protein BindingMcLeish, Professor TUniversity of YorkPhysics 1,212,195
Physics of Life Network+ (PoLNet3)McLeish, Professor TUniversity of YorkPhysics 353,251
Plasma Physics HEC ConsortiumArber, Professor TUniversity of WarwickPhysics 227,262
Plasmon-enhanced light emission from hybrid nanowires: towards electrically driven nanowire lasersYang, Dr SUniversity of LeicesterChemistry 437,661
Plasmon-enhanced light emission from hybrid nanowires: towards electrically driven nanowire lasersTaylor, Professor RAUniversity of OxfordOxford Physics 463,960
Positivity problems at the boundary between combinatorics and analysisSokal, Professor AUCLMathematics 836,383
Practical Analysis of Parallel and Networked Queueing SystemsCiucu, Dr FUniversity of WarwickComputer Science 491,205
Practical Submodular Optimisation Beyond the Standard Greedy AlgorithmWard, Dr J DQueen Mary University of LondonSch of Mathematical Sciences 121,643
Precision experiments with AntihydrogenBertsche, Dr WAUniversity of Manchester, ThePhysics and Astronomy 1,519,339
Precision Experiments with AntihydrogenCharlton, Professor MSwansea UniversityCollege of Science 3,512,406
Prevention and Management of Road Surface DamageThom, Dr NHUniversity of NottinghamFaculty of Engineering 385,493
Prevention and Management of Road Surface DamageRahman, Professor MAston UniversityCollege of Engineering and Physical Sci 471,201
Probabilistic and Topological methods in Real Algebraic Geometry and Computational ComplexityNatarajan, Mr AUniversity of WarwickMathematics 299,943
Problems of Unlikely Intersections: The Zilber-Pink Conjecture for Shimura varietiesDaw, Dr C MUniversity of ReadingMathematics and Statistics 117,566
Production of Positronium atoms, ions, and moleculesCassidy, Professor DUCLPhysics and Astronomy 853,721
Programmable Microwave Hardware Based on Liquid Wires (PROGRAMMABLE)Kelly, Dr JQueen Mary University of LondonSch of Electronic Eng & Computer Science 425,970
Programmable Microwave Hardware Based on Liquid Wires (PROGRAMMABLE)Wang, Dr YUniversity of BirminghamElectronic, Electrical and Computer Eng 446,111
Programming DNA topology: from folding DNA minicircles to revealing the spatial organization of bacterial genomesNoy, Dr AUniversity of YorkPhysics 612,742
Promoting Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in University Spinout Companies - A case for ActionKing, Professor LOxford Brookes UniversityFaculty of Health and Life Sciences 299,018
Properties of extremal and random hypergraphsMycroft, Dr RUniversity of BirminghamSchool of Mathematics 239,662
PT symmetric field theorySarkar, Professor SKings College LondonPhysics 477,769
Pushing Heterogeneous Catalysis into Biological Chemistry via Cofactor RegenerationWang, Dr XLancaster UniversityEngineering 202,298
Putting Low Coordination into Practice by the Exploration of Metal-sigma-Interactions: Fundamentals, New Catalysts and Catalysis for New MaterialsWeller, Professor AUniversity of YorkChemistry 508,066
QALF hyperkähler metricsFoscolo, Dr LUCLMathematics 202,146
QMUL EPSRC Core Equipment BidWang, Professor WQueen Mary University of LondonResearch Support Services 125,000
Quantifying the Dynamic Response in Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs): A Platform for Tuning Chemical Space in Porous MaterialsFletcher, Professor AJUniversity of StrathclydeChemical and Process Engineering 423,306
Quantifying the Dynamic Response in Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs): A Platform for Tuning Chemical Space in Porous MaterialsDuren, Professor TUniversity of BathChemical Engineering 381,279
Quantifying the Dynamic Response in Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs): A Platform for Tuning Chemical Space in Porous MaterialsBrammer, Professor LUniversity of SheffieldChemistry 501,245
Quantitative arithmetic geometryLoughran, Dr DTUniversity of BathMathematical Sciences 49,870
Quantitative Estimates In Spectral Theory and Their ComplexityBen-Artzi, Dr JCardiff UniversitySch of Mathematics 977,978
Quantitative estimates of discretisation and modelling errors in variational data assimilation for incompressible flowsBurman, Professor ENUCLMathematics 499,489
Quantitative reduction theory and Diophantine geometryOrr, Dr MUniversity of WarwickMathematics 113,509
Quantitative tools for upscaling the micro-geometry of resonant mediaCherednichenko, Dr KUniversity of BathMathematical Sciences 314,865
Quantum Dynamics in Correlated Spin SystemsGiblin, Professor SCardiff UniversitySchool of Physics and Astronomy 488,055
Quantum Dynamics in Correlated Spin SystemsBramwell, Professor SUCLLondon Centre for Nanotechnology 133,473
Quantum entanglement in attosecond ionisationMintert, Dr FImperial College LondonPhysics 515,109
Quantum groups in actionVoigt, Dr CUniversity of GlasgowSchool of Mathematics & Statistics 263,286
Quantum groups in actionDaws, Dr MUniversity of Central LancashireSch of Physical Sciences and Computing 51,885
Quantum information science: tools and applications for fundamental physics (Ext.)Oppenheim, Professor JUCLPhysics and Astronomy 623,081
Quantum integrability from set theoretic Yang-Baxter & reflection equationsDoikou, Professor AHeriot-Watt UniversityS of Mathematical and Computer Sciences 428,321
Quantum light spectroscopy of complex quantum systemsDatta, Dr AUniversity of WarwickPhysics 202,392
Quantum nonlinear optics with 2D materialsKyriienko, Dr OUniversity of ExeterPhysics and Astronomy 344,176
Quantum optics using Rydberg polaritonsAdams, Professor CSDurham, University ofPhysics 667,023
Quantum phenomena in high-intensity laser-matter interactionsIlderton, Dr AUniversity of PlymouthSch of Computing, Electronics & Maths 362,147
Quantum vortex reconnections in trapped Bose-Einstein condensatesBarenghi, Professor CFNewcastle UniversitySch of Maths, Statistics and Physics 374,496
Quantum Zealous Fully Probabilistic Framework for Anticipating and Controlling Quantum Systems, (QuaCoq)Herzallah, Dr RAston UniversityCollege of Engineering and Physical Sci 202,161
Quantum-Enhanced Molecular PiezoresistivityVezzoli, Dr AUniversity of LiverpoolChemistry 387,114
Quasicrystals: how and why do they form?Rucklidge, Professor AUniversity of LeedsApplied Mathematics 49,502
Quasicrystals: how and why do they form?Archer, Professor AJLoughborough UniversityMathematical Sciences 293,504
Queen Mary University of London - Equipment AccountSpence, Professor WJQueen Mary University of LondonUnlisted 628,002
Queen's University Belfast Core Equipment Call 2019Price, Professor MQueen's University of BelfastThe Vice Chancellors Office 150,000
Query EvaluationChen, Dr HBirkbeck CollegeComputer Science and Information Systems 475,688
QUERY: Integrated quantum and electron microscopy for nanoscale imaging and sensingMather, Professor MLUniversity of NottinghamFaculty of Engineering 202,357
Radical-Bridged Lanthanide Molecular NanomagnetsLayfield, Professor RAUniversity of SussexSch of Life Sciences 453,636
Ramsey theory: an extremal perspectiveLo, Dr SAUniversity of BirminghamSchool of Mathematics 313,513
Random environments, stochastic equations, and randomized algorithmsFehrman, Dr B JUniversity of OxfordMathematical Institute 853,552
Random fragmentation-coalescence processes out of equilibriumKyprianou, Professor AEUniversity of BathMathematical Sciences 444,670
Random graph structures and their scaling limitsGoldschmidt, Professor CAUniversity of OxfordStatistics 1,062,939
Random Hessians and Jacobians: theory and applicationsFyodorov, Professor YKings College LondonMathematics 824,648
Random Periodicity in Dynamics with UncertaintyZhao, Professor HDurham, University ofMathematical Sciences 817,931
Random trees: analysis and applicationsMailler, Dr CDUniversity of BathMathematical Sciences 281,510
Random Walks and Quantum Spin SystemsToth, Professor BUniversity of BristolMathematics 662,565
Random walks in dynamic random environmentsKious, Dr DUniversity of BathMathematical Sciences 293,009
Rank functions on triangulated categories, homotopy theory and representations of finite groupsLazarev, Professor ALancaster UniversityMathematics and Statistics 380,778
Rank functions on triangulated categories, homotopy theory and representations of finite groupsChuang, Professor JCity, University of LondonSch of Engineering and Mathematical Sci 393,339
Rational design of photoactive molecules using "black box" quantum dynamics simulationsO'Reilly, Professor RKUniversity of BirminghamSchool of Chemistry 96,327
Rational design of photoactive molecules using "black box" quantum dynamics simulationsWorth, Professor GAUCLChemistry 392,509
Rational design of photoactive molecules using "black box" quantum dynamics simulationsHabershon, Professor SUniversity of WarwickChemistry 511,707
Reactive Scattering Dynamics at the Gas-Liquid Interface: Bridging the Gap between the Gas-Phase and SolutionGlowacki, Dr DUniversity of BristolChemistry 290,841
REcoVER: Learning algorithms for REsilient and VErsatile RobotsCully, Dr AImperial College LondonComputing 285,285
REDEEM-electrocat: Rethinking Electrode Design - Emergent Electronic and Magnetic effects in electrocatalysisTeobaldi, Dr GSTFC Laboratories (Grouped)Scientific Computing Department 8,353
Redox Switchable Photonic Materials Based on Organoimido-Polyoxometalate/Cyclodextrin Host-Guest ComplexesFielden, Dr JUniversity of East AngliaChemistry 349,186
Redox-reversible artificial metalloenzymesDuhme-Klair, Professor AUniversity of YorkChemistry 734,440
Regularity in affiliated von Neumann algebras and applications to partial differential equationsRuzhansky, Professor MQueen Mary University of LondonSch of Mathematical Sciences 307,764
Reimagining RecruitmentKnight, Professor JUniversity of BathVice Chancellor's Office 533,152
Representation theory over local ringsKessar, Professor RCity, University of LondonSch of Engineering and Mathematical Sci 390,543
Representation theory of modular Lie algebras and superalgebrasGoodwin, Dr SMUniversity of BirminghamSchool of Mathematics 333,226
Representation theory over local ringsEaton, Dr CUniversity of Manchester, TheMathematics 369,031
Research Computing and ImagingLeng, Dr JMUniversity of LeedsSch of Computing 947,055
Research Data Facility As A ServiceParsons, Professor MUniversity of EdinburghEdinburgh Parallel Computing Centre 297,116
Resilient Path Coordination in Connected Vehicle SystemsProrok, Dr AUniversity of CambridgeComputer Science and Technology 236,186
Resurgence and parametric asymptotics: exact results at all scalesVarela Aniceto, Dr IUniversity of SouthamptonSch of Mathematical Sciences 426,226
Reverse mathematics of general topologyShafer, Dr PUniversity of LeedsPure Mathematics 353,599
Ricci flow of manifolds with singularities at infinityTopping, Professor PUniversity of WarwickMathematics 362,678
Right Noetherian and coherent monoidsGould, Professor VUniversity of YorkMathematics 385,461
Right Noetherian and coherent monoidsRuskuc, Professor NUniversity of St AndrewsMathematics and Statistics 377,533
rISC - the game of strategic molecular design for high efficiency OLEDsSkabara, Professor PJUniversity of GlasgowSchool of Chemistry 453,303
rISC - the game of strategic molecular design for high efficiency OLEDsMonkman, Professor ADurham, University ofPhysics 476,577
rISC - the game of strategic molecular design for high efficiency OLEDsPenfold, Dr TJNewcastle UniversitySch of Natural & Environmental Sciences 351,373
RoboPatient - Robot assisted learning of constrained haptic information gainde Lusignan, Professor SUniversity of OxfordPrimary Care Health Sciences 211,170
RoboPatient - Robot assisted learning of constrained haptic information gainNanayakkara, Dr TImperial College LondonDesign Engineering (Dyson School) 1,076,801
RoboPatient - Robot assisted learning of constrained haptic information gainIida, Professor FUniversity of CambridgeEngineering 388,632
Room-Temperature Superconductivity in Hydrogen Cage CompoundsFriedemann, Dr SUniversity of BristolPhysics 202,307
Rosalind Franklin Institute Correlated Imaging Phase 3Kirkland, Professor AIThe Rosalind Franklin InstituteResearch 2,875,000
Rosalind Franklin Institute Correlated Imaging Pump PrimingKirkland, Professor AUniversity of OxfordMaterials 7,835,735
SAI: Social Explainable Artificial IntelligenceAletras, Dr NUniversity of SheffieldComputer Science 293,078
Sampling in Hereditary ClassesMuller, Dr HUniversity of LeedsSch of Computing 507,341
Sampling in Hereditary ClassesJerrum, Professor MQueen Mary University of LondonSch of Mathematical Sciences 78,309
Scaling limits and extreme values of Gibbs measuresWu, Dr WUniversity of WarwickStatistics 196,660
Scrambling of Quantum Information in Many-Body SystemsMasanes, Dr LUCLPhysics and Astronomy 809,237
SCREAM: Synthesizing and Controlling Resonant Electric and Magnetic near fields using piezoelectric micro-resonatorsCoimbatore Balram, Dr KUniversity of BristolElectrical and Electronic Engineering 202,218
Scrolling, Braiding and Branching in Fibrous Soft MaterialsSteed, Professor JWDurham, University ofChemistry 408,332
Self-limiting Growth Mechanisms for Stable Monolayer Films of Non-van-der-Waals OxidesHofmann, Professor SUniversity of CambridgeEngineering 202,154
Self-organized light in multicore optical fibers: a route to scalable high-power lasers and all-optical signal processingGuasoni, Dr MUniversity of SouthamptonOptoelectronics Research Centre (ORC) 668,181
Selmer groups, arithmetic statistics, and parity conjectures.Morgan, Dr A JUniversity of GlasgowSchool of Mathematics & Statistics 281,351
Sensing Dense Particulate MaterialsGower, Dr ALUniversity of SheffieldMechanical Engineering 232,927
Separating Invariants of QuiversElmer, Dr JPMiddlesex UniversityFaculty of Science & Technology 23,760
Serious Coding: A Game Approach To Security For The New Code-CitizensBaillie, Professor LHeriot-Watt UniversityS of Mathematical and Computer Sciences 998,239
Sharp Fourier Restriction TheoryOliveira e Silva, Dr DUniversity of BirminghamSchool of Mathematics 246,055
Shining Light on Metalloprotein Mechanism: Single Protein Crystal Catalytic Studies Driven by 'Caged' Electron SourcesAsh, Dr PAUniversity of LeicesterChemistry 186,373
Simple-mindedness in triangulated categoriesPauksztello, Dr DLancaster UniversityMathematics and Statistics 344,093
Singularities and mixing in Euler flowsHadzic, Dr MUCLMathematics 957,306
Smart Environments Research FacilityLettice, Professor FUniversity of East AngliaComputing Sciences 99,665
Soft chemical control to achieve new layered architectures and strongly correlated states.Clarke, Professor SJUniversity of OxfordOxford Chemistry 556,382
Software for experimentally driven macromolecular modellingDegiacomi, Dr MDurham, University ofChemistry 687,453
Solving Parity Games in Theory and PracticeJurdzinski, Dr MUniversity of WarwickComputer Science 347,959
Solving the sampling problem in molecular simulations by Sequential Monte CarloEssex, Professor JWUniversity of SouthamptonSch of Chemistry 201,568
Space-time meta-surfaces for light wavesSapienza, Dr RImperial College LondonPhysics 201,994
Spatiotemporal statistical machine learning (ST-SML): theory, methods, and applicationsFlaxman, Dr SImperial College LondonMathematics 1,373,776
SpectroMicroscopy and Spin at the Single Chemical Bond LimitMoriarty, Professor PJUniversity of NottinghamSch of Physics & Astronomy 1,127,563
Spin Inspired RepresentationsStepney, Professor SUniversity of YorkComputer Science 507,656
Spin-Orbit Coupling-Driven Superconducting SpintronicsBanerjee, Dr NLoughborough UniversityPhysics 186,384
Spin-resolved electronic structure imaging and microscopyKing, Professor PDUniversity of St AndrewsPhysics and Astronomy 1,420,124
Spiroclip Technology: from Catalogue to Spirocycle in One StepUnsworth, Dr WPUniversity of YorkChemistry 367,413
Spontaneous Induction and Amplification of Macroscopic Homochirality in Isotropic Liquid and Liquid CrystalsZeng, Dr XUniversity of SheffieldMaterials Science and Engineering 397,529
Stabilisation of exact coherent structures in fluid turbulenceLucas, Dr DKeele UniversityFaculty of Natural Sciences 208,587
Stable and unstable almost-periodic problemsParnovski, Professor LUCLMathematics 520,541
Stable hypersurfaces with prescribed mean curvatureBellettini, Dr CUCLMathematics 287,098
Statistical theory of controlled quantum dynamicsGuta, Dr MIUniversity of NottinghamSch of Mathematical Sciences 353,208
Steering Colloids via Two-Dimensional Diffusiophoresis Using Crossed Gradients in Salt ConcentrationsKeddie, Professor JLUniversity of SurreyPhysics 202,132
STEM EqualsMacGregor, Professor SJUniversity of StrathclydeCivil and Environmental Engineering 538,568
STEMM CHANGE - Uncovering Barriers to Inclusivity and Transforming Institutional CultureKingman, Professor SUniversity of NottinghamFaculty of Engineering 523,661
Stochastic fluctuations during mammary development and breast cancer morphogenesisSalbreux, Dr GThe Francis Crick InstituteResearch 1,517,920
Stochastic interacting systems: connections, fluctuations and applicationsBalazs, Dr MUniversity of BristolMathematics 343,969
Stochastic wave modelling for inhomogeneous sea-statesStuhlmeier, Dr RUniversity of PlymouthSch of Eng, Comp and Math (SECaM) 166,508
Strain-Tuning of Emergent states of MatterWahl, Professor PUniversity of St AndrewsPhysics and Astronomy 736,908
Strategic Support Package: Engineering of Active Materials by Multiscale/Multiphysics Computational MechanicsPearce, Professor CUniversity of GlasgowSchool of Engineering 1,078,484
Strategy Logics for the Verification of Security ProtocolsBelardinelli, Dr FImperial College LondonComputing 8,996
Structural dynamics and photoinduced electron transferVlcek, Professor AQueen Mary University of LondonSch of Biological and Chemical Sciences 649,756
Structural Dynamics in LOV Domain Photosensor ProteinsMeech, Professor SUniversity of East AngliaChemistry 352,953
Structure vs Randomness in Algorithms and ComputationSanthanam, Professor RUniversity of OxfordComputer Science 201,326
Structures and universalities around the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equationZygouras, Professor NUniversity of WarwickStatistics 902,765
Studies in Computing to enable research and teaching on Electronic Literature and Digital CultureFülöp, Dr ELancaster UniversityLanguages and Cultures 119,839
Sulfoxides as substrate activators: New cross-couplings for making materials and medicinesProcter, Professor DJUniversity of Manchester, TheChemistry 730,401
Sumsets in sets of positive densityRobertson, Dr DUniversity of Manchester, TheMathematics 20,248
Superconductivity and Competing Orders in High Tc CupratesCarrington, Professor AUniversity of BristolPhysics 1,035,976
Superfluid 3He Far from EquilibriumZmeev, Dr DLancaster UniversityPhysics 1,152,057
Supersymmetric Gauge Theory and Enumerative GeometryBullimore, Dr MDurham, University ofMathematical Sciences 737,550
Supporting World-Class Labs at the University of ManchesterFlavell, Professor WRUniversity of Manchester, TheThe Research Office 600,000
Surface Engineered Nanocrystals: EPR Radical Detection of PhotoactivityRichards, Dr ECardiff UniversityChemistry 304,043
Surrey Multi-User Transmission Electron Microscope with X-ray Analysis and TomographySampson, Professor DDUniversity of SurreyVice Provost (Research & Innovation) 662,000
Sustainability and EDI (Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion) in the R ProjectTurner, Dr HLUniversity of WarwickStatistics 776,695
Sustainable Production of ACrylic acId from reNewable waste GlycerolD'Agostino, Dr CUniversity of Manchester, TheChem Eng and Analytical Science 620,319
Swansea University - Capital Award for Core EquipmentWilks, Professor SSwansea UniversityCollege of Engineering 125,000
Switching On and Powering Molecular Machines: Ultrafast Dynamics of PhotoswitchesMeech, Professor SUniversity of East AngliaChemistry 362,388
Symmetries and correspondences: intra-disciplinary developments and applicationsFesenko, Professor IUniversity of NottinghamSch of Mathematical Sciences 2,331,858
Symmetries of 4-manifoldsPowell, Dr MDurham, University ofMathematical Sciences 201,860
Synthesis and Structure Elucidation of Natural ProductsAggarwal, Professor VKUniversity of BristolChemistry 1,526,094
Systoles and eigenvalues in non-positive curvatureFortier Bourque, Mr MUniversity of GlasgowSchool of Mathematics & Statistics 249,020
Targeting Molecular Magnetic Hysteresis at Liquid Nitrogen TemperaturesMills, Dr DPUniversity of Manchester, TheChemistry 437,939
Taut foliations, representations, and the computational complexity of knot genusYazdi, Dr MUniversity of OxfordMathematical Institute 294,553
Tensor and wreath products of symmetric groupsBowman-Scargill, Dr C DUniversity of YorkMathematics 945,577
TERASWITCH - Towards low dissipation THz-induced switching of magnetic materialsOstler, Dr TASheffield Hallam UniversityCollege of Business, Technology & Eng 228,352
TGA/FTIR as a Core Equipment for Delivering Research on Energy System Compound StabilityStephenson, Professor TCranfield UniversitySchool of Water, Energy and Environment 99,903
The Alan Turing Institute 20/21 - 21/22Smith, Professor Sir AThe Alan Turing InstituteResearch 6,000,000
The Birch--Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture: beyond dimension 1Loeffler, Professor DUniversity of WarwickMathematics 101,034
The Birch--Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture: beyond dimension 1Zerbes, Professor SUCLMathematics 100,851
The British Liquid Crystal Society Annual Training Workshops (2019-21)Chakrabarti, Dr DUniversity of BirminghamSchool of Chemistry 61,808
The Combinatorics of Mirror SymmetryKasprzyk, Dr AMUniversity of NottinghamSch of Mathematical Sciences 550,902
The Complexity of Promise Constraint SatisfactionKrokhin, Professor ADurham, University ofComputer Science 441,210
The Cosmological Bootstrap: a New Approach to the Primordial UniversePajer, Dr EUniversity of CambridgeApplied Maths and Theoretical Physics 201,935
The emergence of universal behaviour for growth models, stochastic PDEs and random operators.Cannizzaro, Dr GUniversity of WarwickStatistics 353,129
The Homological Minimal Model Programme (Extension)Wemyss, Professor MUniversity of GlasgowSchool of Mathematics & Statistics 555,364
The Leeds EPSRC Nanoscience and Nanoequipment User FacilityBrown, Dr APUniversity of LeedsChemical and Process Engineering 201,946
The Materials and Molecular Modelling HubWoodley, Professor SMUCLPhysics and Astronomy 4,510,208
The Mathematics of Deep LearningBudd, Professor CUniversity of BathMathematical Sciences 3,357,501
The Mechanisms of Fatigue of Viscoeleastic Multilayer Paint Systems on WoodYoung, Professor CUniversity of GlasgowSchool of Culture & Creative Arts 285,011
The next level of SAT solving for very hard problemsKullmann, Dr OSwansea UniversityCollege of Science 839,938
The Physics of Antimicrobial ResistanceHobbs, Professor JUniversity of SheffieldPhysics and Astronomy 2,158,027
The physics of plasmonic gain in low-dimensional electronic systemsCunningham, Professor JUniversity of LeedsElectronic and Electrical Engineering 527,764
The Princess and the Pea: Mathematical Design of Neutral Inclusions and their FabricationParnell, Professor WUniversity of Manchester, TheMathematics 74,011
The Third International Workshop on Formal Methods in Artificial IntelligenceBelardinelli, Dr FImperial College LondonComputing 5,238
The UK High-Field Solid-State NMR National Research FacilityAshbrook, Professor SEMUniversity of St AndrewsChemistry 30,069
The UK High-Field Solid-State NMR National Research FacilityGriffin, Dr JLancaster UniversityChemistry 22,420
The UK High-Field Solid-State NMR National Research FacilityWilliamson, Dr PTFUniversity of SouthamptonSch of Biological Sciences 51,797
The UK High-Field Solid-State NMR National Research FacilityBlanc, Dr FUniversity of LiverpoolChemistry 23,982
The UK High-Field Solid-State NMR National Research FacilityBrown, Professor SPUniversity of WarwickPhysics 2,431,378
The UK High-Field Solid-State NMR National Research FacilityTitman, Dr JUniversity of NottinghamSch of Chemistry 43,315
TheBlinQCMintert, Dr FImperial College LondonPhysics 211,685
Theoretical foundations of inference in the presence of large numbers of nuisance parametersBattey, Dr HImperial College LondonMathematics 792,229
Theoretical Foundations of Modern Parallel and Distributed AlgorithmsCzumaj, Professor AUniversity of WarwickComputer Science 552,577
Thin film x-ray diffractionBrown, Professor CTAUniversity of St AndrewsOffice of the Principal 225,000
Tier 2 Hub in Materials and Molecular ModellingWoodley, Professor SMUCLPhysics and Astronomy 4,000,000
Tiger in a Cage: Detecting Single Photons at low GHz Frequencies without Refrigerators, Vacuum Chambers or MagnetsOxborrow, Dr MImperial College LondonMaterials 202,255
Time-resolved dissociative electron attachmentVerlet, Professor JRRDurham, University ofChemistry 372,428
Tomographic Imaging: UK Collaborative Computational ProjectsWithers, Professor PUniversity of Manchester, TheMaterials 296,693
Topological defects in multicomponent Ginzburg-Landau theorySpeight, Professor JMUniversity of LeedsPure Mathematics 291,436
Topological mesoscopic superfluidity of 3HeSaunders, Professor JRoyal Holloway, Univ of LondonPhysics 1,406,300
Topological SpintronicsLiu, Dr WRoyal Holloway, Univ of LondonElectronic Engineering 402,842
Toric vector bundles: Stability, Cohomology, and Applications.Hering, Dr MUniversity of EdinburghSch of Mathematics 939,180
Towards a legally-compliant Internet of ThingsSingh, Dr JUniversity of CambridgeComputer Science and Technology 952,129
Towards a physical theory of computer science.Chu, Dr DUniversity of KentSch of Computing 49,181
Towards a revolution in optical communicationsReed, Professor GTUniversity of SouthamptonOptoelectronics Research Centre (ORC) 1,055,484
Towards precision experiments with antihydrogenWelsch, Professor CPUniversity of LiverpoolPhysics 667,269
Towards Precision Experiments with AntihydrogenBertsche, Dr WAUniversity of Manchester, ThePhysics and Astronomy 923,361
Towards Precision Experiments with AntihydrogenCharlton, Professor MSwansea UniversityCollege of Science 2,233,562
Towards quantum control of topological phases in mesoscopic superconductorsConnolly, Dr MRImperial College LondonPhysics 458,988
Tracer-free, non-intrusive, time- and space-resolved temperature and scalar measurementsBowen, Professor PCardiff UniversitySch of Engineering 272,835
Tracer-free, non-intrusive, time- and space-resolved temperature and scalar measurementsWilliams, Dr BAOUniversity of OxfordEngineering Science 459,789
Tracer-free, non-intrusive, time- and space-resolved temperature and scalar measurementsHochgreb, Professor SUniversity of CambridgeEngineering 393,525
TRANSCRIPTION AND NUCLEAR PHASE TRANSITIONSHebenstreit, Dr DUniversity of WarwickSchool of Life Sciences 1,747,030
Transfer operators and emergent dynamics in hyperbolic systemsBahsoun, Dr WLoughborough UniversityMathematical Sciences 390,414
Transient tomography for defect detectionLesnic, Professor DUniversity of LeedsApplied Mathematics 75,994
Tuneable Excitonic Integrated CircuitsRusso, Professor SUniversity of ExeterPhysics and Astronomy 202,448
Turing AI Fellowship: Rigorous time-complexity analysis of co-evolutionary algorithmsLehre, Dr PUniversity of BirminghamSchool of Computer Science 1,241,935
Turing AI Fellowships Phase 1Smith, Professor Sir AThe Alan Turing InstituteGrants Administration 7,388,760
Typed Lambda-Calculi with Sharing and UnsharingHeijltjes, Dr W BUniversity of BathComputer Science 325,415
UK Atomic, Molecular and Optical physics R-matrix consortium (UK AMOR)Tennyson, Professor JUCLPhysics and Astronomy 368,071
UKRI Trustworthy Autonomous Systems Node in TrustHastie, Professor HFHeriot-Watt UniversityS of Mathematical and Computer Sciences 3,056,751
UKRI Trustworthy Autonomous Systems Node in VerifiabilityMousavi, Professor MUniversity of LeicesterComputer Science 2,923,653
Ultrafast helicity-dependent all-optical switching in hybrid magnetic nanomaterialsHicken, Professor RUniversity of ExeterPhysics and Astronomy 202,345
Ultra-fast interfacial charge transfer probed using a core-hole clock implementation of resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS)O'Shea, Dr JNUniversity of NottinghamSch of Physics & Astronomy 20,978
Ultrafast Laser Spectroscopy with Photons from the IR to the VUVFielding, Professor HUCLChemistry 1,249,134
Ultrafast Optoelectronic Nanoscopy of Biological and Optoelectronic SystemsBakulin, Dr AImperial College LondonChemistry 192,114
Ultrafast Photochemical Dynamics in Complex EnvironmentsOrr-Ewing, Professor AUniversity of BristolChemistry 8,055,186
Ultrafast spin dynamics in molecular magnetsJohansson, Dr JOUniversity of EdinburghSch of Chemistry 257,664
Ultra-fast, ultra-small and ultra-dilute: an integrated understanding of conjugated polymers in solution across spatial and temporal scalesPenedo, Dr CUniversity of St AndrewsPhysics and Astronomy 498,250
Ultra-fast, ultra-small and ultra-dilute: an integrated understanding of conjugated polymers in solution across temporal and spatial scalesSkabara, Professor PJUniversity of GlasgowSchool of Chemistry 324,425
Ultra-Stable High-Performance Single NanolasersWang, Professor TUniversity of SheffieldElectronic and Electrical Engineering 432,870
Unconventional superconductors: new paradigms for new materialsQuintanilla, Dr JUniversity of KentSch of Physical Sciences 338,397
Under the skin of polishing - from nano to macroWalker, Professor DDUniversity of HuddersfieldSch of Computing and Engineering 522,021
Under the skin of polishing - from nano to macroChen, Professor XLiverpool John Moores UniversitySchool of Engineering 286,788
Under the skin of polishing - from nano to macroBingham, Professor PASheffield Hallam UniversityFaculty of Arts Computing Eng and Sci 32,564
Under the skin of polishing - from nano to macromason, Dr l sSTFC Laboratories (Grouped)The Hartree Centre 141,589
Underpinning Mechanistic Studies of NHC-Organocatalysis: A Breslow Intermediate Reactivity ScaleSmith, Professor ADUniversity of St AndrewsChemistry 398,308
Underpinning Mechanistic Studies of NHC-Organocatalysis: A Breslow Intermediate Reactivity ScaleO'Donoghue, Professor ACDurham, University ofChemistry 435,967
Understanding barriers to clinical adoption of total ankle replacement in the treatment of ankle osteoarthritis to develop future interventionsBrockett, Dr CLUniversity of LeedsMechanical Engineering 75,219
Understanding Neural Networks through DynamicsDawes, Professor JUniversity of BathMathematical Sciences 199,416
Understanding Quantum Non-Equilibrium Matter: Many-Body Localisation versus Glasses, Theory and ExperimentGarrahan, Professor JPUniversity of NottinghamSch of Physics & Astronomy 485,196
Understanding Quantum Non-Equilibrium Matter: Many-Body Localisation versus Glasses, Theory and ExperimentSchneider, Dr UUniversity of CambridgePhysics 722,545
Unitary representations of reductive p-adic groups: an algorithmCiubotaru, Professor DUniversity of OxfordMathematical Institute 202,261
University College London - Equipment AccountPrice, Professor DUCLOffice of Vice Provost Research 13,513,499
University of Bristol - Equipment AccountTaylor, Professor PCUniversity of BristolFinance Office 10,408,120
University of Cambridge - Equipment AccountHedges, Dr P AUniversity of CambridgeResearch Services Division 7,566,454
University of Exeter - Core Capital 2019Gow, Professor NUniversity of ExeterBiosciences 269,363
University of Nottingham - Core Equipment AwardCorner, Professor JUniversity of NottinghamResearch and Innovation 375,000
University of Nottingham - Equipment AccountCorner, Professor JUniversity of NottinghamResearch and Innovation (Admin) 15,523,196
University of Oxford - Equipment AccountGrant, Professor PUniversity of OxfordOxford Physics 22,172,075
University of Southampton - Equipment AccountSpearing, Professor SMUniversity of SouthamptonSch of Chemistry 8,139,099
University of Warwick - Equipment AccountThomas, Professor PAUniversity of WarwickChemistry 7,677,409
Unmute: Opening Spoken Language Interaction to the Currently UnheardBell, Dr PJUniversity of EdinburghCentre for Speech Technology Research 970,668
Un-particle superconductivity in low-dimensional materialsHussey, Professor NUniversity of BristolPhysics 670,491
Un-particle superconductivity in low-dimensional materialsGruening, Dr MQueen's University of BelfastSch of Mathematics and Physics 603,652
Unravelling anomalous mass and heat transport in miscible liquidsCardona, Dr JUniversity of StrathclydeChemical and Process Engineering 201,104
Unravelling interfacial dynamics at the plasma-liquid boundaryHasan, Dr MUniversity of LiverpoolElectrical Engineering and Electronics 226,283
Using catastrophes, dynamics & data analysis to uncover how differentiating cells make decisionsRand, Professor DAUniversity of WarwickMathematics 446,283
Utilising a Naturally Occurring Drag Reduction MethodGriffiths, Dr PCoventry UniversityCtr for Flow Measure & Fluid Mechanics 224,644
Vafa-Witten invariants of projective surfacesThomas, Professor RImperial College LondonMathematics 707,021
Variational structures, convergence to equilibrium and multiscale analysis for non-Markovian systemsDuong, Dr HUniversity of BirminghamSchool of Mathematics 282,382
VICAR: Volcanoes In Catalysis Avoided by Resonance.Beaumont, Dr SKDurham, University ofChemistry 201,706
Viscous fingering on soft substratesPihler-Puzovic, Dr DUniversity of Manchester, ThePhysics and Astronomy 237,970
VisNET: Virtual in situ networking to reinvent the rules of international collaborations and reduce gender differences in academic careersMorrison, Professor JUniversity of GlasgowSchool of Engineering 395,302
VLN - Methods and Experiments for NOvel Rotorcraft (MENtOR)Rezgui, Dr DUniversity of BristolAerospace Engineering 527,007
Voigt waves in bianisotropic materialsMackay, Dr TUniversity of EdinburghSch of Mathematics 20,360
Von Neumann techniques in C*-algebrasWhite, Professor SAUniversity of OxfordMathematical Institute 146,969
VSimulators: Human factors simulation for motion and serviceability in the built environmentDarby, Dr A PUniversity of BathArchitecture and Civil Engineering 1,594,880
Was that change real? Quantifying uncertainty for change pointsFearnhead, Professor PLancaster UniversityMathematics and Statistics 267,420
Was that change real? Quantifying uncertainty for change pointsFryzlewicz, Professor PZLondon School of Economics & Pol SciStatistics 323,942
Water wave metamaterials in the design of ocean wave energy convertersPorter, Dr RUniversity of BristolMathematics 201,639
Wave transport in low-density matter, Siegel theta functions, and homogeneous flowsMarklof, Professor JUniversity of BristolMathematics 639,743
What do membranes really look like? New approaches to 3D multiplexed imaging of the cell surfacevan de Linde, Dr SUniversity of StrathclydePhysics 201,980
Workshop "Twistor Theory and Beyond", 29 June - 1 July 2020, CambridgeMonteiro, Dr RQueen Mary University of LondonPhysics 5,323
Workshop on Operator Algebras: Subfactors, K-Theory and Conformal Field TheoryLechner, Dr GCardiff UniversitySch of Mathematics 18,585
Workshop on scaling limits: from statistical mechanics to manifoldsSousi, Dr PUniversity of CambridgePure Maths and Mathematical Statistics 19,417
York: Transforming Research-Oriented Software EngineeringHasnip, Dr PJUniversity of YorkPhysics 810,261

Total Number of Grants: 1,016
Total Value of Grants: £827,786,703

The grant value may include the cost of access to facilities (these funds are not awarded to the grant holding organisation).